Chapter 455

Xuanyuan Jingrong stood up and said, from the corner of the eye, he saw Lockes' eyes that wanted to kill him, and his heart was full of pride.

"My lord, besides, the Luo family knew that An Xizheng was a hunter and still wanted her to join the Luo family. identity of!"

As soon as the words came out, apart from Lockes, Situ Lantian, Yuwen Ruihua and the city lords of the four cities all looked at Xuanyuan Jingrong with mentally retarded eyes. Is he mentally ill?Was it muddied by shit, or was it dazzled by power and interests?

Can't you see the obvious trend now?It was the lord who announced that An Xixuan joined the Luo family. They all came back from the human world. Could they not know An Xixuan's identity?

Otherwise, how could the lord give that silver ring to An Xixuan?

"Xuanyuan Jingrong, do you think that I should also be revoked as the lord king? Huh?"

Uh!Xuanyuan Jingrong swallowed his saliva, Ji Ye showed his attitude by saying this, and he also knew An Xixiang's identity early on, so he said...

"My lord, I didn't mean that..."

"Then what do you mean?" Ji Ye yelled angrily, his angry voice made the vampires who were still clamoring quiet down, they had never seen the king angry.

"If you still want to live a good life, shut up all of you, you are getting more and more presumptuous!"

Ji Ye's voice fell, and a large number of masked men in black suddenly appeared behind them, with red eyes exuding a trace of coldness.

Such a powerful aura can't help but make those vampires take a step back, this...

Ji Ye frowned, and it was too late to hide it. He looked back at the silent vampires at this moment, sometimes he really wanted to give up this position and roam freely in the world like Xie Ming.

It's just that he can't let it go, this is the only thing the previous master king gave him!

Xie Ming slowly descended from the sky, his charming and charming appearance remained the same as before, his eyes were as cold as Antarctic glaciers.

The snowflakes stayed on the black coat for a long time before it gradually melted, and he glanced at Ji Ye.

He was originally moving stones under the cliff of Hell Mountain, but suddenly there was a message that all the citizens of the blood clan wanted to kill his daughter!
Oops, his darlings are so reluctant to touch these ghosts, they dare to touch them, they simply don't want to live!
"I heard that you wanted to kill my daughter? Not only that, but also whipped my precious daughter?"

"Evil spirit..."

Ji Ye was about to speak, but Xie Ming interrupted him, "Ji Ye, why do I feel that you are getting worse and worse as a lord, and you can't handle such a trivial matter? And these blood vampires dare to disobey It's up to you, what's the use of staying, it's better to kill!"

"Isn't there a saying that goes like this? Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish!"

After Xie Ming's voice fell, Xie Ming's red eyes flashed, and the one-eyed vampire exploded instantly, dying beyond death.

Situ Ling'er next to her was sprayed with blood on her face and body because she was the closest to the one-eyed vampire.

The eyes slowly flickered with fear. Just now, the one-eyed vampire meant that he must kill An Xixuan and go away. Xie Ming knew it just now, so what will happen to her...

(End of this chapter)

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