Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 110 Battle in the Maze

Chapter 110 Battle in the Maze (3)

Seeing the summoned beasts being annihilated one after another, and many boomerangs still shooting rapidly in the air, Zhang Yuxiang knew that these things should not bounce back, otherwise there would be nothing on his side to block them.

"Brother Octopus, look at me!" A voice suddenly came from behind.

"Slow!" The student pressed his hands to the ground, and then a magic circle was formed directly under his feet, and then the magic circle became bigger and bigger, covering Zhang Yuxiang and the summoned beasts one by one.

The magic circle doesn't just extend on the ground. When it encounters the maze walls on both sides, it naturally goes up the walls.

Immediately, all the places covered by the magic circle, the air above (or on the sides) became thick and heavy.

The boomerang entered this kind of air, and its flying speed slowed down immediately.Although its own turning speed is still very high, that speed is not very sustainable. The forward speed is not good, and if it cannot collide with anything, the turning speed becomes slower and slower, and finally falls straight to the ground.

Seeing that these boomerangs were handled with a single move, Zhang Yuxiang gave the student a thumbs up, and then continued to concentrate on dealing with the two in front of him.

Mercenary B, who had been silent for a long time, also took advantage of the rivalry between the three of them, and suddenly made a move.

The two short guns in his left and right hands were spliced ​​back and forth and turned into a longer assault rifle. After a simple change, the shape of this rifle changed drastically, and the black muzzle became a sci-fi look. .A ray of light flashed from the muzzle of the gun, and then a laser beam shot directly at Zhang Yuxiang.

Wang Qi, who had been peeping all the time, couldn't remind Zhang Yuxiang, so he could only direct the avatar of his summoned beast to jump up and block the laser line.

The laser light easily pierced through the body of the shadow snaketail wolf, and the body directly annihilated the fly ash.But this also reminded Zhang Yuxiang and his students.

"Mirror!" The student didn't panic at all, first put his hands together, and then slapped the air in front of him.

A circular magic circle was formed directly in front of the two of them out of thin air, which would block the laser.

Although it is just a magic circle and not a real mirror, since it dares to be called the mirror surface, the reflection ability of the mirror is naturally possessed.

When the laser hit it, it was instantly bounced in another direction.

And the student is not stupid to manipulate, the direction of this rebound is mercenary A.

As a result, mercenary B pulled the trigger again and again, the lasers fired were continuously bounced, and mercenary A was jumping up and down, which was very lively.

"Brother Octopus, leave the defense to me, don't worry!" the student took the opportunity to say to Zhang Yuxiang.

"Hey, you are stupid! Change it quickly!" the mercenary A over there shouted angrily.

"Mushroom jungle!" Zhang Yuxiang didn't answer, but directly resorted to his current best move.

Large pieces of mushrooms began to grow at an extremely fast speed from the ground, wall, and even Zhang Yuxiang's own summoned beast in front of the two of them.

In the blink of an eye, the big mushroom has grown to the height of the calf, while the small mushroom is constantly growing and spreading, extending towards the two mercenaries.

Seeing this scene, mercenary B slightly adjusted the gun in his hand, and pulled the trigger again. The gun turned into a flamethrower.

The raging fire gushed out, and immediately sprayed the mushrooms that had spread in front of him with a scorched fragrance, and they could no longer grow.

Mercenary A also took the opportunity to jump back to his side, hiding behind the flames.

As a result, the scene suddenly turned into a wrestling battle between mushrooms and flames.

Seeing this, mercenary A felt that he couldn't be beaten like this. He summoned the Book of Spirit Cards, and then a glass bottle appeared in his hand.

Throwing the glass bottle to the front, the aroma of the wine immediately overflowed after the bottle exploded, mixed with the aroma of the mushrooms being roasted by the flame, it was indescribably very appetizing.

But mercenary B understood what he meant, the flame turned around immediately, and sprayed on the place where the wine bottle hit, a burst of flame shot up into the sky, clearing up a large area of ​​mushrooms in one go.

Mercenary A threw out the wine bottle again and again, and Mercenary B aimed at the flames, and in the blink of an eye, Zhang Yuxiang's favorite spirit card "Mushroom Jungle" was completely burned, and the two of them wanted to counterattack.

"Vacuum!" Another student.

Clap your hands again, making a qigong wave gesture, two layers of magic circles appear parallel to each other, separate forwards one after the other, and become larger in the blink of an eye.One of them suddenly accelerated, separated from the magic circle behind, and came directly behind the mercenary.

When the two magic circles were in place in an instant, mercenaries A and B suddenly found that the surrounding air was being sucked away quickly.

The flame needs air to burn. The firearm in the hands of mercenary B is just an ordinary flame. Naturally, it is impossible to leave the air to continue burning, so the flame gradually becomes smaller until it disappears.

And the two mercenaries also knew that they couldn't care about the flames in this situation, they had to leave the range of these two magic circles, otherwise they would all suffocate to death.

The two of them retreated quickly, trying to get out of the range of the magic circle.


The student shouted for a lifetime, Qigong Bo's posture changed into a white crane spreading its wings, and then Zhang Yuxiang saw that the two magic circles, one in front and one behind, actually moved with them.

No matter how fast you retreat, can you be as fast as the magic circle that exists in the void?That is naturally impossible.

