Chapter 201 One Game, One Dream

Everyone was looking forward to Wen Zhinian's little girlfriend, and looked at the door from time to time to see if Wen Zhinian and his little friend had come.

After a while...

When Wen Zhinian was born, all eyes at the banquet were on Wen Zhinian and the girls beside him.

Everyone has seen Wen Zhinian before, but this is the first time seeing the girl next to him.

Therefore, more people turned their attention to Sang Tian.

Sang Tian calmly accepted everyone's gaze, no matter who's gaze fell on her, she always had a slight smile on her face, looking straight ahead, while her arm naturally held the man beside her.

Even though Sang Tian was a bit of a waste before, she still knows the etiquette of the upper class.

And there will be many, many scenes like this in the future, and now she has to get used to it early.

Wen Zhi asked Sang Tian beside him in a young voice, "Xiao Tiantian, are you nervous?"

"What's there to be nervous about?" Sang Tian raised her eyebrows.

Wen Zhinian smiled lightly, "That's good."

When the two arrived at the center of the venue, many people gathered around, and some famous ladies looked at Sang Tian from a distance, their eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

But they have nothing to do.

Because Wen Zhinian had already introduced to everyone, "Sang Tian, ​​my fiancee."

fiancée!This is the fiancée who likes to be a monster!

This Sang Tian is younger, more beautiful, and has a better figure!What other advantages are there?Why did Wen Zhinian choose her?

Sang Tian always had a faint smile on her face. When someone came to talk to her, she answered very decently, as if she had become the center of everyone.

The trajectory of fate is still changing little by little. Sang Tian believes that in the future, she will definitely trample down all those who want to harm her.

When almost everyone dispersed, Sang Tian leaned against Wen Zhinian's body.

"It's so tiring. I didn't expect socializing to be so tiring." Sang Tian pouted and acted like a baby.

Wen Zhinian held her in his arms distressedly, and before Wen Zhinian finished speaking, Sang Tian suddenly said to him, "Let's get married."

Wen Zhinian's body froze, he stared blankly at the little girl in his arms for a long time, then nodded, "Okay."

Sang Tian smiled and rolled her eyes, she will never repeat the same mistakes in her life.


Rebirth technology.

In the secret laboratory.

The researchers stared motionlessly at the equipment and computers in front of them.

"How is it? Are the various indicators and data of the customer still stable?" The young man wearing glasses adjusted his glasses and asked.

The researcher nodded, "The indicators and data are very stable. We have automatically generated millions of possibilities based on the strong wishes of the customer. We have corresponding follow-up developments for every step she makes."

"Miss Sang is our most valued customer, you all need to keep an eye on her data 24 hours a day, and correct it immediately if any accident occurs!" The man with glasses said seriously.

The researcher hesitated and said, "Not long ago, we discovered that a client who hid his identity forcibly broke into Ms. Sang's life track, but the other party seems to have very powerful data personnel, and we haven't found her yet."

The man with glasses froze, "Find it quickly, expel that hidden person, and don't disturb Miss Sang's data!"



Imperial Capital, a stormy night.

A red Ferrari flipped out of the driveway and fell off a cliff.

The victim of the car accident was found the next day. According to his identity verification, he was the vice president of Wen's Group.

Teng Qingming.

 The new book "After Retiring the Marriage, the Taoist Boss Dominates the Rich Family Circle" has been released!

  Babies can take a look!

(End of this chapter)

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