Chapter 457

Situ Ling'er couldn't move her body, she looked at the thousands of arrows raining in front of her, her eyes filled with unparalleled fear, she saw Situ Lantian and Yixue, they loved her the most when they were young.

"Patriarch, Ling'er knows he's wrong, please save Ling'er, Ling'er will never dare again!"

Those eyes full of tears, that look like a child doing something wrong, if the elders saw it, they would feel pity, but Situ Lantian was expressionless.

Yixue couldn't bear to turn her head to the side, conniving that she didn't want to see such a scene, but the two men above were beyond their reach!

"Situ Linger, you have made such a big mistake, I have told you before, and you still made it knowingly.

As the head of the Situ family, I, Situ Lantian, hereby officially announce that Situ Linger will no longer be a vampire member of our Situ family from this moment on, and her name will completely disappear from the family tree of the Situ family.

Anything she does in the future has nothing to do with the Situ family! "

Situ Lantian's voice echoed throughout the Skills Academy. Many students were so shocked that they didn't recover. Situ Ling was expelled from the Situ family just like that?

Different words appeared on the faces of those vampires. As for Lockes, they didn't think there was anything else. As the head of the family, these are common things.

After Situ Ling'er heard these words, her heart was turned cold and her eyes were dull, so from now on she is no longer a member of the Situ family...

Her uncle stood among the crowd of vampires, shaking his head helplessly. At critical moments, it's better for him to protect himself wisely, but he can't intervene in things like this.

"Do you feel regretful now? But it's useless to regret, who told you to target my baby!"

Xie Ming smiled, except for his smile, no vampire had a smile on his face.

Damn, the enemy is showing off their power on their own territory, come and try it!The key is that you can't beat it!

The corner of Ji Ye's mouth twitched. He realized that Xie Ming was really not just a spoiled daughter. He had a baby on the left and a baby on the right. He couldn't figure out how much he loved An Xixuan.

With a wave of his hand, the rain of thousands of arrows hit Situ Ling'er directly, and Xie Ming's phoenix eyes narrowed, with some smiles in between.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa—— .

Some vampires were so frightened that they took several steps back. Xie Ming's methods were really too cruel, and under such circumstances, Situ Ling'er could not be completely killed.

With a "bang", the body fell to the ground, twitching extremely quickly, as if suffering from vitiligo.

And the vampire next to him retreated extremely quickly, it was really terrifying, half of Situ Linger's brain was gone, and she was still alive!

Both Luo Mingtian and Luo Mingzhong swallowed subconsciously, really scared and disgusted by Nima.

"Who is it next?"

Ji Ye took a quick look at him from the corner of his eye, this guy can't stop, can he?

"Xie Ming, enough is enough!"

Hearing this, Xie Ming turned back and smiled charmingly, that smile made Ji Ye stupefied for a moment, it was really abominable, the dignified leader of the hunter tribe actually betrayed his beauty.

"For your sake, I'll temporarily let go of these ignorant vampires, but..."

(End of this chapter)

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