Zhang Yuxiang was stunned for a moment, but naturally he would not give up this opportunity.Poisonous Rain and Mushroom Jungle were used repeatedly, and some mushroom shields were even mixed in between to prevent the two from retreating, just to prevent them from leaving.

Then, another strange scene appeared, the two mercenaries desperately retreated, Zhang Yuxiang and the student led the summoned beast and the mushroom to catch up, and the two sides maintained a subtle relative stillness.

Of course, Zhang Yuxiang's mushroom forest will not accidentally injure himself. As long as he walks, all the mushrooms and poisonous rain will automatically disappear, so he and the students are extremely safe.

The two mercenaries secretly groaned in their hearts, but they had to withdraw. The two of them really did not have the spirit card to deal with this kind of magic circle, and they lost at the starting line.

Gradually, the air in the magic circle became thinner and thinner, and the two of them began to find it difficult to breathe.

"Hehe, I'll kill you while you're sick!" Zhang Yuxiang smirked, then waved his staff, and quietly used a new card that hadn't shown up.

"Mushroom Bomb!"

More than a dozen clumps of blue-gray mushrooms appeared directly from the two of them in all directions. After growing rapidly, they exploded automatically without waiting for any reaction from the two of them.

The power of the explosion was not great, but the explosion caused these gray mushrooms, together with the surrounding mushroom jungle, to shatter into the tiniest spores.

The magic circle continued to extract the air in it, forming a weak air flow, like the wind, quickly spreading these spores to every corner inside.

Caught off guard, mercenaries A and B inhaled a small amount of spores.Now it's fun.

The two quickly held their breath, trying to prevent the spores from entering their bodies.But the spores that have already entered the body are so excited, they get a humid environment, and the spores quickly become new mushrooms.

Mushrooms in the Mushroom Jungle are contagious.And mushroom bombs are mushrooms that are poisoned.

After just a few breaths, the two of them began to feel hallucinations in front of their eyes, top-heavy, and they could no longer use their strength.

Then, the two fell down.

Numerous large and small mushrooms quickly grew out of the two people's bodies, mouths, and nostrils, and the external mushrooms also took the opportunity to climb up their bodies, submerging the two of them within a short while.

"Huh..." Zhang Yuxiang and the students let out a sigh of relief, looked at each other, and finally got it done.

When the mushrooms and toxins finally completely turned the two mercenaries into fly ash and the fall appeared, Zhang Yuxiang waved his staff to make all the mushrooms disappear.

Seeing Wang Qi here, he secretly gave them a thumbs up, and then put his mind back to the main body.

"I said, isn't your ability very strong?"

Zhang Yuxiang bent down to pick up the dropped ones on the ground, looked at them, and handed one to the students. There were also two spirit card keys, exactly one for each student.

"No, if I am alone, I will feel that I can't beat the opponent, and then I will only dare to run away. Only when I am with my teammates, I will know how to help."

The student shook his head, took the drop without looking at it, and explained it to Zhang Yuxiang after putting it away.

"That's just right. I think the cooperation between the two of us just now is quite powerful. Let's go quickly. Even if there are enemies, we can solve them faster. Find other talents quickly."

Zhang Yuxiang thinks this is also very good.

"Huh? Why is there another drop here?" Zhang Yuxiang suddenly found that the mushroom had just covered the exposed area, and there was another spirit card and spirit card key.

"Did you see the enemy here just now?" He asked the students beside him suspiciously.

"I don't know, I didn't see it at all." The student also recalled it, and was very sure of it with doubts.

"Forget it, don't care, let's go first." Zhang Yuxiang gave up after thinking for a while, and decided to move on first.

"Well, Brother Octopus, let's go."

Zhang Yuxiang + student VS mercenary A + mercenary B, complete victory.

The angle of view shifted again.

Ye Tianbing's whole body shone with golden light, his handsome armor, and his two fists with special effects of ice and fire all set off his extraordinary heroism.

"This is the second one. I don't know what's going on with the others. Are Wang Qi and Zhang Yuxiang okay?"

Under his feet, a mercenary who had just died was lying impressively, gradually turning into fly ash, revealing the dropped spirit card.

"Huh? Tianbing?" Suddenly a voice came from the side.

"Haha, I ran into you first, Aqiu." Ye Tianbing turned around and saw that it was his old partner Qiu Mingshan.

"Tsk, what kind of fate do we have, we can meet you first." Qiu Mingshan waved his hand in disgust, expressing that he didn't care much about Ye Tianbing.

"Hey, this is the so-called, heart-to-heart connection?" Ye Tianbing laughed.

"Get lost! The devil and you have a heart-to-heart! Labor and capital like girls! I will go on a blind date when I go back in a few days!" Qiu Mingshan gave a middle finger.

"Wow, you secretly went on a blind date without telling me, no, we have to go together, maybe the other girl will fall in love with me!" Ye Tianbing stepped forward and put his arms around his shoulders, continuing to tease.

"Come on, whoever scared the blind date girl away before, don't tell me you don't know. Only my handsome appearance, the girl will like it. You are such a scumbag, don't go with me to lower the average score .” Qiu Mingshan pushed him away in disgust.

The two walked and chatted together, not paying attention to the maze at all.

The angle of view shifted again.

(End of this chapter)

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