Your Royal Highness, you are enough!

Chapter 498 "Crime"

Chapter 498 "Crime"

"Sister Xiang Shan wouldn't have jumped in!" Xiao Ai hadn't finished her words for a long time, when she saw Tang Yunting's movements, Tang Yunting had disappeared before her eyes before the exclamation came out.

"Damn, what's the matter with each one? Why do they all yearn for the endless world so much?"

With this news, I quickly returned to Hell Mountain. Of course, it was already the next day when the news arrived. Xiao Ai's skill level was not as advanced as theirs, and it took one or two hours to reach it.

Xie Ming's helpless support of the forehead, each one is not worry-free, it is really not enough to give up until the Yellow River, just rely on the skills of Lan Xiangshan and Tang Yunting to go to the endless world, if you accidentally offend someone who is stronger Life is tough for vampires.

"Hey, let them go, whether it's life or ghost life, you need to go crazy for a while!"

As for the result, it is not something he can control.

His tone suddenly paused, "Looks like I need to make a cross-border call!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ai was stunned and surprised that there is such a powerful high-tech, and it has already crossed borders, but she can still make calls?

In fact, cross-border calls are not surprising, just like Xuanyuan Jingrong dialed from the polar night world to the human world before. Although there are phones, they don't often use them as vampires, because they have special abilities. redundant feeling.

In the endless world, Mei took Mu Sa to wander around, and when An and the others appeared, their figures had already gone to nowhere or where they had gone to watch a good show.

They are gnashing their teeth, and the vampires are afraid, for fear that one day she will stand at the door and look at you with a smile when you go out, not to mention how flat that smile is!

Standing on the top floor of a building, a red and a black figure let the wind blow the corners of his clothes, with a faint smile on his mouth.

"Sister, what is our next goal?"

In the past few days alone, he has fallen in love with this feeling. The vampires who bully others are really cool, and he also likes to see their expressions that you want to kill me but can't kill me and run away.

"Next... I won't tell you!"

She smiled charmingly, and raised her beautiful eyebrows slightly, especially as if she was discharging electricity, Mu Sa's face became embarrassing, her sister is still a child, it is wrong to seduce a child.

"Why is your little face so red? The vampire who doesn't understand thinks I have some pedophile and what did I do to you!"

Although it was a joke, it still made Mu Sa a little embarrassed, he still understood the meaning of pedophilia.

Leading him to disappear on the top floor, not long after they left, the few of them had already arrived at their position.

"Damn it, I feel like we're late again, not only that, but I feel like the big and small are playing cat and mouse with us. In other words, we seem to be more like mice!"

Ming said, he just felt extremely aggrieved, every time after locating their positions, they rushed over and disappeared long ago.

The other three looked at him contemptuously, An An must be the first to be dissatisfied, "If you want to be a mouse, be yourself, we are not, between the two we must be cats!"

"What the hell, if the cat has been there for two or three days and I don't see anyone, there are always things happening."

Well, mother, you have a point!
(End of this chapter)

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