Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 143 Fighting Ivan

Chapter 143 Fighting Ivan

However, Wang Qi's sudden afterimage made it too late for him to change direction, so he could only hit the phantom with a punch, which hit the air without hitting anything.

Although Ivan felt regretful in his heart, he didn't panic, and secretly moved in his heart, and an ability was quietly activated.


Countless sparks shot out from his fist, and shot out in all directions, contaminating the ground, and did not go out, just continued to burn there.

Immediately, the field turned into a field of flames, with burning flames everywhere, like red flowers all over the ground, swaying and producing fragrance.

Of course Wang Qi wasn't attached to any of the flames, he just continued to turn around and change directions, leaving afterimages one by one, leaving the area covered by the sparks in the blink of an eye.

In the short moment of contact between the two, neither of them hurt the other, and they broke up instantly.

Faced with this situation, Wang Qi naturally would not wait quietly for the flames to go out. The "Spiritual Spear-Penglai" in his right hand shot directly into the sky, triggering the final effect, and a phantom of a fairy fell directly from the sky.

The duration of the immortal phantom is only 1.5 seconds, but his level is fully [-] levels higher than his own. Wang Qi has experimented before, and the attributes of the immortal phantom are converted according to his own attributes.

At this moment, with the addition of various spirit cards all over his body, his attributes are extremely strong, and the attributes of an immortal will naturally not be so weak.

As soon as the 1.5-second fairy phantom appeared, a pair of fleshy palms directly pressed down from the sky, and suddenly a gust of wind fell from the sky, directly blowing out many flames on the ground.

Each time the Immortal Phantom is summoned, the abilities used are different. Wang Qi did not expect that today this Immortal Phantom could directly bring such a surprise.

The wind that fell from the sky was endless, even though the phantom of the immortal had disappeared, there was a gust of wind blowing in the venue.

This is exactly what Wang Qi wanted.

"Heh, Xiaofeng, do you think the flames will be afraid? There is a saying that the wind helps the fire!" Ivan shouted and continued to activate his ability.

A part of the flames that had not been blown away on the ground suddenly seemed to be injected with new energy, and burned violently in an instant, changing from a candle to a torch. stand up.

Moreover, Ivan's use of this ability is naturally not for the sake of looking good.

"Flame teleportation!"

With a loud shout, he used another ability of his, disappeared in place, and suddenly appeared from the flame closest to Wang Qi.

And when he teleported out, his hands were no longer empty fists, but a sharp and long knight spear. The fiery red conical gun body had a spiral pattern on it. Ivan also used With a spinning spear technique, it drove the nearby flames, and stabbed at Wang Qi along with the tip of the spear.


At some point, a huge shield wall appeared in front of him, the tip of the spear could not advance even an inch, and was firmly blocked by the shield wall.

This is naturally Wang Qi's "unbreakable barrier".

And Wang Qi himself, grasping the moment when Ivan appeared on the shield wall and stabbed it with a shot, he waved his hands and planted a few bomb traps on both sides, while rushing to the side.Don't ask to kill the enemy, just ask to cause some trauma to him.

But Ivan has the ability to move flames. At the second when the tip of the gun was blocked, he directly activated the ability, successfully left the spot, and appeared directly in another clump of flames not far away, and then put the spear in his hand, Throwing a javelin directly at Wang Qi from the side.

A random change of direction, avoiding the long spear, Wang Qi continued to shoot again and again, while secretly preparing a skill.

The wind in the field is still too weak, so let me create a stronger wind!
Ivan, who kept moving in the flames, suddenly started guerrilla warfare, turning into Wang Qi and chasing him.

But while he was moving, he suddenly discovered that the wind in the field seemed to be blowing more and more violently.

The footholds of the flames scattered in all directions made Ivan's movements irregular.But Wang Qi's data master, one of his abilities "data analysis", is obviously not a decoration.

As early as the first time he used this ability, Wang Qi had asked the data master to observe the relationship between Huo Huo and Ivan with all his strength, and see the essence of spiritual power running through the phenomenon.

Finally, the master of data completed the analysis.

"Caught you!"

Wang Qi's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at a cluster of flames beside him.

In an instant, Ivan's figure was slowly emerging from the flames, as if the world had been stopped, clearly visible.

This kind of bullet-time-like vision is an additional ability brought to Wang Qi by the full power of the Master of Data.


A huge tornado rose from the clump of flames where Ivan was, and the violent wind pressure instantly covered Ivan, and then took him directly into the sky.

"Wind cut!"

Countless wind blades were formed out of thin air from the air in all directions by thoughts, and then directly stirred into the tornado that soared into the sky, cutting towards Ivan.

