Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 129 Zhang Yuxiang's Happy Life

Chapter 129 Zhang Yuxiang's Happy Life
After moving to the living room, everyone took a rest, leaving the robot butler to clean up there.Anyway, the dishes will disappear with the phone, so don't worry about it, just wash the dishes and chopsticks.

After sitting for a while, Mu Ying stood up straight with a carp, moved her hands, and then directly used her spirit card ability.

Immediately, the living room turned into a miniature cosmic star cluster, with countless planetary lights and shadows swirling around, and the scenery was magnificent.

Facing Mu Ying was a huge circular magic circle made of light strips, on which countless light spots were constantly rotating.Xiaobai whispered to Wang Qi that this is the master's astrolabe.

"Tell me your name and birthday." Mu Ying turned to look at Wang Qi.

After Wang Qi answered, Mu Ying turned to look at the astrolabe, and then tapped lightly on it.The light spots on the astrolabe moved quickly, and then each reached a new position.

"En, um." Mu Ying nodded while watching, and everyone beside him didn't dare to say anything, but Fatty Gu picked up a teacup at some point, enjoying himself while sipping tea.

"I've already seen it clearly." Finally, Mu Ying received the supernatural power, and the living room suddenly became normal.

"Wang Qi, listen up, let me tell you something now."

"Judging from your astrolabe, your recent actions will not be very smooth. That is to say, you will not find any results for the time being when you are looking for cards that can travel to and from the spirit world. However, the astrolabe also shows that things are not in a straight line Dead end, as long as you keep going, you can always reach your goal."

Wang Qi nodded when he heard this, "I've already been mentally prepared for this, and it couldn't have been so easy."

"It's good if you think about it. Also, the star that represents you was surrounded by many stars before, but it was separated from these stars during the next journey. This shows that you have met many companions before, but you have already When it's time to separate, you don't know how long you need to move forward alone until you achieve your goals."

Mu Ying went on to say this again.

"Really." Wang Qi thought for a while. Recently, he has met a lot of people. There are always a lot of partners around him. He feels that there are people who can help him in everything, and everything goes smoothly.But in the following days, after leaving Shui'an City, he needed to move forward alone.

"Master, what about Xiaobai?" Xuanxuan asked suddenly.

"Actually, I wanted to wait to tell you, but it's okay to say it now. Xiaobai, I will take away for a while, and there is something I need her to do with me, so I am sure she and Wang Qide will be separated temporarily. .” Mu Ying shook her head.

"Master, what's the matter, do you have to go?" Xiao Bai asked while holding Wang Qi's hand.

"A person whom I am very concerned about suddenly showed a sign. Your ability is very suitable for finding someone, so I can only take you to look for him." Mu Ying briefly explained, Xiaobai understood immediately up.

Others don't know who Mu Ying is talking about, but Xiao Bai, as her apprentice, naturally knows very well that the master has been looking for traces of a person all these years.This time I finally got a clue, so naturally I won't give up.

"It's okay, I can do it by myself. Maybe my progress is faster than yours, and I can turn around and help you when the time comes." Wang Qi comforted her.

"Hahaha, don't worry, I can tell that the stars of the two of you are already connected, and it's not so easy to separate." Mu Ying raised an eyebrow at Xiao Bai, and directly teased.Immediately, the faces of the two people turned red again.

"The last thing is, Wang Qi, you have to pay attention. You just go forward according to your own ideas along the way, and you don't need to do anything deliberately. But there will be many enemies that hinder you on the road, and there will be people you know well, although in the end There is no danger, but I hope you don't take it lightly." Mu Ying finally added something, and Wang Qi nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Mu Ying had finished speaking, Tang Yibai squeezed Wang Qi's hand again worriedly, "Master's astrolabe is very accurate, you must take it to heart and pay attention to your own safety."

"Well, I will definitely. You should also pay attention to safety." Wang Qi squeezed back and nodded.

"Tsk tsk, the little hand is pulling very tightly. It really is because of love and abandonment of friendship. I am so sad~~~" Xuanxuan suddenly complained beside her.

"Hahaha!" Mu Ying and Fatty Gu laughed happily.

———Here is the dividing line, sincerely invite all kinds of advertisements———

After returning to the hotel, they said good night to each other and went back to their rooms to rest.

Although Wang Qi was very interested in Fatty Gu's model and hand-made game consoles, and wanted to have a good chat, but the other three had no choice but to leave, so he had to make an appointment with Fatty Gu, and then reluctantly left that super-enviable room .

When he was alone in the room, Wang Qi took out the two spirit cards he got today, and then opened his book of spirit cards.

The previous simple attributes have been simulated in the mind by the data master. Now after carefully scanning the two spirit cards, a more detailed simulation was carried out again to ensure that the results are consistent with expectations.

When the two spirit cards turned into clear lines and appeared in the eyes, the result was finally confirmed, and there was no problem.

