Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 104 I am a Yin monk

Chapter 104 I am a Yin monk

"I used to be called Dahei, a pig, although I'm not black at all.

More than 50 years ago, I lived in a small village here. Like other pigs, I ate the food my owner fed me, and I didn't know what the world was like.In my eyes, there is only a dirty pigsty.

Everyday life, besides eating, is sleeping.Otherwise, we are counting the days, waiting for the master to transport us away and send us to the butcher.

Oh, back then, I didn't know what a butcher was either.

Until one day, a ball of light fell in front of me.

I thought it was delicious, and when Er Hei, San Hei and Xiao Hei were not paying attention, I swallowed it in one gulp.

Then, I changed.

Soon, a strange snake appeared in front of me, saying that I am no longer an ordinary pig, but a spirit pig.

I asked it, what is a spirit pig?Can I eat it?
It says yes.

It took me, the first time I walked out of the pigsty, to see the butcher's house.

When I saw that the familiar thing hanging on the hook seemed to be similar to my own, I was stunned.

Then, the snake taught me how to use the Book of Spirit Cards and how to use the Spirit Card.

Fortunately, I have a spirit card that allows me to shrink as much as I want, so the snake took me to more places.

I saw all kinds of slaughterhouses.

Inside, the same kind as me, and some that looked like they had four legs, were slaughtered alive, washed, cut, and turned into pork hanging on hooks.

So, is this the fate I will face before?
Oh yes, the snake taught me a word, destiny.

I am unwilling, why should I have such a fate!
The snake said, it doesn't matter, you are different now.

It took me away from this horrible place.

We have come to a great city, said the snake, and here are all our kind.

All spirit animals are of the same kind, and we are spirit beasts.

Under the teaching of the snake, I learned to use my spirit card to fight monsters and get a new spirit card.I am getting stronger.

Then, the snake left, it said that there are more like me, and it needs to be attracted.Because it is guarding.

Until one day, someone told me that the snake died.

That place, where I was born, where I was fed, needs a new guardian.

I signed up.Because, I am very strong now, I want to avenge those humans, I want to avenge the snake!
I want to slaughter them slowly, wash them, cut them up, and turn them into pork hanging on hooks.

Humans, wait for me! "

A very tiny little pig, lying in a cave, recalled the past in his heart.

"My lord, do we just watch them inside like this?"

A black dog that looked much bigger than a pig asked with its tongue out.

"Nonsense, are you a pig's brain? Could it be that you rushed in and singled them out? Even if we all fight, we will only let those guys with malicious intentions take advantage of it in the end."

"My lord, I am a dog's brain, and you are a pig's brain..."

"I %#¥%#..."

Really, I have learned a lot of human words, why do I have these language problems? I even scolded myself for nothing.

Although the mini pig was dissatisfied, he still lifted the little pig's foot, and the pig's foot suddenly became bigger with a bang, and hit the black dog hard on the head.

"What are you talking about! Learn to be smart! This magic circle is something I am good at. Even if we wait like this, it will still take effect in six hours!"

"Don't they like to joke and eat barbecue? Let them laugh! Let them eat! You all wait for me honestly! Anyway, this is their last supper, whatever they want!"

"My lord, it's noon now, and they're eating lunch..." The black dog held his head in his hands, stuck out his tongue and couldn't help but interjected.

Bang! !

It became a bigger pig's trotter, and directly smashed the black dog to the ground.

All kinds of small animals beside them shivered and gave sympathetic eyes to the black dog that turned into a wooden letter on the ground.

"Hmph! You stupid fellows! If you have nothing to do, let me practice first! If you don't hurry up and practice, you will become the things on those people's grills sooner or later!"

The little pig impatiently waved his trotters, and all the birds and beasts hurriedly dispersed.

———Here is the dividing line, sincerely invite all kinds of advertisements———

"Minister Ding, these are some of my friends who came to help."

Feng Zimo took a few people to the branch of the Spirit Card Association in Wuhe City, and introduced them directly to an old man who looked not young.

"Oh? Xiao Feng and Xiao Yang, are you both healed? Are these people masters?" The old man glanced at the four of them, but he still cared about Feng Zimo first.

"Well, thanks to this Spirit Card, both of us have fully recovered from our injuries." Feng Zimo pointed to Wang Qi.

Only then did Minister Ding take a serious look at a few people, and after scanning for a while, he asked.

"Are you all masters? So young?"

Feng Zimo was speechless for a moment, the old man made another mistake of judging people by their appearance.

Although he only dealt with him in these two short days, Feng Zimo clearly understood that Minister Ding was a stubborn old man with very rigid thinking.

