Chapter 427

Ji Ye's words made them all bow their heads in shame. They have nothing to do if their skill level can't be raised, unless they can give them enough blood and actual combat experience. Skill level upgrades are a daily thing, and every minute counts.

"If I say that An Xixuan is not allowed to be punished, do you want to unite more vampires to resist me?"

this problem……

However, Ji Ye didn't give them a chance to think about it, but asked them to answer directly, a cold light flashed in the purple eyes, and the vampire who yelled the loudest just now came to Ji Ye instantly.

"Your voice was so loud just now that I almost wanted to kill you, but I will give you a chance to survive!"

Ji Ye smiled, but in the eyes of that vampire, such a smile was simply the existence of a demon.Luo Xiao and An Xixuan looked at each other, not understanding what Ji Ye was going to do.

"Answer what I just asked? If I not only don't punish An Xixuan but also give her the right to life and death, will you all join forces to fight against me, the lord?"

"Why?" The vampire met Shang Jiye's gaze without hesitation. Although he was terrified in his heart, he cared more about An Xixuan's question, and he refused to accept it!

Yu Wenfeng raised his brows, this kid is really brave, he dared to speak against Ji Ye, not bad, not bad, he is a genius.

In Ji Ye's heart, he suddenly admired the kid in front of him, and it took courage to dare to ask this question in front of him.If those kneeling vampires were pulled out casually, they would not dare to say these three words.

"Why do you say?"

"I...Anyway, An Xixuan must be punished, otherwise I will not be willing to die. She is a chosen girl with noble status, and she has your protection. Naturally, her status is not simple."

Suddenly, the conversation changed: "But the prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. Otherwise, why are these punishments established? If she is not punished, will all vampires be able to fight and kill at will in the future, and it doesn't matter how many vampires die? "

Ji Ye nodded, this kid knows a lot, but what he doesn't understand is that he always feels that this kid is deliberately targeting An Xixuan.It was obvious that there was a vampire instigated behind it or that he had some trouble with An Xixuan. He glanced at An Xixuan indifferently, wondering who hated her so much!
"Yes, what Kongtong said is not wrong, no matter what An Xixiang is, he will be punished, otherwise what is the use of these punishments?"

As a result, the group of vampire students became restless again, and many of the vampire intermediate class students and elementary class students who came to watch also joined the group of basic class students, and there was nothing wrong with punishing them for making mistakes.

The students in the advanced class have the attitude of watching a play. The muddy water seems to be quite deep, so it's better for them not to wade in it.Moreover, there is a master king in this muddy water, only a fool would sink himself into it for things that have nothing to do with him.

Luo Xiao seemed to have noticed something, what did that vampire call that vampire just now?Empty boy?Kong's surname, could it be that this kid is Kong Yu's younger brother?

When I think about it, I seem to think of something, and I finally understand why he is so targeting An Xixuan.

"Kong Tong? Are you Kong Yu's younger brother or who?" Luo Xiao said, all eyes were on Kong Tong for a moment, and he hadn't seen Kong Yu for a long time.

 Thank you Kongjing sadnes for the cute monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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