Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 131 I Became a Dragon Knight

Chapter 131 I Became a Dragon Knight
"Well... here is... where..."

With a groan, the man lying on the ground woke up.Then with blurred eyes, he saw the heads of people around him.

"Are you awake? We've cured you of seeing everything as a cat." One of the young-looking men said seriously.

"Oh, thank you..." The man thanked first in a daze, and then tried to prop himself up.

"Pfft." A girl next to her couldn't help laughing.

"Huh?" He suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Okay, okay, pull him up." One of them waved his hand, and everyone made room.

Only then did the man realize that he was lying on a sofa surrounded by a spacious and bright environment, like some kind of hall.

"Okay, tell me, name, identity, why there are two bloody fingerprints on your body. Also, why are you here." A man in a police uniform stood up and began to ask him.

"My... name is Lu Jingye, and I'm here to travel... this is..." He looked at the two bloody handprints on his body, suddenly felt a little sick, and then quickly released his spirit card ability. The bloody handprint fell off immediately.

"This is..." Others looked at it, "You are a Spirit Card Master, right?"

"Oh...ah? Huh..." This Lu Jingye was probably a little silly.

"Okay, this is the Spirit Card Association. But we didn't find your information just now. It seems that you haven't registered. Come with us now. No matter what, let's explain your affairs honestly."

Lu Jingye: TAT
My name is Lu Jingye, and I'm in a panic right now.

Originally, he managed to get rid of that old bastard's clutches. He wanted to come to the big city first to see and see, and steal some start-up funds by the way. Unexpectedly, the first target he made was also a spirit card master.

When the thief was discovered, he would naturally run away.But, who knew that man suddenly slowed down my speed extremely, and even grabbed my shoulders.

I have a seldom-used spirit card ability, that is, it can make any object that touches my body lose its strength, and it cannot be separated by any means.That way, when he grabs me, I can take the opportunity to lock his hands...and knock him out.

What I didn't expect was that his ability turned out to be able to make me faint when he came into contact with me.Then... I fainted.

When I woke up, I saw a lot of people. I don’t know how that bastard transported me here. It stands to reason that unless he kills me, he can’t release this ability!

Then I found out, I was wrong.

This place turned out to be the Spirit Card Association!That man should be said to be kind or cruel. He would rather cut off a layer of his hand, but did not hurt me at all, and sent me to a safe place.

But, I don't want to come...

"Look, he has already finished his confession. Unexpectedly, this is a habitual thief." Naturally, the Lingka Association has a police agency. When the two policemen asked, they didn't expect that Lu Jingye was so honest, and he just confessed like a bamboo tube. clearly.The young police officer made a record and handed it to the older one beside him.

"Yeah. But according to what he said, that Spirit Card Master is still a good person? It's good enough to send him here rather than get hurt." The middle-aged police officer nodded, but smiled.

"Do you want to make an identity record for this guy first? Another black household spirit card master." The young police officer asked again.

"Go ahead, warn him by the way, and then let him go. Anyway, the other party didn't report the crime, which means this guy didn't succeed, and there is no reason to detain him." The middle-aged police officer nodded, stood up, turned and walked out.

"Did you hear that? Go and register with me now, and be honest. Also, you can hang around in Shangning City, but we can't control this. But if you dare to steal things again, if you steal things from the Spirit Card Master, someone will be there." I will clean you up, if you dare to steal ordinary people’s things, then be careful and we will not be polite.” The young police officer knocked on the table directly, and severely reprimanded Lu Jingye.

"Yes, yes, I will never steal again." Lu Jingye wept.

Soon, after the police officer registered with the Spirit Card Association and saw that he had registered with the Spirit Card Association, Lu Jingye walked out of the association's gate with a bitter face.

Touch your body, everything is still there.At least the phone wallet is still intact.As a thief, if something is stolen, it would be wronged.

"Come on, let's hurry up and go to my cousin. Find him earlier, and these things won't happen." He shook his head, picked up his mobile phone, confirmed the address, and then called a taxi and got in it.

After arriving at my cousin's house, when I knocked on the door, an impatient voice came from inside, and he shouted, "It's me, cousin!"

The anti-theft door opened, and a middle-aged man with a beard and a scruffy appearance appeared in front of him.

"Hey, cousin, why are you so slow? I called you in the afternoon and said you were here, and you only came in the evening. Could it be..." He suddenly lowered his voice, "How many votes have you done?"

"Come on, don't mention it, bad luck." Lu Jingye walked in directly, and threw himself directly into a dirty-looking sofa.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that I missed it. It's okay, I will hang out with your cousin from now on, and I will make sure you eat and drink spicy food." The cousin closed the door, didn't care, picked up the cigarette case from the coffee table, and threw a cigarette Give him a cigarette.

