Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 112 Battle in the Maze

Chapter 112 Battle in the Maze (5)

"So tired Shet!"

The mercenary leader and his subordinates backed away in embarrassment, while the metal villain rushed forward.

But since the boss can use this trick, it means that this trick is not easy to hide.

That's right, the name of this trick is "Death Bloom".

When using this trick, if the user yells out the line "Stay! Stay! Stay!" at the same time, the special effect of this move will be triggered, attracting people.

All creatures around the user will be involuntarily sucked into the attack range of this move and suffer huge damage.

Of course, if you have a high enough level, that is, a spirit card ability with a higher immunity to escape, then it's fine.

But if you haven't, yo, congratulations, you've got a taste of "Stay! Stay! Stay!"

As a result, the mercenary leader and his subordinates were in despair, and no one happened to have such a high-weight spirit card that could escape the death bloom's suction effect, and then they danced and were sucked closer to the boss.

Scattered flames spit out mercilessly from the hand cannon, and countless mixed-attribute bullets sprayed out from it, covering the faces of five people and those metal villains.

On the spot, three of the younger brothers were forced to surrender their life-saving skills.The mercenary leader and the other blocked the wave of attacks with their own methods.

But..."Death Bloom" lasted for ten seconds, and the blows were continuous.Otherwise, the boss wouldn't have dedicated an equipment slot for this spirit card, and also equipped it with two prop card hand cannons.

After two of the younger brothers handed in a life-saving skill, they didn't trigger a new life-saving skill, and they were directly thrown into ashes in a sad reminder.Only one little brother was completely fine because his body was transformed into smoke and he would not suffer any damage for a long time.

The mercenary leader and the other younger brother, who were resisting the attack, were finally broken through the upper limit of damage, and they surrendered their shields to save their lives.

"Fuck!" Heartbroken by the loss of life-saving ability, but the three surviving people finally survived this wave of attacks.

"Death Bloom" is so powerful, of course the corresponding cooling time is also very long.Therefore, when the attack is over, the boss seems to have practiced it thousands of times. The speed of light puts away a pair of hand cannons, and then with a slight move of the hand, a silver gun is formed in the hand in an instant with the straight thrusting action. The younger brother who wasn't smoked directly stabbed him right through.

Hanging on the barrel of the gun, the younger brother, with wide eyes and blood spitting out of his mouth, looked at the boss unwillingly, but after waving his outstretched hands weakly twice, he finally fell heavily.

The mercenary leader didn't take the opportunity to escape, but seized the opportunity and used his spirit card.

In addition to a group of new metal villains jumping out and rushing directly at the boss, he made a posture of jumping and chopping from top to bottom, and a giant ax braving raging flames appeared in his hand with the movement, smashing heavily Face to face with the boss.

After the loud noise, the silver gun in the boss's hand firmly pressed against the giant ax on the mercenary's head. The weapons intersected and shot out countless sparks, but the giant ax could not penetrate an inch.And the attacks of those metal villains all pierced the armor of the boss, but they didn't even leave a trace.

But there is one more person on the mercenary side.

The little brother turned into a smoke state, a pair of daggers appeared in his hands, and a flash appeared behind the boss. Because the boss was covered with bright silver armor, he could only aim at the back of his neck and cut it horizontally.

The boss didn't panic at all, he slightly lowered his figure, and suddenly released his strength, allowing the giant ax on the head of the mercenary to continue to chop down, while the spear in his hand circled, pierced the ground, and moved sideways with his own figure, Completely avoided the pincer attack of the two.

"Pour me over!"

The momentum of the giant ax slashing was not too old, the mercenary leader had already let go, he squatted down suddenly, stretched out his feet and kicked towards the boss's legs.

And the younger brother's daggers also suddenly disappeared, he raised both hands, left a cloud of poisonous powder, right hand a cloud of lime, and sprinkled towards the boss together.

The attack of these two people changed from a frontal force to an indiscriminate tactic in an instant.


The boss clicked his tongue lightly, exerted a slight force in his hands, and lifted his feet off the ground. He rose upside down and soared into the sky, avoiding this combo attack again when there was no time left.

"It's hit!"

The mercenary leader shouted loudly, and then pushed down slightly with both hands, and three chains shot up from the ground, wrapping the boss into a chain dumpling in an instant.

The younger brother seemed to have known his big brother's move for a long time, so he added his own attack without hesitation.Two smoke tentacles split out from the body, quickly climbed up along the chains, and penetrated inwards from the gaps in the chains.

"Black mist, strangle!"

The little brother who thought he was very cool, even said the name of this trick in a very pretentious tone.

The mercenary leader took out a glass bottle besides entangled the target with a chain. After biting off the cork on it with his teeth, there was no change in the bottle, but a monstrous wave appeared above their heads out of thin air. In the blink of an eye, the mid-air where the chains were located was completely submerged, and countless small black shadows that could not be seen clearly swam and shuttled in the water, seeping into the chains together.

