Chapter 434

Ji Ye frowned, and was about to stop it, but saw the whirlpool stop, and Mo Sang was lying peacefully on the ground, his face looked so serene.

It's just that a thick popsicle was stuck in her heart, passing through her chest...

At this moment, the air seemed to be frozen, An Xixuan looked at Mo Sang's body dully, and said hoarsely: "Mo Sang, Mo Sang, wake up..."

At this moment, the vampire in black said, "This is what happens when you interfere with execution, die!"

"Ding Ding Dang Dang..." An Xixuan struggled to break free from the handcuffs, but it was all in vain. There was pain in her heart, tears kept streaming down her face, and she murmured silently: Mo Sang, Mo Sang...

Although she and Mo Sang had known each other not long ago, they had experienced life and death together, and experienced many things, and now she died to save her!
The black-clothed vampire returned to the execution platform, and continued to pick up the whip for An Xixuan to execute. "Crack!" The whip hit the ground, and black smoke billowed from the ground. One can imagine how powerful the whip is.

"Clap clap clap!"

"Ah——" screaming up to the sky, An Xixuan was whipped three times, and some were involved on the face, leaving black marks.

Seeing this, Luo Xiao's face was terribly ferocious, and he broke through the restriction of Jiye forcefully, his ice-blue eyes flashed coldly, and he took a step forward, his chest ached in excruciating pain.

Then bright red blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, breaking through the restriction required a great price, on the surface he couldn't see anything, but the pain in his body was unbearable.

"Luo Xiao, you..." Ji Ye's brows were almost wrinkled into a single word, Luo Xiao was able to break through his restraint, presumably the internal injuries were quite serious.

Luo Xiao didn't pay attention to Ji Ye, what he had to do right now was to save his wife, seeing his wife being punished would be better than punishing himself, at least he wouldn't feel such pain in his heart.

Seeing that Luo Xiao was able to move, Kong Tong couldn't help looking at Ji Ye from the corner of his eye. He felt that Ji Ye had let Luo Xiao go on purpose. There is no such thing as fairness in this world!

Otherwise, why would the Lord let Luo Xiao go? !
Luo Xiao's storm skill was released, and there was blue lightning in it, which looked extremely cool and dazzling. Kongtong gritted his teeth when he saw this scene, but recalled that the vampire in black said that the end of interfering with law enforcement would be die!
If possible, he really hoped that the vampire in black would also kill Luo Xiao.

Situ Mo also quickly came to Luo Xiao's side, no matter what, they must save An Xixiang today, no matter what price they pay, they are thinking of the blood clan.

The black-clothed vampire glanced back, and was very disdainful of Luo Xiao's storm. This kid is indeed a bit powerful, but compared to him, he is a bit of a cunt.

An Xixuan's eyes were already blurred, and her whole body was in pain so much that she wanted to faint, but she couldn't. If she really closed her eyes, it would be really difficult for her to wake up in the future.

In a daze, he seemed to see the figure of Luo Xiaofei going out, his head was a little clearer than before, "Luo Xiao..."

At this moment, Luo Xiao was lying on the ground, his internal injuries were more serious than before. He didn't expect that with his eighth-level skill level, he would still be caught by the second. So what level is the law enforcement vampire's skill level?

However, Luo Xiao didn't understand what the black-clothed vampire was thinking: labor and capital had been underground for several years and hadn't breathed fresh air, how could they let you little bastards ruin it by finally coming out!

(End of this chapter)

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