Your Royal Highness, you are enough!

Chapter 501 Who gave you the guts

Chapter 501 Who gave you the guts
Li Nan's father came out with an angry expression on his face. He was really brave. He dared to come to his house to make trouble. A child dared to challenge his dignity as the deputy mayor!
"Heh, do you think that the endless world is yours? You also let me have no place to stand in the entire endless world, you are so arrogant, you know?"

Bai Liusha is the king of the endless world, he stands at the top of all the vampires in the endless world, but since he became the king of the endless world, no vampire has seen his face, and he has always worn a mask.

As soon as Mei came over, she heard the name Bailiu Sha, she was stunned, and then her bright red eyes showed murderous intent, and the vampire's head she was holding in her hand was almost crushed by her!
She will slowly destroy everything he cares about, including this world, leaving no one behind!
Throwing the heads directly in front of Li Nan's father, Li Ansheng, he saw that these heads were the vampire faces of his villa's bodyguards, and his heart throbbed for a while.

The skills of those bodyguards have already reached level [-] or above, but they were still easily decapitated by others. How strong is the other party?
Raising his eyes, he saw Mei standing next to Mu Sa, and couldn't help frowning. Could this female vampire be the female devil that has been rumored in the city recently?

"Old man, who gave you the courage to touch my little friend? Do you think your life is too long?"

Mei said with a smile.

But anyone can see the slight coldness in the corner of the mouth, "You said that you are a hundred-year-old old man with fifty-level skills, and you actually bully a child? Why are you so thick-skinned?"

"He bullied my son, why can't I bully him? If I hadn't come in time, my son might have died at his hands!"

Mei was about to speak, but Mu Sa who was next to him spoke first, and his injury had already healed itself.

"Hmph, he was never comparable to me in the academy five years ago, and he is still so rubbish now, why not die by my hands? It is his honor to die by my hands!"

Mei expressed her liking for such domineering words, this kid is really good, he is getting more and more domineering, and he is indeed the same type as her.

Li Ansheng almost sprayed his face with saliva, what is this kid talking about?What does it mean to die at his hands or an honor?Who does he think he is!

Looking carefully at Mu Sa, he suddenly remembered that it was a surprise that he had expelled that kid from the academy five years ago, and now he has become so strong.

"It's just that children can't be taught. It seems that the city has always said that the female devil is probably the two of you. Solving you today is also solving a problem!"

Hehehe, Mei almost laughed out loud listening to his words, solve her?She is now his grandma's vampire, and probably no other vampire can match her except for Bai Liusha's skills.

Xie Ming is almost okay, but Ji Ye is not necessarily, after all, it is still a little bit worse!

"Sister, let me make a bet with you!" Mu Sa blinked her eyes, cute and mischievous at the same time.

And what happened to be injured by Li Shengan just now didn't affect him in the slightest.

"What do you want to bet on?"

"Let's see how many tricks he can pick you up? If I bet right, my sister will help me beat the enemy and give me blood to drink in the next few days, but if I lose, then I will figure out a way for the blood in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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