Chapter 490

Shaking her head secretly: "It's not necessarily but definitely, maybe only the king can come to stop her, and I feel that there seems to be a story between her and the king!"

"Fuck, I suddenly remembered when you said that, do you remember the photo you saw in the living room before, isn't that the female vampire in the photo?

I still remember that Wang took the photo back very nervously, and I suddenly had a very bold guess! "

"What guess?"

Ming and An are the most gossipy among them, and they must know a lot.

And guessing this kind of gossip is very accurate. For example, last time a rich businessman killed all the vampires in his family, including his wife and son, for some reason. In the end, Ming guessed that the rich businessman was playing the game of "evil-off". Of course At that time, there was no evidence, but later discovered by other vampires, all the reasons for the incident were really what Ming had guessed.

"Don't tell me that your guess is still the same as that rich businessman's version. Do you think Wang is the kind of man who will cheat? I would rather believe in the end of the world than believe that Wang will cheat!"

Zi said very firmly, they have been with Wang for many years, and there has never been any female vampire around Wang, who is dedicated to governing the endless world and developing the endless world, so how can such a man who does not touch women Might do something like this?
Ming silently rolled his eyes. He never used the same routine, but his intuition told him that there must be a story between Wang and the girl just now. I heard that the girl came from the polar night world...

"An, it's not wrong that the girl came from the polar night world, right? But why did the king let the mutant vampires attack the polar night world? What's the cause and effect?"

An An shrugged his shoulders. He usually doesn't think about such profound questions. What if he grows white hair?
"Since Wang entrusted me with this task, I will try my best to complete it. I don't know that it is because of such a reason. Besides, we really can't guess what Wang is thinking!"

Their king is a vampire who has lived for thousands of years. I don't know what powerful skills are in it, but it's just very powerful.Besides, that crystal ball can see everything they want to see, so they better not make wild guesses.

Back in the apartment, the sky outside was getting dusk. The Endless World didn't have snow all the time like the Polar Night World, but it was cloudy, a very comfortable weather, but they couldn't feel it either.

Mu Sa was sitting on the sofa, he really couldn't figure it out, why did he run again after his sister said not to run away?Is it really impossible to beat them?
"elder sister……"

Mu Sa wanted to say something, but Nai He Mei spoke first.

"Musa, who is that chubby paper you looked at today?"

Hearing this, Mu Sa lowered his head and kept intertwining his hands, looking a little nervous.

"Sister, I told you before that I wanted to be strong, right? I also said that I wandered alone for a long time, and was expelled from the academy in the end."

Mei squinted her eyes, she seemed to see something "fun" again.

"When I was in the academy, I was very talented in skills, otherwise my level would not be level five at this moment..."

(End of this chapter)

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