Chapter 431

Ten minutes passed quickly, and when they went back, only the group of vampire students were left. As for the parents who were going to attack An Xixiang, they had already disappeared.

Ji Ye's figure quickly appeared in front of them, and An Xixuan and Luo Xiao also walked over. From Kong Tong's expression, it seemed that he would not give up.

Ji Ye glanced at them lightly and said, "You still insist on punishing An Xixuan?"

"Yes!" Kongtong said without hesitation. He didn't believe that An Xixiang had any special identity. If he had, it would be impossible for him to come back from the human world with them.

The fangs were slightly exposed, and the way he wanted to attack should not be too obvious, but did he dare to move?

"What about the back?"

"We also agree to implement the punishment. Since there is such a rule, we must use it. Otherwise, why create it!"

A lot of girl vampire students in the back also joined the ranks of punishing An Xixuan. Huh, An Xixuan is very proud recently, so it is good to punish her.

However, they don't know how wrong and stupid their decision is, and the vampire student who agreed to punish An Xixiang will suffer the same treatment soon!
A lot of vampires also began to join in. Half of the students in the basic class, half of the students in the elementary class, and one-third of the students in the intermediate class, added up to more than 1000 vampires.

The senior class looked on coldly, they felt that these blood-sucking Gus were still too young, otherwise they wouldn't have made such a decision.

I don't understand what they are fighting against the Lord King, and what qualifications do they have to block the Lord King's decision?So they are really stupid, not ordinary stupid!
Ji Ye looked at An Xixiang, "Are you sure you want to be punished, level one punishment..."

Ji Ye wanted to persuade her, but An Xixuan's eyes were so determined, she interrupted him: "I am sure to accept the punishment!"

In fact, as long as she says no or refuses, Ji Ye can protect her to the end, but why is this girl so stubborn?Gotta try this damn thing.

All the vampires formed a big circle, the ground suddenly shook, the white snow on the trees fell off, and Ji Ye's hands were glowing purple.

Then something broke through the ground and slowly rose up. It was a silver circular execution platform with a pillar in the middle, and the top of that pillar was the symbol of a vampire.

There is also a black whip wrapped in silver light in front of it. There are countless small bars in it, and the tail resembles an arrow.There are quite a few instruments of torture next to them. An Xixuan didn't expect that they would be so complete. She wanted to ask if these things move?

The atmosphere gradually calmed down, and An Xixuan's body gradually floated into the air, and in an instant, she reached the execution platform and was fixed on the pillar. Handcuffs appeared beside her, and her hands were bound.

Then both feet were also tied up with chains, and the waist was also tied up, and he was in a state of being unable to move the whole time!
Seeing An Xixuan like this, Luo Xiao really wanted to rush up and take her away, but when he wanted to move, he found that he couldn't move his whole body, so he could only stare blankly at the calm An Xixuan on the execution platform. .

All the vampires present couldn't move, "Ji Ye, do you really want to punish Xiao Xun?"

"Can you persuade her?"

Luo Xiao: "..."

Suddenly a well-packed man in black from head to toe appeared on the scaffold, representing preparations for execution.

(End of this chapter)

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