Chapter 444

As for them, couldn't a thousand of them resist them?
In an instant, those vampire skills were instantly activated. Luo Xiao and Situ Mo looked at each other and nodded in tacit understanding.

They know that Dean Jin's skills are very high, but how can they not win until they can't win? !
Seeing the two of them, Dean Jin's eyes flickered with disdain, "Luo Xiao, if something happens to you, Situ Mo, you can't blame me."

Luo Xiao's skills erupted, the ice blade attacked quickly, a sudden pain came from his body, and his expression paused.He almost forgot that he was still injured, damn it!
When Dean Jin smiled, he knew it would be like this. The fiery red flames immediately attacked Luo Xiao. Seeing this, Situ Mo quickly attacked him and at the same time dodged to Luo Xiao's side, leading Luo Xiao away from the spot.

"Are you okay?"

Luo Xiao shook his head, "Fortunately, Mo, Dean Jin's main skill has always been fire skills, you use water skills to deal with him!"


But Xuanyuan Yu and the others have all kinds of skills, and they will be besieged by hundreds of vampires. Their skills are not strong, but adding them up makes the difference.

Tang Yunting's golden knife is basically a head harvesting knife, once the skill is used, there will be several more heads on the snow.

"Hey, Xuanyuan Yu, this is our first time fighting side by side!" He looked back at Xuanyuan Yu who was not far behind him.

As the saying goes, Bai Meisheng looks back and smiles, but this time he looks back and smiles and panics!

There was an attack coming towards Tang Yunting, Xuanyuan Yu went over with the wind blade, and directly shattered the attack, "How about we compare who kills more?"

Hearing this sentence, Yu Wenfeng felt inexplicably as if he had heard this sentence somewhere before, and frowned on his small face, suddenly remembering that Xuanyuan Yu and Situ Mo had also said this in the human world.

"Add me to this head game too, such an exciting game can't do without me..."

Before Yu Wenfeng could finish his sentence, he flew upside down. Seeing this, Xuanyuan Yu directly dismembered the vampire who attacked Yu Wenfeng.

Yu Wenfeng stood up quickly and continued to fight, while Xuanyuan Yu came to his side and asked with concern: "Are you okay just now?"

"It's okay, they only have three or four skills, and I'm already at level six, so it won't do much harm to them!"

Xuanyuan Yu nodded and didn't say anything more.

The entire skill academy was in chaos, and the vampires in the advanced class had no plans to come out to help. If they helped, Luo Xiao and the others would definitely lose, but luckily they didn't come out.

It seems that vampires are more selfish and cold-blooded than humans, but are they cold-blooded animals themselves?

Those teachers also came out to help, and they were surprised when they saw Dean Jin and Situ Mo Luoxiao fighting. At the same time, they didn't expect that Luo Xiao and Situ Mo's explosive abilities were so strong that they could rival Dean Jin.

It's just that Luo Xiao and the others still need to grow up after all, and it seems that the two of them are already in a weak position through fighting.

As soon as the teachers came out to help, the weakness of Luo Xiao and the others became more obvious. The ten hunter vampires had already been killed directly, so there were only a few of them left on the huge "battlefield".

Dean Jin's flame directly attacked Luo Xiao's face, Luo Xiao subconsciously protected him, and quickly retreated, the flame directly attacked him.

Situ Mo was dealing with a teacher who had just arrived, and he was shot flying in a short while!

(End of this chapter)

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