Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 126 Leaving Shuian City

Chapter 126 Leaving Shuian City

It was very difficult to meet Liu Manman, but Wang Qi went directly.It's not easy to talk about this kind of thing over the phone, it's better to talk about it in person.

Who knows, along Zhang Manman's office, I saw the grand uncle Subaru again.

Even if he knew that Liu Manman and Zhang Yuxiang were together, he still firmly came to send flowers to Liu Manman every day to say hello and express his heart.

Leaving aside what Liu Manman was thinking, at least from the perspective of the mass line, his move was really powerful.

Looking at those colleagues around who are used to it, even smiling and encouraging, you can see how popular he is in the eyes of everyone in this company.

However, Wang Qi just sighed, because he had already knocked on the door and walked in, so naturally there was no reason to turn around and leave.

"Wang Qi, why are you here alone today?" Liu Manman asked with a smile when he saw Wang Qi.

"I came here today to tell you some news." Wang Qi's face was a little serious, and Liu Manman's expression changed immediately.

"Don't tell me that something happened to Octopus." Liu Manman asked without waiting for Wang Qi to speak.

"Uh, he's not dead, it's just that something happened..." Wang Qi suddenly felt a little guilty. "He was teleported to an unknown place by the enemy's ability, and he can't come back for the time being."

Hearing that Zhang Yuxiang was not dead, Liu Manman breathed a sigh of relief.Pretending to be calm, she picked up the water glass on the table and pretended to take a sip of water.

"Excuse me, but I don't know the place Mr. Zhang Yuxiang was sent to. Is it easy to come back? If it's from another country, I can help." Uncle Subaru interrupted at the right time.

Wang Qi gave a wry smile, this was the last thing he wanted to explain, but uncle Subaru pointed it out very sharply.

"He was teleported to the spirit world, that's hard to come back for the time being." Wang Qi told the truth with a wry smile.

"However, I'm trying to find a way! As long as I find a suitable spirit card, I will bring him back intact!" Seeing Liu Manman's expression, Wang Qi quickly made another promise.

However, it is difficult to determine how convincing this guarantee is.

Liu Manman stopped talking, seemed to think of something, and suddenly started crying. Wang Qi was at a loss, so he had no choice but to comfort her, so that she would not be so sad.

"Mr. Wang Qi, I don't think you need to explain any more at this time. What Manman needs now is not your empty guarantee, so don't say these words that irritate her anymore." Uncle Subaru stood up and stopped her. Wang Qi.

"Maybe, we should give her a little space, why don't we leave together temporarily." He looked at Wang Qi.

Wang Qi was right after thinking about it, so he whispered goodbye to Liu Manman, then turned around and left the office with his uncle Subaru.

After the two walked out of the company's gate one after the other, the uncle Subaru suddenly stopped Wang Qi.

"Mr. Wang Qi, although I don't have much say in this matter, I still have to ask you not to contact Ms. Liu Manman for the time being." Uncle Subaru said sincerely.

Wang Qi frowned, feeling that this request was a bit too much, how could their relationship be closer than that of grand uncle Subaru.

"Believe me, Miss Liu Manman and I know better than you the pain of losing a family member of a spirit card master. What she needs more at this time is not weak comfort and empty reassurance. Let her calm down. If you can come up with Tell her in a practical way, if not, then stop stimulating her.”

He didn't wait for Wang Qi to say anything, and directly expressed his meaning.

Wang Qi hesitated to speak, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was indeed very reasonable.

"I...well, you're right."

"During this period, I will keep an eye on her. If you have any ideas, go ahead and do it, and if you need my help, you can just ask." Uncle Subaru stretched out his hand.

Seeing him repeatedly expressing his kindness, Wang Qi had no choice but to shake his hand.

"I will definitely save the octopus about this matter." It seemed to be for his uncle Subaru, but also to cheer himself up. After Wang Qi said something softly, he turned and left without wanting to say hello.

Uncle Subaru watched his figure from behind, motionless.The subordinates came up at the right time and asked him softly.

"My lord, what do we need to do?"

"Not for the time being. They didn't make such a request, and there's no need to be too proactive. But you can pay attention to Wang Qi's recent actions and see what he plans to do next."

Uncle Subaru said softly, then turned and left as well.

Driving his own car, Wang Qi quickly returned to his house.

I came to find Liu Manman by myself, but I was ashamed to let Tang Yibai and the others stay in the company, so I sent them here first.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw several people sitting in the hall chatting.Seeing Wang Qi coming back, Tang Yibai stood up and asked softly.

"How about it, did you tell Liu Manman?"

Wang Qi nodded.Then he briefly talked about the situation where his great-uncle Subaru was also there.