"There is no enemy that I, the water ghost bottle, can't kill. Let's see if you die." The mercenary leader spat out the bottle cork from his mouth, then stared at the water curtain above his head, couldn't help but said come out.

"I said, where are you looking at?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind the two of them.

The two of them were startled and turned their heads suddenly, only to see the standing still figure with silver spear and armor, either the boss or someone else.

"Let you play with my Silver Armored Soldiers for a long time, I don't know if you are enjoying it?" the boss said lightly.

However, the eyes of the mercenary leader and the younger brother were so wide open that they didn't pay attention to what the boss said.

Standing neatly behind the boss, there are countless figures at a glance who are exactly like him.


The mercenary leader made an instant decision.

But when he retreated suddenly and turned back with his younger brother, he found that, at some point, there were countless silver-armored soldiers standing neatly behind him.

"Don't play anymore. Let's kill them." The boss shook his silver gun and said calmly.

All the figures exactly like him immediately turned into streaks of silver light, and rushed towards the two mercenaries at the same time.

The silver light shuttled back and forth, and countless silver dragons flipped in the air. The mercenary leader and the younger brother struggled for less than 0.1 second, and were directly beaten into flying ash, without a trace.

"Hey, it seems that I still rely too much on this card." The boss saw that the enemy had disappeared, and even the drop had appeared. With a thought, all the silver armored soldiers disappeared together.

This is of course the strongest spirit card in him, mythical level, "Silver Armored Spearman".

The effect is roughly that the number of physical avatars can be summoned, no more than 900 at most, with the same armor, spear props and related ability cards and special cards as the own equipment, the duration is 30 minutes, and the cooling time is 30 minutes.

Anyway, it is a typical one-man army.

Otherwise, how could only so few people be sent to rescue?Basically, in fact, only sending him alone is enough.

At this moment, the boss saw that the enemy had all been ambushed, so his pace slowed down a bit, and he was no longer in a hurry.

Holding the spear in his hand, he walked unhurriedly and left here.

After 5 minutes, a small figure suddenly climbed up from the corner where no one was paying attention.

It was a metal doll, one of those summoned by the mercenary leader just now, but did not cause any harm to the boss.

It stands to reason that when the Spirit Card Master himself dies, the summoned creatures will also disappear, and the Book of Spirit Cards will collapse directly.

But at this moment, this metal doll really completely overturned everyone's imagination. It didn't disappear with the spirit card master, but stayed alone.

The metal doll first moved its body a bit, and after gradually getting used to it, it was able to move normally.

"Damn, why is this guy so strong!"

Without a vocal organ, he could only think bitterly in his heart.

This is the mercenary leader himself.

Using a special spirit card, which is also his ultimate life-saving spirit card, "Spirit Realm Reincarnation", when the spirit card master himself dies, he can sacrifice everything that belongs to him, and then reincarnate into a summoned creature In the body, the soul is guaranteed to be immortal.

"It's okay! As long as I'm not dead, sooner or later, I will take revenge! I, Lei Qiwu, will come back!"

He opened his small metal mouth that could not make a sound, raised his arms, and roared silently to the sky. He didn't know if he was really setting a flag, or he was happy because he finally had a name after so many chapters.

After expressing his emotions, he looked around and saw that there were no traces of people or monsters. After thinking about it, he decided to find a subordinate first.

The most urgent thing is to get a spirit card key first.Otherwise, although I act like a creature in the spirit world now, I don't have the book of spirit cards, so I can't obtain and equip spirit cards.

After getting the key, go to the secret stronghold that I have prepared for many years, and get some spiritual cards that I have hidden, and then I can be resurrected in disguise.

The little metal figure stuck to the corner, quietly walking in the opposite direction to the boss, and gradually disappeared into the maze.

However, what he didn't know was that all of this was clearly seen by a Void Butterfly flapping its wings slowly in the air.

This Void Butterfly was naturally the invisible version summoned by Wang Qi's avatar, and it was one of the ones that had been randomly scattered in the maze from the very beginning.

When the boss and the five mercenaries met, the Void Butterfly quietly took a panoramic view of everything, allowing Wang Qi to watch a crushing situation where one person encircled and wiped out five people.

But just now because Wang Qi ran away for a while and didn't let the Void Butterfly keep up with the figure of the boss, the Void Butterfly happened to stay here, and then happened to witness the appearance of the metal doll.

"It's interesting. Is this some method of the mercenary leader?"

Wang Qi thought of this, and then gave an order to Void Butterfly to follow him closely.

 I forgot to thank Ruomeng for the reward in the past, thank you!mwah!

(End of this chapter)

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