Chapter 488

Mu Sa felt pain all over his body, glanced at Mei not far away, Mei stood indifferently, and didn't intend to bother him at all.

Mu Sa lay on the ground with his hands clenched into fists. If you don’t work hard, no one will look down on you. My sister also said that you can’t fall if you become strong. Even if you fall, you have to stand up and continue to fight until you break through. until!
His hands were quickly put on the ground, and when he stood up, the figure shook and then fell back, and the vampires couldn't help laughing when they saw it.

"Little devil, did you see it? It was just a mistake to let you succeed just now, and now you can't get up on the ground after taking my trick. Who gave you the courage to fight us?"

"That's right, if you're so weak, your parents are probably also weak, that's why you're on the side of the big devil. After a while, I'll take off the big devil's head and kick it as a ball."

Mu Sa clenched his teeth, and his figure quickly moved away. He didn't know who his parents were, but it didn't mean they could let them insult him freely.My sister is now his teacher who has become stronger, and she is even worse!
"My sister is so beautiful and cute and she doesn't kill. You actually say that she is a big devil. It's simply unforgivable. Besides, are you all blind?"

After speaking in one breath, his body felt a little uncomfortable, and he felt that his injury was healing quickly.

All the vampires: "..."

Mei leisurely smiled, this kid still has a lot of sense of humor, won't his conscience hurt if he said so many things against his will?
A ball of flames appeared in the palm of his hand very quickly. Mu Sa wanted to make it bigger, but the flames became smaller and smaller, and finally went out directly, directly out, out...

A few thick black lines slid down Mu Sa's face, can Brother Huo show some face?

Mei almost couldn't stand it anymore, just how bad this kid's skills are, and it seems that he hasn't used his skills for a long time.Although ice skills are used well, ice should be his main skill.

However, the vampires over there will not spend so much time with him, they are still busy making money, so if they can be resolved as soon as possible, they should be resolved as soon as possible!
The two vampires used different skills at the same time, and one burst out with a rare golden arrow skill, shining golden light.The other is an ordinary wind blade skill, but for Mu Sa, such attack power is still so powerful.

From the corner of the eye, Mu Sa glanced at Mei, who was so calm that she was about to eat melon seeds. Mu Sa felt inexplicably at ease, so she continued to use her ice skills. Some skills may have been rusted after not being used for too long!

Swallowing, Mu Sa rushed over without hesitation, those two attacks could be said to have killed him, Mei narrowed her eyes and a red light flashed past her eyes.

How stupid is this silly boy, to rush directly like this, and how much trust he has in her to do that.

From the corner of his eyes, she saw that she was really a big devil as they said, but this kid actually said that she was kind, how could he tell?
Did he ever think that if she was really indifferent, she would not make a move?

Mu Sa's figure passed through those two attacks unharmed, the red light on his body gradually faded, Mu Sa's face was filled with indescribable excitement, he knew it was absolutely no surprise that his sister was there!
And those vampires were stunned, what kind of skill is this?
(End of this chapter)

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