"Oh, this grand uncle is really infatuated, but this time he can seize a good opportunity. Speaking of which, I think he is quite suitable for Liu Manman, but I don't like your brother."

When Xuanxuan heard it, she first yelled and expressed her opinion.

"Well, when Spirit Card Masters are with ordinary people, unless they are non-combat types, most of them won't have good results. I also think that Liu Manman is more suitable to be with uncle Subaru."

Qingqing also nodded beside her.

"Zhang Yuxiang will be sad to hear that." Wang Qi smiled wryly.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. What are you going to say about Zhang Yuxiang's relatives?" Tang Yibai asked.

"I don't think I'll talk about it for now, because I really don't know how to tell them. Let's delay as long as I can." Wang Qi shook his head.

What can I do, I am also very helpless.

"That's fine, let's wait for a while." Seeing that he had made a decision, Tang Yibai nodded in support.

"Since this is the case, shouldn't we book tickets again? Let's go early and go to the Squirrel Club's rally." Feng Zimo interjected at the right time.

Everyone nods together.

"Speaking of which, my master will also go to this rally, and I can take you there to meet." Tang Yibai suddenly thought of something, and smiled at Wang Qi.

"Your master?" Wang Qi's curiosity was aroused.

"You'll know when you see it."

———Here is the dividing line, sincerely invite all kinds of advertisements———

After saying goodbye to the boss and the others, Wang Qi and Tang Yibai got on the plane together and flew directly to Shangning, one of the largest cities in China.

Shangning City is located in the middle of the domestic mainland coastline, at the mouth of the longest Cangjiang River. It is an international metropolis with a long history and a modern sense.

Because of its special geographical location, Shangning has become one of the most famous port cities in the world. It is not only an important technology, trade, finance and information center for ordinary people in the world, but also a place where cultures from all over the world gather.

The special international status has created a special living environment here. Walking on the street, no matter where you see people or what strange things, it is not surprising.Because this city embraces all the people who are willing to come here from all over the world with its own mind.

As soon as Wang Qi got off the plane, he felt the difference in this city.He had never been here before, and he only felt that the pace of life of everyone here was very fast, which was completely different from the leisurely pace of life in Shui'an City.

However, it is not surprising that the Squirrel Club chooses this city as the venue for its annual meeting, because the reasons have been introduced earlier.

It was obviously not the first time for Feng Zimo and the others to come here. They found the big hotel where the rally was held and checked in.

"How many rooms do we want this time?" Feng Zimo suddenly turned around and asked several people.

"Huh? Of course there are four." Xuanxuan looked at him curiously, "I said, you won't suddenly become stupid."

"Oh? Are you sure?" Feng Zimo looked teasingly at Tang Yibai, and then at Wang Qi.Yang Liuqing immediately covered her mouth and snickered.

Tang Yibai blushed, and then slapped him, "Hey, don't be joking."

"Okay, I'm just worried about you... okay, I won't say anything, let's not talk, four rooms." Feng Zimo wanted to continue to tease, but when he saw that Xiaobai was about to make a move, he quickly turned his head and said to the waiter .

After checking out the room, Feng Zimo took the room card from the lovely beauty at the front desk and distributed it to everyone.When it was sent to Wang Qi, he raised his eyebrows suggestively, and Tang Yibai who was staring at him couldn't help but kicked him again.

Because we haven't had a good rest since yesterday, everyone discussed it in the elevator and went back to their rooms to sleep, or to practice hard to recharge our spirits.The meeting will not start until the day after tomorrow, so there is no rush.

Everyone went into the room, Wang Qi locked the door and lay down on the bed.

He didn't bring much luggage, the only thing he brought was two or three changes of clothes and his own computer.There is no need to rest, Wang Qi directly turned on the computer, logged into the forum of the Spirit Card Association, and entered the trading module.

If you want to make good use of the spirit card "The Letter That Can't Be Hidden", it is essential to find some materials and fuse it into a new card.Because its original effect is too one-way, it needs to become two-way.

So looking for some suitable spirit cards on the trading platform, and by the way, finding out if there are any spirit cards related to spiritual world transmission is what Wang Qi is most concerned about now.

Using the ability of the master of data, Wang Qi continuously browsed the current spirit card of the trading platform at an extremely fast speed, and a large amount of data entered his mind, updating the data of the spirit card trading platform in his mind.

Soon, before it got dark, Wang Qi had already recorded all the information on the trading cards on the platform in his mind.

He has often used this method before. The advantage is that he can analyze the state with the full power of the data master and quickly find the fusion materials he needs.

So, after turning off the computer, Wang Qi rubbed his eyes.

"Enter the state of full analysis!"

(End of this chapter)

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