Chapter 484

"I'm starting to wonder if the two of you are having an affair. Look at Situ Mo's serious and distressed expression. I don't even believe that he doesn't love you!"

Situ Mo's expression was a little fissured, his eyes flickered suddenly, and then he said loudly: "You know this is called brotherhood, but you don't know it at first glance. Haven't you heard of my playboy name? Labor and management are straight of!"

"I didn't say anything more, and I didn't say that you are crooked. What are you so excited about?"

Xie Ming's half-smile made Situ Mo really want to hit him, but he couldn't, couldn't...

After walking for a long time, they finally arrived at an empty place, but there was nothing but the crystal clear ice. Could it be that they were brought here just to see the ice?Although it is also pretty.

Luo Xiao felt that there must be some kind of mechanism inside, and he needed to open it to see those things.

Xie Ming walked up to a night pearl, stretched out his hand and twisted the night pearl, and then something similar to a fingerprint device in the human world appeared quickly, but this one seemed to be more high-tech.

Complete 3D technology, the refracted blue light automatically scans Xie Ming's face, and a loli voice comes out quickly: "Master, the scan has been completed for you, please select the warehouse you want to open!"

Then the 3D screen began to transform into five warehouses, all of which were written - blood!
Luo Xiao just wanted to ask, it's all the same blood warehouse, isn't it superfluous to do this?
"Open the fifth blood warehouse!"

As soon as Xie Ming's voice fell, the huge ice wall on the opposite side began to move, and the middle part opened to both sides, and there was a strong smell of blood. When the four of them saw the blood inside, they couldn't help being surprised. Wucao, this is too much to hide!

Yu Wenfeng walked in, and a large square glass jar was filled with red blood, as were the countless glass bottles on the shelves next to it.

"Uncle Xie Ming, how many years have you stored this blood?" Yu Wenfeng looked at Xie Ming, how long does it take to store so much blood, and it is such a big warehouse, not only that, there are four other warehouses!

"Seven, 800 years!"

Yu Wenfeng swallowed his saliva silently when he heard the words, seven or eight hundred years, fortunately this is an ice warehouse, otherwise he would really suspect that the blood would stink, what a waste it would be.

"You look like you have never seen the world. We hunters have so much blood. I'm afraid you bloods don't have so much blood stored!"

Indeed, the blood race does not store so much blood. Although the first weather is cold, there is no such a good natural warehouse as Hell Mountain. If the blood is left for too long, it will definitely not be fresh.

Xuanyuan Yu frowned slightly, "Uncle Xieming, then what do you mean by showing us this blood? You don't mean to let us drink it?"

"Who do you call me uncle, you will call me old, Yu Wenfeng is relatively young, I am naturally happy to call me uncle, but you are all adults, calling me uncle will call me old, I am so young and beautiful I don't want to lose face by calling you Uncle Cheng!"

Xie Ming croaked and pushed, completely ignoring their disgusted eyes and expressions.

"Also, I definitely didn't bring you in here for you to watch, drink, we'll start to compete when we're full!"

(End of this chapter)

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