Chapter 459

Ji Ye looked at him helplessly, "Old Tie, after all, I am also a superior person, can't I show some face?"
"I, Xie Ming, am not a vampire who kills innocent people indiscriminately, but I still want to tell you that no matter what mistakes or things my baby has made, you have to bear with me, otherwise it will not be like today. Easy!"

After a pause, Xie Ming suddenly touched his cheek, "Oh, my heart is still too kind!"

Extreme Night: "..."

And the cheeks of the group of black-clothed vampires who didn't make any movement twitched their cheeks synchronously, and they wanted to ask: Chief, won't your conscience hurt when you say this?
If you are kind, there probably won't be any bad people in the polar night world!
And those blood races roared in their hearts when they heard Xie Ming say this, if your heart was kind, would there still be a great war from a thousand years ago?

If you were kind, would we still hate you so much?
At home, Luo Xiao drank a lot of blood, but there was still no sign of waking up.

The injured parts in Luo Xiao's body are recovering rapidly, and those bloodthirsty factors have also regained their vitality, and all the wounds in the inner body are being repaired.

An Xixuan stood at the window and looked at the snow falling outside. She knew her father had already come, so she didn't go to the technical college.

Xuanyuan Yu walked into the room, glanced at Luo Xiao on the bed, and slowly approached An Xixuan.

"What are you thinking about so preoccupied?"

It wasn't until he made a sound that An Xixuan turned his head and glanced at him, his small face was full of worries, "Yu, if one day I am no longer me, do you think Luo Xiao will accept it?"

Xuanyuan Yu squinted her eyes and didn't quite understand what she meant. There is always only one unique An Xixuan in the world. How could it be possible to become who or who? !
Or is it because she became like this?But even if she becomes like this, she is still the same An Xixiang, and there is not much change.

"Xiao Xuan, can you tell me what's going on? And why did you become like this?"

"I..." An Xixuan paused, "Yu, promise me, don't tell anyone about this, including Luo Xiao, my father, I don't know what will happen in the future, but if I do something heinous Kill me directly, don't hesitate!"


It was night, Xuanyuan Yu was sitting on the balcony of his apartment, the snow was still drifting non-stop, the cigarette smoke in his hand was lingering, blurring his facial features, and the faint light reflected his lonely back.

Thinking of what An Xixuan said to him today, it feels like something is blocking her heart. It shouldn't be like this. I really hope that time can be turned back, back to the days when they never met in the human world!
In this way, none of these things will happen, and she is still the carefree her, living her life in a normal way.

——Xiao Xuan, do you regret it after meeting us?
——Hehe, why should you regret it?I think meeting you is destined, even if you didn't come to me, then I will come to you!
——However, I think it is very wrong for you to meet non-humans like us...

——Yu, I know what you want to express and I understand what you mean. From the moment I knew that I was the daughter of Xie Ming, some things were unavoidable!

Suddenly, the coldness on the back of his hand brought him back to his senses, and Xuanyuan Yu's red pupils flickered...

 Today is Christmas, I wish the little cuties a Merry Christmas, and wish the little cuties a happy and healthy family...

  The update has been interrupted for so many days, Huahua apologizes to the cuties! !

(End of this chapter)

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