Chapter 104

"I really don't regret meeting you in this life. No matter how much pain I suffer, I will suffer! So Circe, come back to me, and let's find the child together, shall we?"

"Where is the child??!" Circe panicked and stood up from the bench.

Qin Yin also stood up, eyes full of endless regret, "You and Xing'er have met so many times, don't you feel that you have a telepathic connection with that child?"

"Xing'er? Xing'er...what do you mean?"

Circe felt instant bouts of chill.

She was already dazzled, without the ability to think at all.

In the past five years, she really never thought about the possibility of 'the child is still there'!
When Circe realized that she understood the fact that the child was still there, tears filled her cheeks that were hot and cold, she held Qin Yin's hand with trembling hands and begged: "Tell me, where is our child? Where is he?"

Qin Yin expected Circe's fierce reaction when he knew the child was still there, just like the shock, anger, and various complex emotions he felt when he saw the laughing child running on the lawn of Fu's family a year ago. At this moment, he didn't intend to add another thing to the snake and make it self-defeating.

He firmly supported the woman's trembling shoulders, and said in a calm tone: "Xing'er is the son you have been thinking about!"

"Xing'er? Xing'er is our child?!"


"But why did Xing'er become a child of Holly's family?"

Qin Yin smiled wryly, "Ho Li is no less vicious than Fu Xuehong!"

"Fu Xuehong??! What happened to him?" Circe was in a daze, not knowing where he was at all.

"Cersi, how could you be so stupid? Do you really think that Fu Xuehong is bewildered by your beautiful appearance and fell in love with you so he treats you well? You fool! He clearly knows that Holly is about to die, and he knows you It is Xing'er's biological mother who joins forces with Holly to keep you firmly by his side forever! Do you think that man is so pure that he only wants to help us raise our children? You are too naive!"

" mean that Holly knows that Xing'er is my child?" Circe's eyes gradually gathered a bloodthirsty coldness!

There are two people in this world who cannot betray her: Qin Yin and He Li.

Because one of them is the man she has loved deeply since she was a girl, and the other is her good sister who devoted all her friendship and sincerity.

There are so many people in the world, why did these two easily cross her bottom line?
But now there is no emotional entanglement between Qin Yin and her, so Holly...

Anyone can betray her, only Holly can't!

She has known Holly for more than ten years.

He and Holly have already become close friends who cherish each other! !

"You mean, Holly took Xing'er away knowing that it was my child?" Her eyes were filled with hatred!
Circe held Qin Yin's hand tightly, with tears in her eyes but unusually calm.

Over the years in the Land of Wind and Moon, I have already cultivated a powerful soul that is invulnerable to swords and guns!Even though she knew that the child was still there, she must find out how the poor child was taken away after she was in a coma!

Qin Yin also had tears in his eyes. He leaned on a cane in one hand, supported Circe, shook his head and choked up and said, "Because Holly hates me! Because I hate me, I will attack you and our children." ..."

Many words Qin Yin wanted to say were stuck in his throat.

Because if he hadn't cruelly abandoned the child back then, the child would not have been separated from his mother like this today.

Of course, Circe too understands Qin Yin's decisive role in the whole matter.

If he doesn't let go, the child will not be taken away by anyone! !

A strong bone-piercing cold light soaked into Circe's eyes like icy blades, and she said in a hoarse voice, "The words you want to explain, tonight,... I will give you a chance to say !"

"Circe... sorry..."

"Sorry, those three words don't make any sense anymore."

Qin Yin wanted to hug the woman whose whole body turned cold in an instant. Like her, he felt uneasy, but he still held her hands gently, his black eyes full of circles and ripples were extremely firm, "Don't worry, I will Find our children!"

Circe's legs suddenly couldn't support his precarious body, and he fell down.

"stay strong!"

The two hugged each other tightly, and their faces could not be seen clearly in the backlight.

Assistant Chi stood far across the street, across the vast street, watching the two people who were embracing in the dark light and crying faintly, and at the same time, glanced back and hid in the dark. Click, click" figure.

"Listen, Circe, Chi Jin, Fu Xuehong's confidant, is looking at us from across the street. You have to pretend that you are just venting your anger on me! We must not be arrogant about getting the child back, and we must use our wisdom to get rid of that bastard. Take back the children that belong to us." Qin Yin knew that Assistant Chi had been following them not far or near, and whispered in Circe's ear.

"I know, that's a lackey..."

However, gradually calming down, Circe suddenly looked at the man holding her in surprise, "Didn't I be pregnant with twins back then?"

Qin Yintong stared: "Well..."

"But the Fu family only has one child! Where is the other one? Did you throw it away or—" She was so frightened that she didn't dare to breathe.

another child...

He dare not speak.

After a long time, he lowered his head and said in a very low voice: "You have seen it."

"I've seen it??!! Oh my god! Who is it..." Circe pushed the man away furiously with both palms, pinched his waist with one hand, and scratched the hair on his forehead with the other, trying to recall in his mind that the one he had seen was similar to Xing'er Suddenly, a small silhouette appeared in her mind.

"Say! Where is my child?!!"

"It's Zhan'er..."

Circe couldn't believe what he heard, and covered half of his face with his hands, tears streaming down his face.

The next moment, "Crack!"

In the darkness, the sound of a slap was particularly loud.

Qin Yin was ashamed by this slap.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take Zhan'er back from my brother!"

Circe was shocked again by the news and fell to the ground. "Your brother??"

No wonder that day when I saw Zhan'er at the gate of the kindergarten, the license plate number of that Maybach seemed very familiar.

But at that time, she just couldn't remember where she had seen that license plate number before.

Now, she was sitting on the hot ground after being exposed to the scorching sun for a whole day, and suddenly remembered that the car used to be Qin Yin's car!

Qin Yin wiped away the tears on his face, and slowly squatted down, with the same extremely sad expression.

"My brother won't have a big problem. After all, I gave him all the family business back then. Although he has been taking good care of Zhan'er these years, since we have all returned to our original lives, Zhan'er, Sooner or later, he will come back to us."

"I thought the entanglement between us had come to an end, who knew that the nightmare that had lasted for five years was finally explained tonight!" Circe pushed the man's hand away, and looked at the man with caring eyes in front of her with scarlet eyes, Slowly getting up from the ground, "In this life, we are not destined to be together, and the reason why it is difficult for us to stay together is actually doomed in the dark..."

(End of this chapter)

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