Chapter 496

"Sister Xiangshan, what are you doing here alone?" Xiao Ai looked at Lan Xiangshan strangely, her clothes were still the same as before, as if they had never been changed.

Xiao Ai glanced at her strangely, turned to the ice surface of the river, subconsciously twitched the corner of her mouth, so violence is really good?

The fish are floating up!

"Xiao Ai, I have decided that I want to go to the Endless World!"

"Ah!" Xiao Ai made a subconscious voice, and then asked: "Sister Xiangshan, what are you doing in the endless world? I heard that there are many experts there. Are you not afraid of being scum in seconds if you go like this?"

She was telling the truth, seeing how Luo Xiao and the others worked so hard at the bottom of the cliff to improve their skills just to go to the endless world, it shows how many masters there are in that world.

A skill like Lan Xiangshan who has only reached the tenth level will be turned into a scumbag in seconds, and if he is unfamiliar with the place, what should he do if he is in danger?
"But where can I better improve my skills?"

Do you want to be so beautiful!

"Whatever you want, I have something to do and I'll leave first, by the way, did you see those two boys, Chuchu and Qingqing?"

"Bottom of the cliff!"

As soon as Lan Xiangshan finished speaking, Xiao Ai's figure had disappeared. Lan Xiangshan narrowed her eyes, and Xiao Ai's skills had increased by two levels. I really can't see how powerful she is.

At night, Tang Yunting thought of what Lan Xiangshan had said, and felt a sense of loss in his heart. He held up the blood wine and shook it, and was about to drink it when he suddenly blocked it with a hand.

He raised his head in displeasure, "Which bastard disturbs the young master..."

Seeing that it was Luo Xiao who came, I felt even more upset. I really don't understand what is so good about Luo Xiao, why most girls like him, isn't it because he has a handsome face.

"I know everything about you and Lan Xiangshan today, you are really brave!"

Luo Xiao said with a half-smile, that a vampire who usually looks so stupid, has become different when he meets someone he likes.

Tang Yunting rolled his eyes, "But so what? The person she likes is still you, and she said let it go, but it's still useless if you can't let it go."

The left hand fell helplessly on the ground, and the right hand drank the blood wine. Suddenly, I was a little envious of human beings. They are creatures with perception and perception. Generally, when encountering such things, drinking alcohol can make them drunk. I want to feel it That feeling, it's a pity that he was born to be a vampire.

Luo Xiao fell silent. After going through so many things, she thought she had let go, but in the end...

"If you really like it, go for it. Don't let yourself regret it. I believe that one day you will influence her!"

"It's really simple. If you make an analogy yourself, you already have An Xixuan in your heart. Can you accept other girls now? Of course you can't accept the answer, so no matter how well Lan Xiangshan does, she won't be able to enter your heart." It's like I can't get in if she has you in her heart!"

After a pause, he turned his head to look at Luo Xiao: "Tell me about how you subdued An Xixuan. Seeing that you are willing to risk everything for each other, you must have experienced a lot of things together. Otherwise, how could it be so? What about your love?"

Hearing this, Luo Xiao smiled, An Xixuan in the human world is just a silly girl, a very kind silly girl, but it doesn't seem to take too long to subdue her.

Recalling the scenes in the human world, I suddenly really miss it. If possible, he would like to take An Xixiang back to the human world to live a life of watching the sun rise and set together all year round.

(End of this chapter)

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