Chapter 452

"Then from that moment on, she no longer has the status of a so-called hunter vampire, but has become a member of our vampire!"

Ji Ye's tone carried a tone that none of them could refute. Could it be that he was really forced to use his skills?
"Master, the hunter clan and our blood clan will never become a family, never possible!" Situ Ling'er stood up, she would never let this matter be turned over by the lord lightly.

This is the best chance to get rid of An Xixiang!
When she finished speaking, Lockes and Luo's mother came again. They heard that someone had leaked An Xixiong's identity, so they hurried here in a hurry.

Xuanyuan Jingrong naturally couldn't be absent when faced with such a thing, and brought Eve to the stage.Afterwards, Situ Lantian and Yixue also appeared. Naturally, the heads of the four major families could not be absent for such a big event, and then Yuwen Ruihua and Hu Xue also arrived.

None of them thought that An Xixuan was actually Xie Ming's daughter. Presumably the Lord King and Lockes knew about it at the beginning, not only that, but their own son also knew about it!
The rest of the city lords also arrived one after another. It is rare to see all the bigwigs gathering together, so all the students who entered the classroom ran out. Such a spectacular and rare scene.

Naturally, An Xixuan will not be timid. It is good to know, so as not to worry about being told by other vampires in the future. Thinking of her own identity, An Xixuan remembered the dead Mo Sang. If she had the chance, she would definitely kill him. Killed that law enforcement ghost!
Among them, Luo Mingtian and Luo Mingzhong also came, and they just came to see this good show, and there were still many vampires rushing towards the skill academy.

There was a smile on the corner of Luo Mingtian's mouth, he wanted to see how Luo Xiao's family could stop this long talk.

"Second brother, is this your plan? It seems to have caused a sensation in the entire blood clan, but this will not do any good to our Luo family!" Luo Mingzhong frowned as he watched this scene.

It's not good to be too sensational. All the spearheads will not only be directed at Luo Xiao, but also at the Luo family.

Luo Mingtian shook his head and smiled, "Ming Zhong, why don't you understand my intentions? If it wasn't such a sensation, how could the position of Rocks and his family be shaken?"

Hearing this, Luo Mingzhong didn't say much, he knew all Luo Mingtian's movements, didn't he agree with him if he didn't stop him at that time?
First, he used Situ Ling'er to take the blame, but he was looking for other vampires to spread it slowly.

However, one can imagine what will happen to Situ Linger afterwards!

Luo Xiao protects An Xi behind him, even if it takes his life, he will protect her to the end.

An Xixuan patted him on the shoulder playfully, and said with a helpless smile: "Luo Xiao, you used to stand in front of me, this time I will stand in front of you, okay? Just once!"

Maybe this is the first time and it will be the last time, I'm afraid I won't have a chance in the future...

"What nonsense are you talking about? Shouldn't a husband protect his wife? No matter how powerful the enemy is, so what?"

Listening to their conversation, Ji Ye and the others silently ate a handful of rations, glanced at An Xi Xing's face from the corner of the eye, Ji Ye always felt that An Xi Xing's mood was not quite right.

Luo Xiaoming is still standing here well, but she always has reluctance in her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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