My elf is so cute

Chapter 233 Ancient Dragon King Xia Nai

Chapter 233 Ancient Dragon King Xia Nai
Released the small seal guard again, and Jiang Xiaobei released the hood and the bronze unicorn along with it.

Let the little seal guard get acquainted with the two of them. After that, they will basically meet every day.

The small seal guard at this time, because of his strength and age, was only about half a meter tall, much shorter than the cap and pocket.

Hood Xiaodou looked at his new partner, thought for a while, took out two lollipops from Jiang Xiaobei's backpack, tore open the package, put one in his mouth, and handed the other to Xiaobei. Seal Guard.

"Huh?" The little seal guard took it curiously, and put it in his mouth like a cap with a small pocket.

"Woo!" Sensing the sweet and sour taste in his mouth, the little seal guard's eyes lit up, and he started chewing immediately.

Hearing two clicks, a lollipop was chewed by the little seal guard. Feeling the deliciousness in his mouth, his big eyes curled up, delighted.

Soon, he ate this and the lollipop.

After eating, he looked at the hood, especially the lollipop in the hood's mouth, with longing eyes in his eyes, as if asking, is there any more?

Seeing the appearance of the little seal guard, the hood wrinkled his little nose, and said helplessly to the little seal guard:
"Doudou! Doudou~" (This is not how you eat lollipops! You should keep them in your mouth and lick them slowly.)
Saying that, Hood put the lollipop in front of him, stuck out his tongue and licked the lollipop.

"Huh? Huh~" (Is it like this? Can you give me another one, I will try.)
Hood nodded after hearing this, took out a lollipop from his bag, tore open the package and handed it to the little seal guard.

Seeing the little seal guard happily eating the lollipop, the hooded pocket suddenly looked at the backpack with only two lollipops left, and always felt that something was not quite right.

After a while, the little seal guard also bid farewell to his grandfather, and the group prepared to leave here like this.

Suddenly, in the cave that was originally guarded by two ancient war dragon guards, there was a not very loud but very majestic dragon roar.

As soon as the dragon's roar came out, Jiang Xiaobei found that, except for the ancient war dragon patriarch, the bodies of all the other dragon elves around him shook and lay down in the direction of the cave.

Hearing the roar of the dragon, the patriarch of the ancient war dragon showed a trace of surprise in his originally peaceful eyes, and turned his head to look at Jiang Xiaobei.

In the crowd, except for Li Yun, everyone else, including Li Xuan, looked dazed, obviously not knowing what happened.

Li Yun couldn't hide the shocked expression in his heart at all, his whole body was trembling with excitement, and he roared in his heart:

"The ancient dragon king! This is the roar of the ancient dragon king Xia Nai."

In every generation of the Li family, only a few people know the existence of the ancient dragon king Xia Nai in the secret realm of the Dragon Vein Flame. Li Yun is one of them, and because Li Xuan is young, he has not yet known about it.

At the beginning, when Li Yun was in charge of matters related to the Li family's Dragon Vein Flame Secret Realm, he was informed of the existence of the ancient dragon king Xia Nai.

Although he has never seen it before, but with this kind of dragon roar, almost all the dragon elves are lying on the ground and trembling, who else can there be except the ancient dragon king?

Although Jiang Xiaobei and the others didn't know what happened, they thought it had nothing to do with him and the others, so they continued to walk outside.

At this time, the Patriarch of the Ancient War Dragon suddenly appeared in front of them, looked at Jiang Xiaobei in the team, and said:

"Everyone, don't be in a hurry. I want to talk to this little friend about something, so I invite this little friend to come with me." He pointed in the direction of the cave.

After hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Bing Xinyue at the side.

Bing Xinyue also stood in front of Jiang Xiaobei at the next moment, took out a Gulu ball in her hand, and asked the Patriarch of the Ancient War Dragon, "Excuse me, Sir Patriarch, what do you want from my student?"

Seeing this situation, the patriarch of the ancient war dragon frowned, and was about to use some special methods.

At this time, there was another dragon's roar from the cave, but this time, Jiang Xiaobei and the others could understand the meaning.

"Don't worry, I just invited him here for a talk, and it won't hurt him, Long Er, bring this little guy in."

"Yes." The patriarch of the ancient war dragon, that is, Long Er, nodded in the direction of the cave, then stretched out his hand to grab Jiang Xiaobei, and led him towards the cave.

This time, Bing Xinyue did not stop her.

The coercion from the dragon roar just now was very strong. Compared with her teacher, the ace elf of the Ice Emperor was much stronger, which made her unable to resist at all.

She had only encountered this kind of coercion from an elf.

Back then, following her teacher, she saw with her own eyes that her teacher's trump card, the Ice Crystal Ancient-toothed Tiger, which had reached the imperial level, was suppressed by an ice dragon, which was not at the same level at all.

It's like, like a god.

Unexpectedly, there is such an elf in the Dragon Vein Flame Secret Realm.

Jiang Xiaobei was led into the cave by the Patriarch of the Ancient Zhanlong, but he didn't choose to resist, because he knew it would be useless to resist.

Moreover, there was a hint of speculation in his heart.

Being able to command the patriarch of the ancient war dragon, so many dragon elves lie on the ground with a single dragon roar, only a few dragon elves have such strength.

The ancient dragon king Xia Nai, the ice dragon king, Abu in the form of a holy dragon, Ming Gulong
In the words of the dragon veins, it is estimated that it is the ancient dragon king Xia Nai.

It's just that I don't know why this big guy is looking for his own?
The passage of the cave is very wide, and at each distance, two bright night pearls are placed on the rock walls on both sides, making the cave very bright.

Being led by the patriarch of the ancient Zhanlong, Jiang Xiaobei felt that he was walking down.

Is this cave, the place leading to it, underground?

The patriarch of the ancient war dragon moved very fast. In just about 2 minutes, Jiang Xiaobei felt that he had already stayed at a place about [-] meters underground.

At this time, the patriarch of the ancient war dragon also slowly reduced his forward speed, and Jiang Xiaobei also heard the sound of gurgling water ahead.

After passing a corner, Jiang Xiaobei saw a very familiar environment.

There are two rows, a total of six dragon head sculptures, with clear water gushing out of the dragon's mouth and left in the pool below.

In the innermost part of this cave is not a mountain wall, but a side of sea water. It seems that an invisible shield separates the sea water from the cave. From here, Jiang Xiaobei can clearly see that there are many small people in it. Fish swim in it.

In the middle, in the middle of the two rows of dragon heads, there is a small path. At the end of the path, there is a huge stone platform. In the center of the stone platform, a giant dragon with red skin and black wings stands there, facing the direction of Jiang Xiaobei. It seems.

Seeing the appearance of this giant dragon, Jiang Xiaobei's eyes narrowed.

It really is the ancient dragon king, Xia Nai!

 Thanks to Mr. Chen Fuzi for the reward of 500 coins, thanks to Mr. Kona for the reward of 100 coins, thanks to Mr. Ye Wanfeng for the reward of 100 coins, thank you for the reward of 100 coins that the prince is not my boss, and thanks to Mr. Maple u 100 coins reward

(End of this chapter)

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