Chapter 420

If she really knew that she was wrong, it would probably snow red that day, and what his father said, she always went in one ear and out the other.

"I don't ask you anything, and it's useless to ask you, anyway, you won't listen. But if you dare to step out of the Situ family during this period of time, then you will no longer be a member of the Situ family, and your name will Disappear from the family tree!"

Situ defaulted to the fact that he was not joking. He did what he said, and the fault was on his side. If so, he would have to pay a price.


Ji Ye helplessly raised her forehead, she really can't be blamed for this matter, the vampire who provoked the trouble was not her.

It's not that this matter can't be solved, he doesn't want to favor anyone, but he can't help but fall in An Xixuan's direction.

If Situ Linger hadn't said those words or done those things at the beginning of the game, then none of these things would have happened, and the students in Situ Linger's team were not kind, so they must have said a lot of nasty things.

The daughter-in-law of the head of the four major families is not so easy to be. If these vampires hadn't targeted her, she wouldn't have died, and she wouldn't have wanted to commit suicide!
The vampires in the Polar Night World are all pure-blooded vampires, and they will unconsciously compare and target the human-transformed vampires, thinking that they are superior to the human-transformed vampires.

Ji Ye didn't know who instilled this idea!

So this bowl of water is not fair to him. If Xie Ming knows An Xizheng's current situation, he will definitely bring An Xixuan back to Hell Mountain, but Luo Xiao will definitely not agree...


A voice interrupted his thoughts, and his noble and cold purple eyes raised, "What's the matter?"

Dean Jin touched the sweat on his forehead, didn't he ask the question knowingly?What else can I ask you for? Is it possible that I still want to invite you to drink tea in this situation?
Dean Jin didn't dare to say these words, he just said them in his heart.

"My lord, how should we solve this matter? I'm afraid you need to come forward to this matter, otherwise those parents and students will not let it go!"

"Yeah!" Ji Ye nodded, he had to show up even if he didn't.

"Dean Jin, give me the list of the students who were killed, and the list of their parents, and then I will give them enough compensation."

Vampires themselves are not old, and children can regenerate after death, although the death of their own children will take some time to buffer.It is very cost-effective to get a large compensation.

"My lord, I have communicated with those parents about this proposal, but they don't agree with it!"

"It's up to them to disagree with this matter!"

Dean Jin: "..."

It's really domineering and powerful, but that's good, things will be resolved better.This matter will always fade with time, and now we must appease the anger of these vampires.

Later, when Dean Jin and Ji Ye came to the Skills Academy, they saw such a situation.

Those vampire parents were talking and laughing together, it didn't look like they lost their children at all, and some of them were indeed crying sadly, should I have such an exaggerated crying expression?

While the vampires and students in the basic class were in PK or playing and entertaining, Ji Ye frowned, wondering why they kept clamoring to punish An Xixuan.

Dean Jin was also very puzzled, could it be that he was tired after making trouble for too long, so they all calmed down?
(End of this chapter)

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