Chapter 467

The evil spirit quickly caught it in a flash, and when it landed on the ground, I saw a black-clothed vampire in the arms of the evil spirit. This vampire had a bit of an impression that it was the vampire standing at the door of the villa.

Suddenly, a gust of wind hit, and a cloud of black air floated down.

Xie Ming attacked with a red light in his hand, and the black air disappeared in an instant. Only a heavy sound was heard, and An Xixuan saw a man hanging directly on the stone wall.

An Xixuan finally understood what slapped you against the wall, and you couldn't get it off.

"Ahem!" In an instant, that black shadow had already arrived in front of them, and his voice was still so gay.

An Xixuan knew who this was, wasn't it the sissy with the mutated vampire?

He quickly tidied up his non-existent appearance, "Xie Ming, if you do this again, I'm going to turn against you. In front of beautiful women, you actually slapped me on the wall. I don't want to lose face!"

"Do you think you still have face? Then if my subordinate is directly knocked down by you, he doesn't want face?"


Well, he has a lot of adults, so he won't care about a childish ghost like Xie Ming, hmph, be careful if you make him angry, his big fist beats his chest.

Seeing his arrogant appearance, An Xixuan laughed out of shame.

"What are you laughing laughing……"

An finally looked at An Xixuan, but when she saw An Xixuan's appearance, her expression was dull, she...

"Do you still have the ability to change color? Why did you become like this?" He secretly wanted to get close to An Xixuan, but Xieming suddenly stood in front of him.

Frowning and looking at his dull expression in puzzlement, is there any problem with his daughter becoming like this?

He shook his head secretly, came back to his senses, and smiled alluringly: "I was wrong, but every time I see you, little darling, you can give me different surprises."

"Hey, pay attention to the way you call me, can you call me little baby?"

Xie Ming glared at him, the word "Baby" can only be his exclusive address, this shameless guy.

An Xixuan doesn't care about these titles. She hasn't seen this sissy since the last time, and there has never been any mutated vampire attack in the Five Blood Cities.

Now that he appeared again, does it prove that there will also be mutant vampires?

"Did you appear in the polar night world and bring mutant vampires to destroy it?"

"Hehe, what a straightforward little baby, I've heard about you too. The blood clans are all so hypocritical and want to kill you. Do you still want to help them?"

He secretly knew that An Xixiang's skills could kill those mutated vampires, and at the moment An Xixiang's skill level had completely surpassed him, it would be easier to kill those mutated vampires.

What matters is what she looks like at the moment...

She knew the kindness and resentment between the blood clan and her father, but the key is that her father didn't do it on purpose, it was something he couldn't control himself.

The faces of Situ Linger, Ya, and those vampires flashed in his mind, as well as the cries of those vampires, calling out their names to kill him... The red pupils flashed.

"I didn't think about saving them, those are all vampires who want me dead, but..."

An Xixuan's cold eyes fell on him, and when An Xiyuan realized it, An Xixuan's white hands had already grabbed his neck.

(End of this chapter)

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