Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 102 Don't draw a gun, it's not good to scare children

Chapter 102 Don't draw a gun, it's not good to scare children
Wang Qi thought for a while, thought of the teleportation method of Feng Zimo and Yang Liuqing, and nodded to express his understanding.

"So, where is the homeland you mentioned?" Qiu Mingshan asked.

"Naturally, the Qingshan Nursing Home in Wuhe City, that is, the Non-War Fighting School Spirit Card Master Protection Home." Feng Zimo said helplessly.

"I see." Qiu Mingshan and Ye Tianbing nodded together, "This way we understand."

"Wait, wait a minute, what is the non-combat school Spirit Card Master Protection Academy?" Zhang Yuxiang looked left and right, hoping someone could explain it.

"As the name suggests." Qiu Mingshan took the initiative to explain.

Zhang Tiansheng told Wang Qi before that in the world of spirit card masters, a large proportion of spirit card masters, accounting for almost 99% of all spirit card masters, got inexplicable The spirit card key that appeared became the spirit card master's.

Among them, after entering the field of spirit cards by mistake, some people died because they did not know the ability to use spirit cards.

Others did not stray into the field of spirit cards, but no one told them what a spirit card master is, and they have been living a normal life without knowing it at all.

Some people, due to some accident, will discover their identity as a spirit card master, activate the book of spirit cards, and obtain the ability of the spirit card.

There are also some people, who are simply children or old people, even if they accidentally activate the Book of Spirit Cards, they cannot just become a Spirit Card Master who fights every day.

Those like Wang Qi and Zhang Yuxiang who became Spirit Card Masters at a young age are considered very lucky.

The Spirit Card Association is also well aware of the existence of this kind of situation, so it has been working hard to find this kind of wild Spirit Card Master, and then explain to them what happened, and gather them in one place for protection.This is the organization that every association with spirit card will set up, the non-combat spirit card master protection institute.

The spirit card masters who entered here were all unwilling to fight or unable to fight.They formed a special group, moved here with their families, and lived together under the protection of the Linka Association.

All along, since the establishment of the Link Card Association, these people have come here like this.

According to what Feng Zimo said, Xuanxuan and Xiaobai were both children who grew up in this institution.

"Aqiu is right. But things changed a few days ago." Feng Zimo took over the conversation.

But, not long ago, that world announcement came.

As long as you kill other spirit card masters in the field, you will have a chance to get a spirit card key drop and a random spirit card trophy.

Wang Qi and Zhang Yuxiang have personally experienced the price of spirit card keys.

In the face of such huge benefits, many Spirit Card Masters, those Spirit Card Masters who were already poor and had limited means of earning money, were moved.

And their eyes were not on those fighting spirit card masters who spawned monsters in the domain every day. They focused on this group of special, weak spirit card masters.

Whether it's an old man or a child, as long as they are spirit card masters, they can drop spirit card keys if they meet the conditions.

Human nature has been abandoned by them, and in their eyes, every spirit card master is equated with huge financial benefits.

Although there has always been protection from the Spirit Card Association, this kind of protection is not very strict due to the huge habit in the past. It is more about cleaning up the Spirit Card fields around the protection yard in a timely manner.

Therefore, the Lingka Association neglected

This group of people didn't know who organized it, and they didn't know what their true colors were. One night, while the guardians of the protection courtyard were cleaning up the nearby fields, they attacked the entire protection courtyard.

Although there were still spirit card masters who stayed behind and fought back vigorously, a large number of people were still taken away by this group of people.

Afterwards, the Spirit Card Association responded quickly, and a large number of experts came to rescue, but the people who had been taken away did not know where they were transferred.

After hearing the news, Xuanxuan and Xiaobai couldn't sit still.Xiaobai's ability is suitable for finding these kidnapped people.They rushed back here quickly, embracing their painful relatives.

Using his spirit card ability, Tang Yibai quickly locked onto the enemy's location.A large number of experts from the Spirit Card Association were dispatched to rescue everyone.

However, the enemy did not know where to get the news and knew about Tang Yibai's ability.They took advantage of this opportunity to set up a huge trap, trapping all the rescuers there.

Only spirit card masters with special means like Feng Zimo and Yang Liuqing were able to escape.

"Understood." Several people nodded solemnly after listening.

Although even rookies like Wang Qi and Zhang Yuxiang were able to kill their enemies without changing their faces after many battles.

But they have always strictly abided by their bottom line.

Only those who attack me actively, we will fight back.

And this group of people has lost their conscience and lost their humanity.

Innocent old people, children, and even infants don't become spirit card masters voluntarily, they just want to live their life well, an ordinary life.

But these people were targeted by this group of demons.

