Chapter 449

The legs kept struggling, but An Xixuan didn't let go of his intentions. All of a sudden, all the vampire teachers heard a "poof", and then Dean Jin's body fell quickly.

It fell to the ground with a "bang", and all the vampire teachers couldn't help being shocked when they saw his empty chest. When they looked up, they saw an extra heart in An Xixiong's hand.

Luo Xiao threw away the heart in her hand, with a helpless expression, "You will get dirty if you hold your hand like this!"

After finishing speaking, she took her white shirt and gently wiped the remaining blood from her injury. An Xixuan stared at his gentle face, tears could not help but fall down.

From now on, she won't have the chance to see his gentle appearance, what a pity, what a pity...

"So what if it's dirty? He hurt your heart, no matter how dirty it is, I'm bound to destroy it!"

Hearing this, Luo Xiao stretched out his hand and pinched her nose, pampering her just like before.

Situ Mo and the others looked at each other, and immediately attacked those teachers, md, didn't you still abuse them with arrogance just now?Now I know how to be cowardly!

The flame in Situ Mo's hand was about to attack the teacher who had been beating him just now, and there was a sudden commotion from the gate of the Skills Academy. Not only that, it seemed that there were quite a few vampires.

Xuanyuan Yu and the others turned around to look together, and saw a group of vampires led by Situ Linger, and the vampires behind them shouted loudly: "Kill An Xixiang, our blood clan and the hunter clan are sworn to death!"

An Xixuan and Luo Xiao looked at each other, what's going on?What did that sentence just mean?

When Situ Ling'er came in and saw the messy appearance of the Technical Academy, she couldn't help but feel a little bit astonished. All the heads on the ground were the heads of those students?
Seeing An Xixiang standing side by side with Luo Xiao, she felt even more speechless. She originally thought that An Xixiang was just an ordinary human being, but she never thought that she was Xie Ming's daughter !
So she also belongs to the hunter family vampire.

And how did she know?It was very strange to say that she was also wondering who the masked man was?And how did he know that An Xixiang was Xie Ming's daughter?

"Who are you? Why are you following me? I don't remember that I offended Mr.?"

As soon as she came out of Situ's house, she had already noticed that someone was following her, but the skill level of the other party was very high, so high that she couldn't tell how many levels it was.

As soon as she stood still, a male vampire appeared behind her, with a black mask on his face, only two pairs of eyes were exposed.

Situ Ling'er turned around and saw him take a step back subconsciously, and asked politely and respectfully: "I don't know what's the matter, sir?"

"Do you hate An Xixuan very much or dislike her very much?"

Situ Ling'er didn't open her mouth, but wondered why he would ask such a question, but it was undeniable that she hated An Xixuan as well.

"I know a big secret about An Xixiang, and it is because of this secret that the lord will always protect her, and now I am giving you a chance to give An Xixiang a fatal blow, do you want it or not?"



I finally understood why the lord king tried his best to protect An Xixiang, not only that, but also Situ Mo and the others. It turns out that An Xixiang still has such an identity, which is really shocking!

(End of this chapter)

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