So Wang Qi put the two newly bought spirit cards and the "letter that cannot be avoided" on the same page of the book of spirit cards, and clicked fusion.

After the brilliance flashed, a new card appeared in front of him.

"A letter that can't be avoided" + "Sweetheart's pen" + "The other party is typing..." = "Heart-to-Heart Writing Set"

"Heart-to-Heart Writing Set: Prop Card, Transcendent Level. The first activation requires 1000 points of spiritual power. Consuming 300 points of spiritual power, you can summon a piece of letter paper and a pen, and use the pen to write on the letter paper according to the "target person's name, content, and signature." "After the order of writing is completed, the letter paper and pen will appear in front of the target person (no matter where the other party is), and the content of the letter paper will disappear after the other party reads it, and the other party can write new content on it according to the format, and return to use after writing. By the side of the victim. The cooling time is 12 hours."

Well, the effect is exactly as expected, but the a bit embarrassing.

Heart to heart with Zhang Yuxiang?I don't know why I suddenly feel a little nauseous...

But it still has to be used.No matter what, I have to test whether this spiritual card, which is only beyond the level, can send the news to Zhang Yuxiang.

"My son, Zhang Yuxiang, said: My father is currently doing everything possible to rescue you from the spirit world. You must do everything possible to save your life temporarily. This letter is my newly obtained spirit card, which can be used to save your life." I can contact you once every 12 hours, but I won’t write to you often unless necessary. By the way, I’ve already told Liu Manman about you and she’s very sad. If you have anything to say, you can Write on it with a pen, and the format must be the same as what I wrote. Your awesome father: Wang Qi."

After writing a simple paragraph, Wang Qi felt that the content was clear enough. As for the father and my son, it was two people who used to joke around when they were in college. It was just used to tell Zhang Yuxiang the truth and save him from being suspicious. .

After writing the last signature, Wang Qi saw that the letter paper in front of him suddenly folded automatically and turned into an envelope, and then the pen in his hand disappeared, and the envelope turned into a spot of light and disappeared before his eyes.

At the same time, Zhang Yuxiang, an unknown place in the spiritual world.

It has been almost a day since I came to the spirit world.

What is Zhang Yuxiang's state at this moment... It's hard to describe in words.

If you don't look at the soft body beside him, the beautiful face, and his own empty eyes, with a hollowed out expression, he should probably be very good.

After being hit by that inexplicable attack, Zhang Yuxiang thought he was finished.

But the devil knows why he suddenly fell into a pool of water, and after choking on several mouthfuls of water, he realized that it was hot water.Then, standing up flopping, he saw something he shouldn't have seen.

A beautiful girl, a girl taking a shower.

The girl and Zhang Yuxiang stared with big eyes and small eyes. Zhang Yuxiang was shocked by the girl's beautiful face, and then couldn't help looking from top to bottom several times.And the girl also noticed his gaze, and followed him several times from top to bottom.

Then, Zhang Yuxiang, who boasted that he had read all the world's best pictures, had already felt like an old driver in his heart, and had a nosebleed.

"Ah!!!" The girl suddenly covered the 404 part and yelled.

What happened after that was very dramatic.

As the only daughter of the lord of Yangchi City, a famous city in the spiritual world, Ruyan Tingran was very broken.

Why, in this dedicated bathing place, an inexplicable man appeared out of thin air!

Moreover, he also looked at his whole body!
When Ruyan Tingran yelled loudly, she suddenly thought something was wrong in her heart.

Following her scream, the guards who were protecting her immediately rushed over.

A group of beautiful beauties held long swords or staffs and directly surrounded the pool where Ruyan Tingran was bathing, staring blankly at Zhang Yuxiang who was still bleeding from his nose, not knowing what to say.

Afterwards, of course, there were all kinds of twists and turns. The two people who had been seen by everyone were brought back by the guards and reported to the city lord - Ru Yan Tingran's father and his brothers. Then Zhang Yuxiang was severely threatened and ravaged After a while, she remained in a dazed state, and according to the custom here, married Ruyan Tingran.

That night, Ruyan Tingran went straight into the bridal chamber with Zhang Yuxiang with mixed emotions of six points shyness, three points unwillingness and one point.And because Zhang Yuxiang was still a little dazed after being drunk by her brothers, the two became husband and wife in a daze.

So, when Wang Qi's letter arrived at this moment, Zhang Yuxiang was hugging Ruyan Tingran, lying motionless on the bed, reminiscing about the ups and downs of life in his heart.

 Well, here is an advertisement for Mu Ying. The author, Mu Ying, is a cute girl who read a novel "Sweet Online Game: Selling Herbs and Falling in Love with You" on QQ! , I could read it at the starting point in the past, but now I can’t. Friends who are interested can go and see it, and this time she plays the real role in my book. Mu Ying also works part-time to read the astrolabe for others. It is a professional one, not a lie Yes, very accurate, if you need it, you can contact me by private message or other methods, just kidding, I will help you find her
(End of this chapter)

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