Kidnap, take it away, take it to the field and kill it, get the dropped spirit card key, and exchange it for money.

What is the difference between this approach and the devil?
"So, what are you going to do now?" Qiu Mingshan asked seriously.

"After we came out, we quickly contacted for support, and the Spirit Card Association has already begun to use its own stronger power. Although time is very tight, we can only wait for the arrival of these supports." Feng Zimo replied helplessly.

"However, during this kind of waiting, there may be an unknown number of innocent people killed by these guys every second."

In the current spirit card field, the refresh rate is too high. It refreshes every 4 hours, and there is a high chance of being in a place where card masters gather every time you refresh, so those people are really dangerous.

"Fortunately, although Xuanxuan, Xiaobai, and those masters were trapped in the trap, they were trapped only after they found the kidnapped person. So far, there should be no victims. "Feng Zimo explained.

"This group of demons trapped them, but because there were so many masters inside, they couldn't make any effective attacks. The two sides are still in a stalemate."

"As long as the people inside can hold on, after our support arrives, we can start to fight back."

After Feng Zimo finished speaking, he coughed a few more times.

"When will the support come?" Wang Qi asked anxiously.

"It's almost here, ahem, it should be today. After all, after this kind of thing happened, all the similar institutions of the Spirit Card Association in the country quickly raised their response levels. It will take some time for experts to come to support." Feng Zimo explained again.

"That's good. Tell me first, where they are trapped. I have a way. Let's investigate the situation first."

Wang Qi thought for a while, and finally asked this sentence.

"Oh, by the way, I can try to help you heal your injuries." The shark beads were almost forgotten.

"Okay, but don't act rashly if you're not sure. If you startle these enemies, it's not good for them to die." Feng Zimo nodded, watching Wang Qi first summon the Book of Spirit Cards, then summon a ball of clear water, and then flipped his hands again, A transparent bead fell into the water and disappeared.

Put the ball of clear water into the cup, Wang Qi signaled Feng Zimo to drink it.

"Brother Zimo, Grandpa Zhao said you can't drink cold water." Xiao Pangjiu listened silently for a long time, and suddenly interrupted at this moment.

"It's okay, brother, this is medicine, not cold water. It will be fine if you drink it, brother Zimo." Wang Qi quickly explained.

Feng Zimo didn't hesitate, he patted Xiaopangjiu's head with a smile, then picked up the water glass and drank it down in one gulp.

Although the "Mackerel Orb" is only a Transcendent Spirit Card, its effect is very powerful and effective.

Soon, Feng Zimo's eyes lit up, as if he felt the changes in his body, and then he quickly sat down cross-legged, and started to practice his cultivation skills.

After a while, he took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

"It's all over!" Feng Zimo said in surprise.

"That's good, as long as it's useful. What about Ms. Yang, why don't you give her a drink too!" Wang Qi hurriedly asked.

Nodding his head, he watched Wang Qi make a new cup, Feng Zimo asked everyone to wait after serving it, and went upstairs by himself.

"Dake, you still have such a good thing!" Zhang Yuxiang pushed him with his elbow.

"I still have a treatment method, but I need to pull out a gun. I don't want to use it here because I'm afraid it will scare the children." Wang Qi said.

"Wow, you're a bit of a slut, drawing a gun to scare children, such a great treatment method? Coach, I want to learn it too!" Ye Tianbing yelled in cooperation.

"Fart! It's my pistol!" Wang Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Well, handjob, I understand." Zhang Yuxiang and Ye Tianbing looked at each other, and nodded together with expressions that I understood.

"You two are indifferent, don't talk about this, teach the bad guy what to do with Xiaopangjiu!" Qiu Mingshan looked at the two critters dumbfounded, and cursed.

"Brother is fine, I know what handjob means, Sister Qingqing likes handjob very much." Xiaopangjiu quickly blinked his big eyes and said.

"Pfft..." Several people sprayed together, and by the way, they imagined the scene of Yang Liuqing and Feng Zimo fighting with small pistols.

At this moment, Feng Zimo came down.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" He looked at several people looking at him with silver faces, inexplicable.

"Brother Zimo, these brothers are talking about handjobs." Xiaopang Jiu Tong said without hesitation, blinking his big eyes, and said it directly.

"Pfft...don't get me wrong, we're talking about Wang Qi's treatment method, treatment method." The four of them sprayed together.

"Hehe, Wang Qi, your water is amazing. Qingqing has already woken up, and she will come down after cleaning up." Feng Zimo looked at the four of them with a smile.

"That's good, that's good..." Wang Qi nodded guiltyly, and the people around him also laughed apologetically.

 Thank you Yueyue Laotie for your reward, I love you!

(End of this chapter)

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