Chapter 63

It really is Master Wen!
Who else could have this cold and hurtful person besides Master Wen?

It's just that the woman behind Master Wen... I didn't see clearly last time in the hotel, and I still didn't see clearly this time!
If Master Wen protects people like this and doesn't let them even take a look at them, then this woman is definitely the useless daughter of the Sang family!
So far, the question of why Wen Zhinian fell in love with Sang Tian has become one of the three unsolved mysteries in the Imperial Capital.

The paparazzi looked at each other, so what is the situation now?Could it be that Master Wen brought his fiancée to the clubhouse to have fun?
But this is completely different from the news that the anonymous person sent them. The anonymous person clearly said that the daughter of the Sang family is still doing some indescribable things here as a male model.

But in fact?They won't be tricked by that anonymous person, will they?
Sang Tian, ​​who was behind Wen Zhinian, secretly opened a slit of her coat, and then looked outside, don't think she knew that these people were called by Ye Rou.

These people want to make a big news, they would rather make a mistake than miss it. There is no moral bottom line in order to make news. Wen Zhinian really should clean up these people.

Her reputation is so bad now, these people have put in a lot of effort.

She has a nickname now, the trash daughter.

"Wen, Master Wen, why are you here?" The leading paparazzi came back to his senses and asked stutteringly.

Wen Zhinian glanced at Sang Tian behind her, who felt Wen Zhinian's gaze through the seam of her clothes, and her slender body couldn't help trembling slightly.

At this time, it would be embarrassing.

Wen Zhiyou let out a young sigh, and slowly said to the paparazzi present, "I brought my fiancee here to have fun, do I need to explain to you?"

"Aren't you all too busy to do anything? What else do companies like this do?"

Hearing Wen Zhinian's words, everyone was in a cold sweat. Master Wen had something in his words!

They have a feeling!Be cool!

"Master Wen, I'm sorry to disturb you and your fiancée's interest. We're going to get out of here mellowly now. Please, Master Wen, don't care about us."

"We didn't expect you to be here. We were too abrupt. Master Wen is really sorry."

"We shouldn't be here, let's get out, get out now!"

Wen Zhinian narrowed his eyes dangerously. These people did not expect him to be here, so if only Sang Tian was here today...

Thinking of the menacing aura that these paparazzi came in just now, as if they were going to swallow people up, what should I do if Sang Tian was frightened?
At the moment when all the paparazzi rushed out of the door, Wen Zhinian's cold but ethereal voice came from behind them.

"Slow down, my assistant will contact you, don't panic."

The voice seemed sexy and touching but it seemed to come from hell, which made all the paparazzi's bodies froze.

But in the next second, they all dispersed quickly like birds and beasts!

No one wants to be interviewed by Master Wen's assistant.

After the paparazzi left, Sang Tian took off the suit covering her head, but her whole head became messy.

"Really, why did these paparazzi come here suddenly? Are they here to look for me?" Sang Tian said dissatisfiedly, "It must be, I don't know what's going on, these paparazzi always like to dig up my news, just listen to it annoying."

Seeing Sang Tian pouted with dissatisfaction, Wen Zhinian couldn't help asking, "Do you know why they like to dig your news so much?"

 Ask for tickets every day~
(End of this chapter)

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