Chapter 91 Jealous ~
"What are you doing, I haven't bought a gift for grandpa yet, I just bought it for grandma just now." Sang Tian said doubtfully.

This man is really strange, he stuffed himself into the car without saying a word.

Wen Zhinian did not answer Sang Tian, ​​but said to Fu Jin, "Drive."

Fu Jin secretly took a look at Wen Zhinian with a cold face, and started the car immediately without daring to neglect.

Sang Tian sat in the car and shrunk herself into a ball. She shrank her neck and looked at Wen Zhinian who was looking straight ahead with bright eyes and doubts.

What happened to Wen Zhinian?Why did it happen all of a sudden?She doesn't seem to have done anything wrong, does she?

It's really hard to guess the man's mind, it was obviously fine before.

Why are you ignoring her all of a sudden?
Sang Tian still felt a little uncomfortable. If she used to wish that Wen Zhinian would ignore her, but now that she ignored her, she would feel uncomfortable.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Sang Tian finally broke your silence.

She hates nothing more than sulking and not telling her anything.

Thinking of this, Sang Tian's tone was soft with dissatisfaction, "Did I tell you before that if there is any misunderstanding between us, you have to tell me so that I will know."

"I'll explain it to you. We need to clear up this misunderstanding, otherwise it will only get deeper and deeper."

She became so tempered and irritable before, and there is also a reason for Wen Zhinian.

Wen Zhinian, who originally wanted to be like a statue, finally changed his stern face when he heard Sang Tian's words.

"For a stranger, I don't want you to tell him your name, let alone who can guarantee whether he is someone with ulterior motives." Wen Zhinian said flatly.

Sang Tian, ​​"..."

That's it?

That's it? !
Could she understand that Wen Zhinian was actually jealous, that's why he was like this.

Sang Tian immediately unfolded her body shrunk into a ball, then rushed towards Wen Zhinian and hugged Wen Zhinian's arm, she put her head close to Wen Zhinian, "Wen Zhinian, are you a little jealous?" gone?"

"Are you jealous because I have to tell people my name?"

Wen Zhinian looked at Sang Tian expressionlessly, but did not answer her question.

Instead, he said, "Dangerous."

Sang Tian was speechless, so many people in broad daylight, what danger could there be?
She said, "Okay, I get it, I won't say my name to strangers casually in the future."

Seeing Sang Tian's sincere attitude, Wen Zhinian's face softened a little, and although he was serious, he let Sang Tian hold his arm.

Sang Tian began to think about it, "I haven't had time to choose a gift for grandpa just now, what do you think I will do later?"

"There are in the car."

"But I didn't prepare that myself..."

"Grandpa won't mind."

Although a little helpless, this is the only way to go, after all, I will be going to the old house soon.

Soon the car drove into the old house, and Sang Tian was very nervous. Before, she just wanted to cause damage, but now she settled down and wanted to get along well, but she didn't know why she was so nervous.

"Wen Zhinian, do you think grandpa and grandma will like me?" Sang Tian still couldn't help asking.

Although she knew that Wen Zhinian's grandparents were very kind to her in the past, it is inevitable that she will be worried now.

Fu Jin couldn't help but roll his eyes, Sang Tian didn't know whether the old lady and the old man liked her or not?
 good evening babies
(End of this chapter)

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