Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 121 Looking for the kidnapped person

Chapter 121 Looking for the kidnapped person
"Miss Tang, you have already indicated the place, and you can also continue to update us through communication in the rear, so you don't need to participate in the next action."

After Minister Zhao arranged the work, he turned to Tang Yibai and said.

"It's okay, I can go with you. Maybe there will be some changes when we get there, and maybe my ability will be needed at that time." Tang Yibai shook his head.

Thinking about it, what she said is also right, if you can't find anyone when you get there, it will be embarrassing.Some abilities are so well hidden that they are really hard to find for non-professionals.

"Then I will trouble you. After this incident is over, I will definitely report to the headquarters of the association to increase your remuneration." Minister Zhao no longer declined, but changed his rhetoric.

"Wow, brother Tianbing, do we get paid?" Zhang Yuxiang quietly asked Ye Tianbing.

"Sure, but you and I are definitely not as many as Miss Xiao Tang. And we, don't forget that we are the ones who clean up the company, and there will be points rewards from the association, which is also a good thing." Ye Tianbing also Answer in a low voice.

Everyone didn't wait for a few minutes, and the subordinates arranged by Director Zhao quickly walked in with a few Spirit Card Masters.

"Okay, the transportation team has arrived, let's go." Minister Zhao made some arrangements. He ordered ten people himself, and there are nine people here, making a total of nineteen people.

"Ten of you, follow the arrangement of the big stomach king all the way here, and everything is subject to the orders of the big stomach king, and you must not disobey." He ordered these ten people.

"Yes!" Several people answered one after another.

Minister Zhao turned his head and apologized to the big stomach king again.

"I still need me to sit here. I'm sorry I can't go with you. If necessary, let these ten people do it for you. They are all locals and are very familiar with the environment here."

Big Stomach King nodded, making it clear.

When they came outside the house, the two later Spirit Card Masters summoned a huge transport helicopter in front of everyone.

"Wow, this is great!"

Zhang Yuxiang patted Wang Qi and exclaimed in a low voice.

The same is true for Wang Qi, this is the first time he knows that there is a spirit card of this kind of transportation, and he has never seen it before, and it seems that it is a relatively rare type of spirit card.

Everyone didn't talk too much, they directly boarded the helicopter quickly, and then the two spirit card masters sat in the pilot's seat, and started the helicopter easily as if they were flying an ordinary plane.

Because it is not an ordinary helicopter, the flying speed is naturally very fast, and the distance of 150 kilometers will not take long in a straight line.

On the plane, Tang Yibai closed his eyes again to confirm the positions of those people, and found that they had indeed reached the border, but they also temporarily stopped.

After hearing this, Big Stomach King nodded slightly, "This is good news, at least there is no need to cross the border, and it will save a lot of trouble."

With the speed far exceeding that of ordinary helicopters, Wang Qi reckoned that this helicopter must also have attributes. It took less than 20 minutes for the two helicopters to arrive at the location Tang Yibai delineated.

As it got closer, Tang Yibai continued to give more accurate instructions, and the pilot also adjusted the forward posture according to her instructions. After finally reaching a certain position, Tang Yibai made gestures to make the plane stop first and hover in the air .

"My lord, I feel that those people are below." Tang Yibai said to the big stomach king.

Although it was already late at night, it was pitch black outside the window, and the helicopter deliberately did not turn on the lights, but the big eater was obviously not an ordinary person. He opened the helicopter's hatch and looked down.

It was dark below, and everyone in the cabin curiously checked it with their own means.Wang Qi also put on his War Horn·Magic Valkyrie costume, and looked down with the help of the night vision goggles on his head.

Through the night vision goggles, it can be seen that there is a vast mountainous area below, without any traces of human activities.Although the helicopter did not turn on the lights, but because of the loud sound of the propellers, it was still possible to see wild birds and animals startled below, running in all directions.

"Can you tell if it's on the ground? There are caves in the mountains here, so it's hard to say whether they are in the cave or on the ground."

The driver asked first, whether he was a local or knew something about this place.

"Wait a minute." Tang Yibai closed her eyes again, and opened them after a while, "The vertical distance between us and them is about 3500 meters, with an error of 50 meters. I can't be more precise." She shook her head , expressing helplessness.

The pilot of the helicopter is very clear about the parameters, that is, the height is about 3500 meters, and the error is about 50 meters. It is really impossible to judge whether it is in a cave or on the ground.

"Let me do it instead." Wang Qi took over the conversation, and everyone couldn't help but look at him.