"Cousin, I told you when you contacted me. This time you came just in time. I have inside information. There will be a meeting of the Squirrel Club here the day after tomorrow. Then you can help me, and the two of us will have a meeting." Grant spirit cards!"

Cough, cough, Lu Jingye almost choked.

"Cousin, are you dead? Go to the Squirrel Club?"

"Tch, you are as timid as a mouse, with my ability, what are you afraid of?" My cousin looked down on him indifferently.

"I know your ability is easy to use, but you have to have a chance to use it!"

"Don't worry, I've taken care of everything. I'll pretend to be a waiter when the time comes. I promise no one will care." My cousin took a puff on his cigarette.

"Uh, I think you should think twice..."

"What nonsense! You just cooperate with me to play by ear when the time comes, and you don't need to take action at all!"

"Go, go, go."

———Here is the dividing line, sincerely invite all kinds of advertisements———

Wang Qi's avatar ran to a tall building by himself, staring at the city below in a daze.

In fact, a lot of things happened in the past two days, and the dazzling changes made people feel a little uncomfortable when they were free.

The spirit card that took Zhang Yuxiang to the spirit world has already been placed in the equipment column by Wang Qi, and temporarily replaced the "Sharpshooter Senrog" card. Anyway, the avatar is now mainly in the field of looting, and it is not needed for the time being without taking the initiative on this card.

In this way, when entering the realm, you can bind the "Spirit World Exile" as the main card, and maybe drop some related spirit cards, which will directly solve the problem.

This piece is put on the body and used by the avatar, which can also be said to complement each other.Although this card does not have any direct lethality, exiling the enemy directly to the spirit world can be regarded as killing the enemy in disguise.

Moreover, the card itself needs to read the article and the shortcomings of poor concealment are directly equivalent to non-existence in the avatar.

Now, as long as the avatar uses this move, it can basically send the enemy away with one move, without giving people a chance at all.

Other spirit cards have also gained some in the past few days, including those exchanged by everyone, and the spoils shared by Feng Zimo. The avatar directly opened the book of spirit cards and began to pick and choose.

As a result, after looking at it, I really picked out a few more useful ones.

A super-level sniper rifle spirit card, a summoning ability card, and a very special external skill card.

"Pitch-black eyes: item card, transcendence level. Effect, use 300 points of spiritual power to summon a heavy rifle, recoil reduced by 80%, ballistic auxiliary correction 100%, bullet speed +50%, penetration ability +50%, Gunshot -50%. When attacking, there is a 50% chance to trigger the effect of pitch-black coiling, which will freeze the enemy for 1 second. It comes with a bullet-black effect. When used at night, all attributes are doubled."

"Summon Platinum Wyvern: Ability Card, Transcendence Level. Consumes 8000 points of spiritual power to summon a Platinum Wyvern at Transcendence level. Platinum Wyvern Attributes: [Physical Strength: 725] [Strength: 358] [Speed: 122]【Spiritual power: 1047】.Skill 1: Consume 100 points of spiritual power to spit out a platinum dragon breath, which will cause damage to the enemy and turn the enemy into a golden state, which cannot be eliminated within 5 minutes. Skill 2: Consume 500 points Spiritual power, you can use "Dragon Assault" once to cause collision damage to the enemy. Only one Platinum Wyvern can exist at the same time."

"Star-absorbing Dafa: External Power Card, rare level. It can be triggered when in direct contact with the enemy. For every point of spiritual power consumed, 1 points of spiritual power can be absorbed from the enemy as an additional reserve. If you have extra reserve spiritual power, use all The spirit card consumes the extra reserve spiritual power first. The upper limit of reserve spiritual power: 10 points."

The attributes of these three cards are quite good.The sniper rifle can alleviate the situation where you have no spears after summoning the White Nightmare Reaper every time, and summoning the Platinum Wyvern allows you to have a flying summoned beast, which is equivalent to being able to go to the sky.

The last star-attracting method, although it has the same name as the famous exercise in a certain novel, but the effect is far worse.But the advantage is that the effect is interesting, Wang Qi decided to stay for now, and when he has good external skills in the future, he will try to integrate with this.

Put the Platinum Wyvern directly in front of the usual free card slot a few pages, and then summon it, in front of the avatar, there is an incomparable steed, with a streamlined body, double horns on the head, and a platinum glow all over its body. Wyvern.Because it is white gold, it looks like it has a sense of sacredness, which is very attractive.

As soon as the Wyvern came out, he obediently lowered his head, and the clone jumped on it.

"Yo ho, I've become a dragon knight!"

(End of this chapter)

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