My elf is so cute

Chapter 258 Super Power Club

Chapter 258 Super Power Club

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei and the others turned their heads.

Behind them, Lin Chuxia was wearing a pink-blue long dress with floral flowers that reached her knees, Shi Shiran was standing behind them, probably because of the relatively hot weather, her fair face was flushed with a faint blush, and she stood upright. The bridge of the nose, the eyes under the thick eyelashes are clear and bright, and the long soft hair is scattered behind the head.

Lin Chuxia glanced at the three boys with a smile, then raised her eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Xie Xu hasn't arrived yet? It seems that I'm not the last one to arrive."

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

As soon as Lin Chuxia finished speaking, Xie Xu, who was wearing summer short-sleeved shorts, quickly ran to them, panting slightly.

"Sorry, something was delayed just now."

Seeing that everyone is here, Jiang Xiaobei checked the time, and seeing that it was almost time, he said to the others: "Since everyone is here, let's go and try the food in the canteen of the Great Demon Elf."

Mo Dakai has a canteen specially prepared for trainers and elves. The taste and effect are not much better than those of the elf restaurants outside.

Xu Leilei looked up at the sun hanging high above his head, wiped off his sweat, then turned to Jiang Xiaobei who was beside him and said, "Xiaobei, did you bring Xiaodou here? Call her out, I'm so hot." .”

As the owner of the fire badge, Jiang Xiaobei didn't feel how hot it was, but when he looked at the sun above his head, it was indeed a bit poisonous, so he took out the grunt ball and released the hood.


Hoo Xiaodou stretched his waist, rubbed his sleepy eyes with both hands, and then glanced at Lin Chuxia and others around Jiang Xiaobei, and then he yelled in doubt.

"Xiaodou, control the temperature around you and lower it, it's too hot here." Jiang Xiaobei walked over, holding Xiaodou's little hand in the hood, and said to her.

Hooded Hood frowned and felt the surroundings. It did feel a little hot, so it directly released a little ice-type energy, causing the surrounding temperature to drop several degrees in an instant.

"Wow, it's so comfortable." Feeling the coolness, Xu Leilei groaned comfortably.

"I have decided that I will also subdue an ice elf in the future. This feeling is really comfortable."

"Let's upgrade your magic cat to the elite level first."

They walked all the way to the Yixin Fairy cafeteria in the Demon University. When they reached the entrance of the cafeteria, they found that there were many awnings lined up on both sides of the road at the entrance.

There is a banner posted in front of each awning, saying that a certain club is recruiting newcomers.

"The association ran to the entrance of the cafeteria to recruit new recruits?" Jiang Xiaobei felt a little weird when he saw this scene. Although it was reasonable to say that the location at the entrance of the cafeteria had a lot of traffic, it just felt a little strange.

"Students, would you like to join our Secret Realm Exploration Club? Every week we will organize you to explore the secret realm." Just as they were looking around, the seniors and sisters sitting under the awning also noticed them.

A middle-height senior with glasses who was closest to them directly waved at them and recommended them to the Secret Realm Exploration Agency.

After the senior's voice fell, the people from the other clubs next to him were not far behind, and immediately began to promote their clubs.

"Junior, junior, come to our food club, let us taste all the delicacies together."

"Don't listen to that guy's nonsense, come to our Elf Photography Club and go to shoot the beautiful scenery in the secret realm together"

Seeing that the scene suddenly became like selling products in a vegetable market, Jiang Xiaobei, Lin Chuxia and the other five were all stunned.

After all, he is also a student of the Devil's Elf Department, and he is considered a genius. Why does he feel so useless here?

In fact, these seniors and sisters who are responsible for recruiting new students are also very helpless, it is because this is in the magic university, so they are so humble in recruiting new students.

This is not like other majors. University is not just about studying. You can join clubs according to your hobbies. You can make many friends and learn a lot of useful knowledge in clubs.

Those who come to the elf department are all to make full use of various resources in the school, cultivate elves, and improve the strength of elves.

Except for clubs such as the Elf Battle Club and the Elf Cultivation Club, few people joined other clubs, and it was particularly difficult for them to recruit new ones.

"Do you want to join the club?" Jiang Xiaobei turned to the others and asked.

Hou Ziming and Xu Leilei shook their heads, expressing that they didn't want to join the club, but Xie Xu said, "I want to go to the Devil's Battle Club this afternoon, and I don't know if they will recruit me."

Lin Chuxia also said, "I'm also planning to go to the Demon Elf Cultivation Club in the afternoon to take a look."

"Aren't these two associations here?" Jiang Xiaobei asked after looking around at the two rows of awnings.

"Not here." Lin Chuxia shook her head, "These two clubs are the most popular clubs in the Devil's Elf department. There is no need to recruit new people here. We have to go to their club locations for assessment, and we can only pass the assessment. join the club."

"Oh, so that's the case." Jiang Xiaobei nodded knowingly.

"What about you? Aren't you going to join the club?" Lin Chuxia raised her head to look at Jiang Xiaobei, stroked her hair, and asked softly.

"Me? I joined the Fengxue Gym. From now on, I will basically go to the Fengxue Gym every weekend. I don't have time to join the club." Jiang Xiaobei shook his head and said.

Afterwards, he said again: "Since everyone doesn't want to join the club right now, let's go eat." Then, he walked towards the door of Yixin Fairy Canteen.

At this time, a voice came from behind him, calling his name.

"Jiang Xiaobei?"

Hearing someone calling him, Jiang Xiaobei turned his head and saw Xiao Yuwen standing not far behind him.

"It's really you."

Xiao Yuwen ran to Jiang Xiaobei, smiled at the others, and then asked Jiang Xiaobei: "Jiang Xiaobei, are you here to join the club? Do you want to join the superpower club with me? "

"Super power club?" Jiang Xiaobei looked at Xiao Yuwen with some doubts when he heard that the name was a middle school club.

"You don't know?" Xiao Yuwen was stunned, "Haven't you heard of the Superpower Club?"

Judging from her tone, it seemed that this surprised her, and Jiang Xiaobei asked a little puzzled: "Is the super power club of the Devil University very famous?"

Xiao Yuwen covered her face, as if defeated by you.

"The Devil's Superpower Club was originally founded by Chi Yongrui, the head of our Trainer Academy. It only recruits students with superpowers. The number of people is very small, basically no more than ten people."

"However, there are a lot of talents in it. According to statistics, the seniors who come out of our magic superpower club, after graduation, more than [-]% of them will become heavenly king trainers."

"Every year, the school ranks first in terms of strength, and the number one in tower breaking points is basically the president of every club with super powers."

"As a student of the Devil's University, or a person with superpowers, you don't even know about this club?"

Although Xiao Yuwen said a lot about the power of this superpower club, Jiang Xiaobei didn't pay much attention to it, but paid attention to what she said later.

Ranked first in tower breaking points?what is this?
Ask if you don't understand, Jiang Xiaobei directly asked:

"What do you mean by breaking into the tower?"

 Thanks to Annan Expedition for the reward of 1111 coins, thanks to the boss of Fengyin Huanyu for the reward of 588 coins, thanks to the boss of Yuluo Changan for the reward of 200 coins, and thanks to the boss of Qingruo Qingfeng for the reward of 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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