Because of the existence of the tornado itself, the trajectory of the wind blade after entering is hard to predict. Ivan cannot break free for a while, and can only rely on the armor on his body for passive defense. Even the raging flames above have already been blown by the wind. almost extinguished.

"last blow."

Suddenly a spear appeared in Wang Qi's hand, it was the "conqueror" he hadn't summoned from the beginning to the end.

Although there are not many special effects, the damage of the conqueror itself, as well as the ability to penetrate and repel, are enough.

This gun has not been used by Wang Qi himself for a long time. Recently, it is more often handed over to the White Nightmare Reaper, allowing him to complete the great achievements of one shot after another.

However, today, Wang Qi once again raised the spear that was fused step by step with one of his initial spirit cards.

boom! boom! boom!
The three bullets formed a line, penetrated the tornado in an instant, and hit Ivan's leg.

One bullet didn't have enough penetration, but with three bullets together, Ivan's armor couldn't be completely defended, and was directly penetrated by the second bullet, and the third bullet hit his leg in response.

Ivan yelled in pain, and then, a huge tower shield suddenly appeared in his hand, firmly blocking his lower body.

The damage of a single bullet was not enough to make Ivan give up. The flames burned randomly, and the wound was sealed directly without bleeding.

But for a moment, he was powerless against the power of the tornado. He could only use a huge shield to firmly protect himself and block Wang Qi's sight.

Sure enough, the power of the bullet is gone.Wang Qi shook his head, feeling a little regretful.

If the firearm is not used as the main card and has been strengthened, the damage of the bullets has long been unable to keep up with the pace.

"Heh, since you can block the bullet, what about the void attribute." He smiled again, put away the spear, and many void butterflies appeared around him.

This seemingly weak butterfly was used by Wang Qi as a scout most of the time.

However, don't forget that it also has extremely high spiritual power and powerful attack attributes such as "void bullets".

When a group of void butterflies fired countless void bullets at the tornado together.

The wind is invisible, and the vision of Ivan and everyone is not blocked.

Suffering from not being able to get away for a while, he could only hold on, his brain spinning desperately, thinking about what else could be used for the props on his body.

But at this moment, when he saw countless void bombs, which revealed an ominous energy hitting him, Ivan had no time to think, so he had to launch his strongest move.

"big Bang!"

A burst of intense flames exploded from the mid-air where Ivan was, and countless flames seemed to appear out of thin air, spreading rapidly to the surroundings, as if a sun had appeared.

All the void butterflies and the void bombs they fired, because they were not far away, were directly engulfed by the burning sun and disappeared.

Seeing the rapidly spreading flames, Wang Qi shook his head regretfully, and had no choice but to summon the "Unbreakable Barrier" again.

The multi-faceted shield wall firmly protected Wang Qi behind him, and the flames could not break through even the slightest bit.

The explosion was violent, but also short-lived.Ivan's ability has always been his bottom-line trick.But at this moment, using it was only to get out of the predicament, and did not bring any benefits, which made him very regretful.

But at least the big bang engulfed the enemy's terrifying butterflies and filled the field with more sparks.Ivan seized this opportunity, and a long spear appeared in his right hand again. He sent a flame directly, jumped into a cluster of flames behind Wang Qi's shield wall, and stabbed Wang Qi from behind.

He thought that this blow should be sure, but he was wrong.

The Lord of Data has already analyzed the flow of his spiritual power just now, the longer the time drags on, the more transparent he is in Wang Qi's eyes, any move, even before he has made it, the Lord of Data has already reported it up.

This is the predictive next move in the ability of the master of data.

But the longer the enemy fights with Wang Qi, the more Wang Qi will see through them.

So, before Ivan teleported out, Wang Qi used the same trick again.


Another violent gust of wind wrapped Ivan in his arms, and he was swept up into the sky reluctantly.

"Pfft." Vera, who was watching the battle next to her, couldn't help laughing.

Wang Qi played the old routine again, and the conqueror reappeared in his hands.

But this time, he wasn't going to use just three bullets.

The skill of "Sharpshooter Senrog", "Rage of Senrog" is activated.

All gun props have +300% damage, +300% attack speed, gain unlimited bullet ability, last for 15 seconds, and have a cooling time of 1 hour.

The sniper rifle in his hand was directly regarded as a submachine gun by Wang Qi at this moment, biubiubiu fired non-stop.

Countless bullets hit Ivan's armor densely, causing Ivan to complain uncontrollably, and quickly summoned a shield.

He doesn't have a second "big bang" to use now, the cooldown time of that trick is one hour.

Just as he resisted the bullet, he saw more than a dozen void butterflies appearing around him again, condensing light balls emitting ominous energy.

"I surrender!"

(End of this chapter)

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