My elf is so cute

Chapter 244 Atlantis, Aquarius Baby

Chapter 244 Atlantis, Aquarius Baby
As Jiang Xiaobei went deeper, the pressure from the surrounding seawater increased, making the volume of the water-avoiding spell smaller and smaller.

In the end, Jiang Xiaobei stopped on a boulder in the bottom of the sea, not daring to go any further.

On the one hand, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and if it goes deeper, the mental power required to maintain the water avoidance spell will become very large, and there is a certain risk.

On the other hand, looking at the somewhat dark depths of the seabed, to be honest, Jiang Xiaobei was a little scared in his heart.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't pay much attention to what others said about deep-sea phobia before, but now when he is in the scene, he always feels:
In the dark seabed, there are some huge and terrifying creatures staring at him.

The surroundings were very quiet, only the sound of running water, which made him a little flustered.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobei didn't dare to go any further, at most he stopped here, and looked around with the help of the faint light that still existed above.

After taking a closer look, he realized that the surrounding environment was not that simple.

About tens of meters away from him on the right, there is a huge boulder covered with aquatic plants and some corals.

If Jiang Xiaobei hadn't watched carefully, he really wouldn't have noticed the difference in this boulder.

From his observation, this boulder looked a bit like a stone sculpture, but he couldn't see clearly from such a distance, even if he controlled the Water Avoidance Curse, he swam towards the stone sculpture.

Come to the boulder, activate the grass-type magic, control the aquatic plants on it, and the coral leaves the boulder.

After a while, all the aquatic plants and corals on the boulder were removed, revealing its original appearance.

This is a stone sculpture wearing armor, a helmet, and holding a knight's sword in his right hand. Some edges and corners on the body seem to be rounded because of the impact of water.

"Sure enough." Looking at the knight stone sculpture, Jiang Xiaobei confirmed his previous thoughts.

"In this secret ocean, there is indeed Atlantis." In Jiang Xiaobei's memory, there are several sculptures of ocean knights on the Genos deep-sea map, guarding the entrance to the Atlantis secret.

"But is the secret realm of Atlantis at the bottom of the sea?" Jiang Xiaobei looked at the ocean below, hesitating a little, wondering if he should go deeper.

But the next moment, he was stunned.

Because, on the stone sculpture in front of him, he saw a groove whose shape was exactly similar to the shape of the three badges he owned.

I went forward and touched it, and it was indeed the same.

After thinking for a while, he released the grass-type badge, slowly pasted it on top, and put it right into it.

The second after the grass-type badge was put in, with the badge as the center, lines lit up, and as the bright lines spread, soon, the entire stone sculpture lit up, and finally, all the light gathered in the center of the stone helmet on a gem.

As the gem lighted up, a beam of white light shot towards a certain position in front, causing ripples in the water flow.

Then, a space entrance appeared there.

"Is it really possible?" Jiang Xiaobei was a little confused.

He originally thought that the notch should be filled with a water-type badge, but he just tried it with a grass-type badge. He didn't have much hope, but he didn't expect it to be successful.

However, seeing that the entrance to the space was slowly shrinking as it was in Snowman Valley, Jiang Xiaobei didn't think too much about it, took back the grass badge, and walked into the entrance of the space with a hood and pocket.

As soon as he entered the new space, the first thing Jiang Xiaobei saw was the huge round bead that was as tall as a person in front of him.

The inside of the bead is like a starry sky, the stars are shining, and the galaxy is bright, which immediately attracted Jiang Xiaobei's attention.

Because of the light emitted by this huge star bead, the entire space is particularly bright, not as dim as it was outside before.

"It really is Atlantis." Seeing this huge star bead, Jiang Xiaobei knew where it was.

Atlantis, where Lele, the owner of the water emblem, is located.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobei became excited, and quickly controlled the water-avoiding spell to swim towards the star beads, wanting to look for them and see if there were any water-type badges around.

But he searched around the star beads for a long time, but he didn't find any trace of the water emblem.

Moreover, there was no change in the three badges in his sea of ​​consciousness.

This situation shows that there is no water emblem in this space.

"Oh, I'm so happy for nothing." Jiang Xiaobei sighed, looking at the ruined buildings around him with some disappointment.

"Why isn't there? The former owner of the water badge is clearly here. Could it be that Lele wasn't here on the day when the big change happened?"

Jiang Xiaobei patted the star bead next to him helplessly, but the moment his palm touched the star bead, the entire giant star bead immediately emitted a stronger light.

"Huh? What happened." Jiang Xiaobei immediately controlled the water-avoiding spell to stay away from the star beads, and watched the changes of the star beads from a distance.

I saw the stars inside the star bead gradually moving around one of them, and finally, many stars inside it formed a water bottle shape.

After the internal shape was stabilized, suddenly, a strong suction emanated from the star bead, causing the surrounding water to converge towards the star bead.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jiang Xiaobei stepped back a little distance to observe from a distance.

It seems that a space has been opened up inside the star bead, and a huge amount of water flows towards it, but it disappears out of thin air. The only thing that changes is that the light of the whole star bead becomes more and more dazzling.

At the back, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't see the changes at all, and his sight was blocked by the strong light.

This change lasted for nearly half an hour, and Jiang Xiaobei also stood there observing for half an hour. Now, the entire space here has been illuminated by the light from the star beads as bright as day.

Just when Jiang Xiaobei was feeling bored watching, suddenly, the light of the star beads gradually dimmed, and finally returned to its original brightness.

But Jiang Xiaobei was a little surprised to find that the originally intact star beads were now covered with cracks, as if they might shatter at any time.

"Crack!" This sound sounded, followed by continuous cracking sounds, and then, as the first fragment fell off, and then on the entire star bead, the fragments gradually fell one by one, gradually revealing the stars. The scene inside the bead.

What surprised Jiang Xiaobei was that after the star bead shattered, there was indeed an elf egg inside.

The whole body of the egg is light blue, with golden spots on it, surrounding it in the shape of a water bottle.

After the elf egg came into contact with the water, the egg immediately began to emit a faint white fluorescent light, which was a sign that it was about to hatch.

Jiang Xiaobei also immediately checked the type of this elf egg.

[Elf Name] Aquarius Baby

[Elf level] 0 (unhatched)

[Elf Talent] Light Blue
[Spirit Attribute] Water System

[Height] 0m [Weight] 0kg [Gender] Male

[Evolution Form] Magic Water Bottle (Level 24 Evolution)
[Spirit Skills] Freezing, High Pressure Jet, Water Spear

[Spirit Secret Technique] Purifying Spirit Waters, Water Bottle Starlight
[Spirit props] None
[Elf Profile] Aquarius, one of the twelve constellations, symbolizes friendliness and friendship. There is only one elf. When this elf exists in the world, there will not be another elf of the same kind in the world.

The protagonist's fourth water-type elf is Aquarius Baby, the only type of twelve-zodiac elf.

(End of this chapter)

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