Chapter 124
Taking out the glass bottle that was used in the maze before, Feng Zimo pulled out the cork and sent it to the big stomach king.

"My lord, you just need to spit all those people into the bottle. This bottle is specially used to lock people up."

When the big stomach king heard it, he immediately gave Feng Zimo a thumbs up, then took the bottle, and brought it to his mouth.

After spitting out a small gap, the big stomach king vomited in the metal giant and all the mercenaries that had been sucked into his mouth.

As soon as he finished vomiting, he quickly used the cork that Feng Zimo handed him again, and stuffed it tightly.Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

"Oh, I really don't want to use this method. Although it is very simple to use, it is difficult to overcome the psychological barrier." The big stomach king said.

Everyone looked at each other and agreed with his words in their hearts.

Although it was easy to deal with the enemy, this kind of operation of eating people into the mouth...however you think about it, it's awkward.Not to mention swallowing it in the stomach like the pig before.

Fortunately, Feng Zimo's glass bottle solved the problem.

"Can this bottle of yours work?" Big Stomach King shook the bottle, and immediately made the bewildered mercenary group inside even more confused, and the metal giant clanged against the glass bottle wall like a small model , looks very funny.

"Don't worry, as long as they enter the bottle, it will form its own space inside, and they won't be able to use any spirit card abilities, and they won't be able to get out if they wait for 24 hours." Feng Zimo said confidently.

"That's good, then I have to requisition your bottle." Big Stomach King nodded reassuringly.

"Don't worry, there's another one over there, let's lock it in together by the way." Qiu Mingshan quickly pointed to the mercenary trapped by Wang Qi.

So the second child of the mercenary sadly went into the glass bottle and joined his brothers in the bottle.

Seeing that all the enemies had been cleaned up, Wang Qi also withdrew the shield wall, and everyone gathered in a circle, staring at the glass bottle in the hands of the big stomach king.

"Tell me, where did you send me!" Big Stomach King flicked the bottle with his finger.

"I really don't know! The move I just had was a random effect, and I don't know where he went!" The second child answered while sitting there dejectedly.

"I don't believe it! Unless you hand over all the spirit cards on your body!" Feng Zimo took the conversation with a smile.

"Anyway, it's already in your hands, and it's probably not going to be a good time. If you want to kill or cut you, come here, I won't hand over the spirit card!" The second mercenary suddenly became stiff.

"Oh? Is that so? Then try this." Feng Zimo said, and summoned a dark mass, which passed through the bottle and sent it inside.

That was exactly an ability he had also used in the maze, and it would be best to use it with this bottle.

"Ah! What, what is this! Don't let him come over! Ah!~~ah~hehehe, hahaha, ah~~" Under the watchful eyes of his brothers, the mercenary's second child was swallowed by the ball, and then The whole body began to make some strange movements uncontrollably, feeling that the whole person was confused.

"Forgive me, please spare me! I,...hehehe, I will pay! Ah~~I will pay!" After a while, the second child of the mercenary begged for mercy intermittently.

Feng Zimo smiled and snapped his fingers, and then the thing stopped working, and the second mercenary collapsed to the ground with a spoiled expression, his face full of lovelessness.

"Not yet, do you want to try again?" Feng Zimo said to him again.

He quickly cheered up, then summoned his book of spirit cards, turned to the page of the spirit cards he had equipped, and after looking at them reluctantly, he took off the spirit cards one by one, and threw them away according to Feng Zimo's instructions. to the bottle.

Feng Zimo continued with his hands below, and soon got all the spirit cards on him.

He rummaged through a bit, found one of them, and handed it to Wang Qi who was anxiously beside him.Wang Qi took it and quickly summoned the Book of Spirit Cards to check the attributes.

"Exile from the spirit world: ability card, legendary level. Consume 10000 points of spiritual power, and recite a spell silently. After the ball is launched, any target it hits will be randomly banished to the spirit world. Cooldown time: 12 hours."

Wang Qi felt a bit bitter in his mouth, this turned out to be a legendary spirit card, and the effect was really what the second mercenary said, random banishment.

Although the above is very suspicious, the word "spirit world" was mentioned again, which probably has the same meaning as the spirit world mentioned in the previous world announcement, but now is not the time to study this, the most important thing is that this is really It's a random exile, and it doesn't say that it can bring back the exiled target.

This is... embarrassing.

Regardless of the people over there who were still asking the remaining mercenaries to hand over their spirit cards, Wang Qiteng stood up abruptly, "I'll go out to find Xiaobai, and let her see where the octopus went."

As he said that, he was about to leave when Ye Tianbing hurriedly stopped him.

"Hey, don't worry, we can't get out of this cave without you, the route inside is so complicated, we will get lost if we go."