Even himself and Yang Liuqing were dubiously included in the original team because of Xuanxuan's guarantee, but when they came back injured, he didn't say anything, first he said that it was because the two of them were not strong enough, and they almost lost Qingqing vomited blood.

Before bringing the four of them here, he had expected this kind of situation. He gave Qiu Mingshan a wink, and Qiu Mingshan understood it and stepped forward.

"Hi Minister Ding, we are all here to help, and before we came, our Spirit Card Association should have greeted us, I believe you should have heard the news."

Old man Ding gave him a suspicious look, thought for a while, and then suddenly realized.

"Oh, so it's you guys. Then I know, all right, you guys will be included in the team first."

It seems that Minister Liu did say something, and now it's easier to talk.

"In the future, your actions will all be under the command of the expert who came to support you. Go and get to know yourself. I still have things to do."

With that said, old man Ding waved his hand, turned and left.

Feng Zimo and the others looked at each other, shrugged, and walked towards the master.

This Minister Ding didn't even ask the names of a few people, which was really perfunctory.

The expert that Minister Ding pointed at casually seemed to be... a middle school student.At this moment, he was sitting there alone, playing games with a mobile phone in his hand, and was having fun.

I don't know how his younger appearance convinced Minister Ding that he was a master.

"Hello master, we are all here to help, Minister Ding asked us to follow your command." Feng Zimo took the initiative to act as a negotiator.

"Sit down first, I'll finish typing right away." The boy replied casually without looking up, his eyes fixed on the screen.

Everyone had no choice but to sit by the side.At this time, several people discovered that there are still a group of various people here, all doing their own things.

A guy with the appearance of a college student wearing glasses was reciting an English exercise book. Wang Qi and Zhang Yuxiang, two fresh graduates, felt very kind after reading it.Unable to disturb his seriousness, the few of them remained silent.

The other one, who looked like an aunt, was knitting a sweater with a stick and wool in her hand. While beating, she was muttering about not knowing what to say, which made people have no desire to talk to her.

There was also a kind fat man with his eyes squinted and a smile on his lips. After Qiu Mingshan yelled a few times, everyone realized that he had fallen asleep.

In the end, there was a guy wearing a mask, earphones, and sunglasses, leaning on the sofa, not knowing what he was thinking.Greeted him, probably didn't hear him.Because the sound coming out of the earphones is so loud that other people can hear it clearly, it is a kind of music called heavy metal.

Those present, after watching for a long time, only these five people looked at each other in blank dismay. There are too few masters.

"Ah... how are you..."

A faint voice came.

Yang Liuqing was probably more sensitive, looked around suspiciously, and then looked at a few people, "Did you hear anything?"

"Ah, how are you..."

When Yang Liuqing said this, everyone immediately listened carefully.

"Oh, can't you hear it again..."

"I heard!"

With the help of the data master ability, Wang Qi discovered something was wrong.

He pointed to the college student, and several people looked together, only to suddenly notice that there was another person there!

The appearance is very ordinary, wearing a clean white shirt, holding a string of Buddhist beads in both hands, crossed on his lap, and looking at everyone with a cramped smile.

"Finally someone saw me... How are you!" Seeing that everyone was looking at him, the man hurriedly greeted everyone.

This person has no sense of existence!

"Hehe, I've had no sense of existence since I was a child, so people often easily ignore my existence and forget about me. I'm used to it..."

His voice was getting weaker and weaker in the ears, and everyone subconsciously felt as if they had forgotten something.

"Oh..." He sighed and lowered his head. "This time again, I didn't even mention my name. However, I probably forgot after a while."

"Yeah, what's your name?"

Wang Qi asked suddenly.

"Huh?" He suddenly raised his head and looked at Wang Qi in surprise, "Why haven't you been affected?"

"Ahaha, what I see is hard to forget and ignore." Wang Qi smiled.

In fact, it is the master of the data.

Although Wang Qi didn't pay attention to him at first, so the data master didn't show his data in particular.But when Wang Qi has discovered him, the group of data he represents will never disappear from the view of the data master.Even if Wang Qi's own eyes subconsciously ignore his existence, but the master of data will not.

"Great! My name is Shifang! Nice to meet you!"

Shi Fang was so happy that he came up to shake Wang Qi's hand, but only then did everyone realize that they had forgotten about him just now.

Wang Qi was a little surprised by Shifang's enthusiasm, but he shook hands with him anyway, and then Shifang took advantage of the opportunity to sit next to him, and the two started talking.

"Your name is so strange. Is there anyone with the surname Ten?"

"I'm a monk, this is the dharma name."

"Huh? But you have hair?"

"Oh, it's because I'm a monk."

(End of this chapter)

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