My elf is so cute

Chapter 230 passed, proceed to the second test

Chapter 230 Passed, take the second test
"The second item, you have to show your ability."

"This ability, in the words of you humans, is the ability to make money. As the patriarch, I cannot let the seal guards follow you to starve. You must have enough resources to train them."

"The third item is that you have to rely on your own abilities to communicate with the seal guards. If there is a seal guard willing to follow you, then you can subdue him."

After hearing these three tests, Jiang Xiaobei suddenly felt that it was not difficult.

Except for the first test, which is the test of willpower, I don't know what it is, and the remaining two tests, as he always said, are not too big of a problem.

The ability to make money and obtain resources?

Now as an intermediate elf cultivator and as a disciple of Fengxue Gym, Jiang Xiaobei can say that there will be no problem at all with the resources of the seal guard to evolve all the way to the ancient war dragon in the future.

It is not difficult to convince the seal guards to follow me. Since these seal guards stand up, it means that they want to follow them to the outside world. It's not something that comes easily.

"Next, those who need to participate in the test later, please come forward." The ancient war dragon patriarch said.

After hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei took a step forward, then looked to the side.

A total of seven people participated in this test, Jiang Xiaobei, Xiao Yuwen, Zhao Yuan, two people from Beijing University, and two people from Jinling University.

"The first test is about to begin, are you ready?" the patriarch of the ancient war dragon glanced at the seven people and asked.


Shouldn't it be to tell us what the first test is?

Just as he was wondering, suddenly, Jiang Xiaobei felt a powerful spiritual force oppressing him, directly stimulating the spiritual force in his sea of ​​consciousness, and protecting his body.

The same was true for Xiao Yuwen who was beside him. Waves of mental fluctuations appeared around his body, accompanied by waves of lightning.

Jiang Xiaobei turned his head and saw that the eyes of the ancient Zhanlong Patriarch's eyes lit up, and he looked at them with a smile on his face. Noticing that Jiang Xiaobei was looking at him, he smiled slightly at Jiang Xiaobei, and then Jiang Xiaobei felt that the mental pressure around his body became stronger.

Immediately, even with the mental power to protect him, Jiang Xiaobei felt a little overwhelmed. He felt a strong pressure coming into his mind, which made Jiang Xiaobei feel very uncomfortable, and had an urge to lie on the ground .

The ancient Zhanlong patriarch used his mental power to separate out seven beams, and put them around the bodies of Jiang Xiaobei and the seven of them respectively, imposing mental oppression on them.

Because everyone's mental strength is different, so the mental strength he exerts around each person's body is also different.

In this test, the test is not mental strength, but willpower.

He wants to see how long these people can persist under this kind of oppression. If they can't persist for 10 minutes, then they should leave as soon as possible, and don't try to subdue the seal guards.

Jiang Xiaobei felt that the intensity of the mental oppression was getting stronger and stronger, as if a thousand-ton boulder was placed on top of his head, making him a little out of breath.

This feeling of oppression made him very uncomfortable, and it was still sending him an idea all the time, that is:
Get down, get down, get down, and you won't have this uncomfortable feeling anymore.

Jiang Xiaobei naturally knew he couldn't get down on the ground, but the feeling in his mind made him very uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but want to get down on the ground.

"Hold on, Jiang Xiaobei!" Jiang Xiaobei gritted his teeth, and imagined all kinds of interesting things in his mind to divert his attention from thinking about it.

Time passed minute by minute, and suddenly,
"Ah, ha~ha~" A student from Jinling University suddenly squatted on the ground and gasped for breath twice.

Following his squat, a student from Peking University also squatted down.

The patriarch of the ancient war dragon directly waved the dragon king's scepter in his hand, and sent the two students to the sidelines. At the same time, he also said that the two students failed the first assessment and were eliminated directly.

Among the remaining five people, all of them were sweating profusely, their faces were pale, and they were standing still.

Time passed minute by minute, and in the past 10 minutes, another student from Jinling University couldn't hold on any longer and squatted on the ground.

Zhao Yuan and another student from Peking University also squatted down, leaving only Jiang Xiaobei and Xiao Yuwen on the field still holding on.

When Xu Yan saw that one of the two students he was leading had been eliminated, and the other didn't know what was going on, his expression turned ugly.

Although the two people who are still insisting on the field are superpowers, and they are more capable in this kind of test, but in the final analysis.It's still because the two people I brought with me are not strong-willed.

Jiang Xiaobei only had one thought at this time, that is, he couldn't squat down before Xiao Yuwen, and he couldn't keep losing to this girl.

Therefore, no matter how strong the mental oppression around him was, he would just grit his teeth and hold on, waiting for Xiao Yuwen to squat down before squatting down himself.

In this way, the time passed by every minute and every second, and about 5 minutes passed.

Xiao Yuwen was sweating profusely, she couldn't hold on anymore, she squatted down suddenly, and gasped violently.

"Hey." Seeing Xiao Yuwen squatting down first, Jiang Xiaobei smiled, and then felt his tense spirit loosen, unable to hold on any longer, and immediately squatted down.

As soon as he squatted down, he felt that the mental oppression around his body disappeared, and he was very relaxed, breathing the surrounding air crazily.

"Congratulations, except for the first two who were eliminated, the other five will enter the second stage." After a while, the ancient war dragon patriarch said with a smile.

At this time, after a short rest just now, Jiang Xiaobei had almost recovered, stood up, looked at the ancient Zhanlong patriarch, and waited for his instructions.

The Patriarch of the Ancient Zhanlong continued: "Next, let's go to the second test, this little friend will do it first." As he spoke, he stretched out a thick finger and pointed at Jiang Xiaobei.

"Ah, me?" Jiang Xiaobei looked at himself, and asked a little uncertainly. He didn't confirm until he saw the ancient Zhanlong patriarch nodding.

So, Jiang Xiaobei went straight forward, took out his Intermediate Elf Cultivator Qualification Certificate from the inside pocket of his clothes, opened it, and said to the Patriarch of the Ancient War Dragon, "I am now an Intermediate Elf Cultivator. Do you know if you are qualified to pass the second test?"

"What? An intermediate elf cultivator?" The patriarch of the ancient war dragon didn't respond, but everyone behind him was stunned.

Jiang Xiaobei?Intermediate elf trainer?
Is this a joke?

 Thank you Ye Wanfeng for the reward of 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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