He didn't explain it either, and while summoning one void butterfly after another, he let the avatar that had been secretly hidden in the cabin jump down with the avatar void butterfly.

"My summoned beast is very capable of detection. Let them look for it. If there is no one on the ground, it must be in a cave."

Wang Qi didn't even think about taking out his miracle compass. It's not easy to use to find people now. It's better to spread out his summoned beasts, which should be more efficient.

Seeing Wang Qi's actions, everyone patted their heads and summoned their own book of spirit cards.

Even if the ability of summoning is not common, or is not equipped on the body, everyone still has one or two summoning spirit cards, and they can also be used in the free card slot.Immediately, a large number of various summoned beasts, regardless of whether they can fly or not, were directly airborne down to help find them together.

Wang Qi was a little funny, but after the Void Butterflies flew out, they quickly divided their search areas according to the number, and then began to explore carefully.

In 5 minutes, the Void Butterfly gave Wang Qi feedback.

"There is nothing on the ground, but my summoned creature found thirteen caves in the nearby generation, maybe they are really in the cave. I have asked the summoned creature to go in and check."

Wang Qi briefly talked about the progress.

"Oh, your ability is not bad." Big Stomach King nodded approvingly.

The environment of the cave is very complicated, some are big and some are small, and there are often branches within a short distance, or directly become an underground river.

Fortunately, Wang Qi's master of data is strong enough. Through the constant feedback from the Void Butterfly, he directly constructed a three-dimensional map of this generation in his mind, completely reproducing the terrain of the cave in front of his eyes, clearly Chu's moment marks the detection results of each Void Butterfly.

Suddenly, one of the Void Butterflies entered a spacious underground cave hall after entering a fork.

And there, a group of people with a tough aura similar to the group of mercenaries that were killed before were sitting together, chatting and eating.

Next to the fire they raised, there was a group of dull-eyed people who looked like they had lost their souls, sitting there blankly, neither crying nor making trouble.

"Found it!" Wang Qi exclaimed in surprise, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"Wait, the road my summoned beast just took is not suitable for people to walk. The hostages seem to have nothing wrong with their appearance except for their dull eyes. I will find another road!" He hurriedly said to everyone arrive.

"Okay, let the plane behind you know that it is ready to land at any time." The big eater directly ordered the pilot next to him.

The pilot nodded, picked up a walkie-talkie, and said a few words to the plane behind him.

Wang Qi concentrated on making all the Void Butterflies move closer to the huge underground space in his mind, looking for a bigger passage.The one that has already entered is also looking for a hole leading to the outside.

Soon, three more Void Butterflies brought feedback, found a passage leading to this underground hall, and allowed people to pass through.

After a quick comparison in his mind, Wang Qi chose the path closest to everyone, and then confirmed the entrance.

"Follow my instructions, the current position is 37.85 degrees west by south, 1870 meters away, and you can land there." Wang Qi said to the driver.

The pilot nodded, then looked at the instrument panel, adjusted the orientation directly, pushed the joystick, and the helicopter flew forward, and arrived at the designated position after a few seconds.

The summoned beasts that the people on the plane summoned just now came in handy at the moment. They were not slow to follow, and quickly cleared a large area on the ground to allow the plane to land. Everyone settle down.

"Ten meters to the left, good, descend now!" Wang Qi kept giving precise instructions to the driver, and finally found the exact position.

The two planes, one in front of the other, landed on the open space cleared by the summoned beasts, with incomparable accuracy.

After getting off the plane quickly, Wang Qi was not polite, calling everyone to ride his own shadow snaketail wolf.

"Xiaobai, you guys can stay here if you can't do it, I've already found them, you don't need to go there yourself." He turned his head and said to Tang Yibai.

"Well, then I'll wait for you here. Xuanxuan will protect me." Tang Yibai didn't object, since he really couldn't help much, waiting here is the best choice.

"Leave five of you, and the pilot also stay here to protect Miss Tang." Big Stomach King directly ordered to the people who got off from another plane.

Everyone nodded, and the five surrounded the two drivers, Tang Yibai and Xuanxuan.

Seeing that the arrangements had been made, Wang Qi didn't hesitate. After everyone rode on his shadow snake-tailed wolf, he directly ordered in his mind. The wolf took the lead and led everyone into the jungle, heading towards a cave on the nearby hillside. go.

Fortunately, everyone has their own weapons, and it is much more convenient not to be afraid of the snakes, ants and poisonous insects in the jungle.

Soon, everyone came to the cave together, Wang Qi turned around and nodded to the back, and then rode directly into the shadow snaketail wolf.

(End of this chapter)

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