That's true, before coming in was relying on Wang Qi to lead the way, and the summoned beast carried everyone in.Wang Qi had no choice but to stop again.

Among the pile of spirit cards that Feng Zimo just got, besides the one just now, there is another spirit card, which is used to trap the hostages. After Feng Zimo equipped it, he used it directly, and quickly released the hostages. Absence.

Seeing that most of the mercenaries handed over their spirit cards except the mercenary boss who was still stubborn, the big stomach king also got up and put the bottle in his pocket first.

"Let's go back and talk about it, first rescue all the hostages."

The battle arranged by him as a master ended up causing an accident to one of the helpers, and he felt a little sorry. Interrogating these mercenaries can be done slowly, so it is better to go back first.

Wang Qi's shadow snake-tailed wolves can only have a maximum of 24 in total. Everyone simply divided them. Several people followed Wang Qi, took some people out first, and the rest waited here with the hostages, and then Wang Qi went out again. Just send summoned beasts in to pick people up.

After seeing that the first group of people had ridden well, Wang Qi was anxious to find Xiaobai, and manipulated the summoned beasts to enter the dark cave again.

Soon, they went out of the cave with all kinds of twists and turns. When the guards outside saw everyone coming out, they were nervous at first, but after confirming that they were their own people, they were overjoyed.

Wang Qi waved his summoned beast to enter the cave again to pick up people. With the help of the clone's second thread to guide, he ignored it and found Xiaobai and Xuanxuan who were waiting there.

"Xiaobai, Zhang Yuxiang was hit by the enemy's skill just now, and was teleported to nowhere. Can you help me find him! I, I must find him!"

Wang Qi's tone was urgent, and he directly grabbed Tang Yibai's hands.

"Ah? What's going on? Don't worry, tell us first." Tang Yibai and Xuanxuan were taken aback and asked quickly.

After Wang Qi talked about it for a while, he took out the spirit card and showed it to the two of them. Only then did they understand what was going on.

Tang Yibai took one hand out of his hand and patted Wang Qi's back, telling him not to be too impatient.

"It's okay, I will definitely help you find him, please calm down first."

Wang Qi took a few deep breaths, and then activated the ability of the master of data, which immediately calmed down his mood.

After shaking Xiaobai's hand, he felt a little embarrassed, and then reluctantly let go.

"Is it better? Do you have anything from Zhang Yuxiang with you? Or he gave it to you." Tang Yibai asked him when he saw that he was better.

Wang Qi thought for a while, then shook his head regretfully, "I really don't have anything he gave me with me now, and I can only find it when I go back."

"Then, then I'll go back with you." Tang Yibai thought for a while, then bowed his head and said.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Xiaobai." Wang Qi hurriedly thanked him, but at the same time, he felt a little sad and couldn't be happy.

"Hey, look how good we Xiaobai are, and we're going home with you again." Xuanxuan joked, seeing Wang Qi was so low-key, she was too embarrassed to say anything else, so she had to divert his attention like this.

Soon, Wang Qi's summoned beast transported the rest of the people back twice, and everyone came out of the cave.

The rescue mission was successfully completed. After discussing with everyone, the two spirit card masters summoned their helicopters again and sent a group of people away, while the rest waited here together.

After asking Feng Zimo some precautions about the bottle, the big stomach king directly put the bottle away.He graciously let everyone divide up those spirit cards that were forced out, and he didn't keep anything.

So Feng Zimo simply classified the spirit cards he got, without looking at the attributes, and randomly divided them among everyone.As for the exile from the spiritual world, he didn't ask, and no one said much, so Wang Qi put it in his hands first.

After collecting their trophies, Wang Qi told Big Stomach King that he needed to go back quickly.

"Master Big Stomach King, I'm really sorry, I'm in a hurry to go back and get my friend's things, so that Xiaobai can quickly find his whereabouts."

"Well, I understand." Big Stomach King nodded, "I'm also a little embarrassed. I brought you out to pretend to be aggressive, but I didn't expect that the pretending failed. It's a bit embarrassing. If you need me later in this matter, I will help you , just look for me!"

Wang Qi quickly expressed his thanks, and then added the contact information of Big Stomach King. After that, they took the first batch of planes and left directly.

The speed of the plane was very fast. After everyone returned to the Link Card Association, Minister Zhao said that he had already learned about it.

To be honest, for him, he successfully rescued all the kidnapped people without sacrificing his subordinates, just one person disappeared temporarily. This is already a very good result, so he is still very happy.But of course this couldn't be shown in front of Wang Qi, he still expressed his concern earnestly, and said that he had arranged a special plane to send a few people back to Shui'an City first.

So, the seven people rushed to the airport again without stopping, and boarded the plane.

(End of this chapter)

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