Chapter 464

With an idea from Xie Ming, a set of tables and chairs appeared in front of him, but they were all made of ice, crystal clear and very beautiful.

"Honey, let's sit down and talk slowly!"

The vampire in black was also about to sit down, but Xie Ming gave him a look, his heart trembled very quickly, and he quickly stood up.

Mom, the leader's eyes look like he's about to freeze to death, no, it's like he's about to freeze to death!
"Do you really think he fell into the human world because of an injury? Naive, that guy was injured because of emotional matters, okay? The woman he loved has a crescent mark on her shoulder!"

"Could it be that woman betrayed him, or did he betray that woman?"

Speaking of the inexplicable sadness in Xie Ming's heart, things should not be like this, but human beings are ultimately afraid of their existence.

"None of them betrayed anyone, honey, you know the situation of me and your mommy, but I seem to be following the path of the previous king, they can't accept our identity, even if they give everything they have to us vampires The identity is still fearful.

No matter how good you are, no matter how much you love, no harm can replace that fear! "

An Xixuan was silent and did not speak, thinking about whether she was bolder, maybe her brain circuit was really clear, that's why she and Luo Xiao could get together.

"Missing it is our greatest regret!"

After the words fell, a picture appeared on the ice table, An Xixuan looked to be her mother, An Su.

An Su and her current husband were having dinner happily. Her slightly swollen belly made Xie Ming feel suffocated. It turned out that she found her own happiness so quickly and became pregnant with a child...

And he can't seem to find it anymore!

Seeing Xie Ming's slightly lonely expression from the corner of her eyes, An Xi couldn't help but feel distressed. She actually wanted to ask: Mom, can you really forget?Can you forget those unforgettable memories?
"Bang!" An Xixuan slapped the table and smashed all the pictures at the same time.

Xie Ming frowned, this baby girl seems to be a bit violent...

"Dad, actually..."

Want to say but don't want to.

Seeing her hesitant to speak, Xie Ming felt that his precious daughter would definitely say some heart-warming words, such as, Dad, don't be sad about you and me.

Or, Dad, I will always be by your side, I am your little padded jacket or something...

"Father, I don't mind if you find me a stepmother. Don't worry, she won't dare to bully me. If she dares to bully me, I can beat her to death with one punch!"

Xie Ming: "..."

He felt that the way he opened it must be wrong, where is the padded jacket that was agreed upon?
The vampire in black saw Xie Ming's expression of eating Xiang, and almost couldn't help but burst out laughing. There is probably no one but the eldest lady who can make the leader have such an expression!

"Baby, you can say that you are always by my side and never leave!"

Hearing this, An Xixuan rolled her eyes silently, "Dad, I was just your lover in the previous life, but I am not in this life. Are you a tease invited by a monkey?"

Xie Ming: "..."

Don't talk anymore, don't talk anymore, the more you talk, the more angry you get.

Standing up, Xie Ming quickly left the spot, An Xixuan quickly followed, the black-clothed vampire couldn't react a bit, and Xie Ming and An Xixuan were very fast, so there was only Leave him alone.

A lonely cold wind howled past...

The heart of the black-clothed vampire: Boss, miss, wait for me! !
 Thank you little cuties for the recommended tickets~ Can Huahua ask you for a monthly ticket or something?It doesn't matter if you don't~ I still love you guys~
(End of this chapter)

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