Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 145 The 3-Party Competition Meets

Chapter 145 The Tripartite Competition Meets

In the following days, the five lived and boarded in Ivanov's manor, and spent the day looking for areas to spawn monsters. While learning about each other's strengths, they tried to use as many spirit cards as possible to improve their own strength.

Except for Vera who performed brilliantly, Wang Qi found that the most stable of the four was actually Alexander.

Apart from a suit of armor, there is only a two-handed giant sword that he is used to.After all, Wang Qi didn't see him revealing more abilities or props, but with these two things on the surface, he was worthy of his captain's position.

Of course, these guys are all walking in pure style, and Wang Qi's chaotic style also makes them admire.

With more and more Wang Qiling cards, there are many combinations that can be matched in his hands. Sometimes he can always find a useful way to deal with some special situations, and several people secretly praise him, thinking that this teammate is very good. Reliable, Mr. Ivanov is worthy of being the head of the Lingka Association, and this vision is good.

If Ivanov heard the words, he would definitely shake his glass proudly and brag about himself.

When Wang Qi was getting along with the five of them, the avatars kept rubbing against other areas in the area, and the double drops made Wang Qi reap a lot.

But good luck doesn’t come often, at least the cards that are worth replacing or spares are not available for the time being.

Today, the appointed time is finally here.

Ivanov dispatched a helicopter in advance and parked in the open space of the manor early.

"Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready?" Ivanov asked several people.

"I don't think there is any problem, sir." Alexander replied on behalf of the five.

"Very well, then let's go."

Taking the helicopter, everyone set off to the agreed place on the border.

When the helicopter landed in an open space, Wang Qi saw that there were already many people waiting here, and there were still strongholds built with tents on the ground.Seeing the plane land, they gathered around one after another.

"Mr. Minister, both of them have not yet arrived." A man said to Ivanov.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they won't be late."

Ivanov got off the plane, shook his head, and glanced around.

"Have our people been arranged?"

"Don't worry, everything has been arranged." Another person came up to report.

"Very good. Everyone, take a rest and adjust, and we will wait for their arrival together."

We all entered the tent together.

Wang Qi had secretly summoned the avatar again, and began to look around in this temporary stronghold.

Ivanov's preparations are quite sufficient, and there are many of his men, and they are probably here to support the scene.

The five of them found their seats to sit down and rest. Everyone has been familiar with each other these days, and there is nothing to discuss. What should be discussed has been discussed long ago, and they don't care about it for a while.

Finally, after waiting for more than 20 minutes, someone came in to report from outside the door.

"Both Ling Beast and Ling Zhi have arrived."

Alexander glanced at everyone, nodded, and then everyone walked out together.

Wang Qi followed a few people and got out of the tent. At a glance, a group of wild animals, big and small, came to the left of this small open space.Spirit beasts are like this, not too strange.

What's interesting is that on the right, Wang Qi saw Lingzhi for the first time, and only then did he know that the plant that got the key of the spirit card would become like this.

Several tall trees turned into legendary treants. Their huge body and limbs are composed of thick trunks. The thickest trunk in the center near the top has a human face.

From the types of leaves on their bodies and the appearance of their branches, it can be seen that they were originally common plants in this country.

In addition, covered by these huge bodies, Wang Qi spotted a few vines walking underground like earthworms, an indeterminate soul-like existence floating about one meter above the ground, and some hidden in the trees. Small figures on people.

The representative of the spirit beast is a reindeer, and the representative of Lingzhi is the soul-like existence that people can't tell what it is.

"Humans, you guys came quite early."

The reindeer didn't speak, but its voice appeared in the minds of everyone nearby, and they could immediately tell that it came from its mouth.

"We have always kept our promises. But you two came a bit late. Could it be that you have formed an alliance?"

Ivanov did not show any weakness, and returned directly.

"Don't worry, the natural family has not allied with beasts." It was the soul creature who spoke this time.

"Since the wise man of the oak tree said so, then I'll just believe it." Ivanov didn't bother, but directly pointed out the theme: "We can now decide together how the three races will compete today."

"I propose to conduct a team battle. All fighters will mix together and fight directly. Whichever clan survives in the end will win."

The reindeer spread the sound again.

"I disagree. This approach is too barbaric. The Natural Family suggests using a one-on-one method. The three parties will fight separately. In the end, whichever side wins the most will win."

The wise man of the oak tree shone with light all over, speaking his opinion.

"It doesn't matter to us. Since the two of you have different opinions, it's better to make a compromise." Ivanov shrugged, "There are five fighters in total, and they will fight in three battles. One person goes up to the scuffle, regardless of life or death. In the third round, the winners of the first two rounds of each side go up to the scuffle with the other three, and the side that wins the third round wins the final victory. What do you want?"

The reindeer and the oak wise man seemed to think about it for a while, and finally nodded together.

"I agree."

So Ivanov nodded, summoned his own book of spirit cards, and took out a spirit card.

"This is a contract. You can read it individually. If there is no problem, we will sign this contract first, and the battle can begin."

The reindeer and the wise man of the oak summoned their book of spirit cards, checked the attributes of the spirit card, and handed them back to Ivanov after confirming that there was no problem.

Ivanov put the spirit card into the book, and then used its effect, and a piece of parchment appeared in front of his eyes.

While he was talking about the content agreed by the three parties, a quill pen appeared above the parchment, automatically writing records there.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the reindeer and the wise man of the oak tree, and they each confirmed that there was no problem with the content written above.

Therefore, the three parties directly left their spiritual imprints on this contract, witnessing the establishment of the contract.

"Very good. Just wait now, wait a little longer, and when the domain comes, find a domain as a battlefield. I believe you don't want the land under your feet to be destroyed by the battle."


So the three returned to their own camps.

Ivanov called Wang Qi and the five together, and briefly explained to them the fighting method just agreed upon.

"Things are basically the same as I thought, and my proposal was accepted by them. So Alexander, tell me, have you decided on the candidates for the three battles according to what I said before?"

Alexander nodded after listening, "Sir, we have already decided. Ivan will play in the first round, Vera in the second round, and the remaining three of us will be in the third round."

Ivanov pondered for a while, "Yes, that's not bad. The abilities of Wang Qi and Igor are suitable for team battle support, and you can be the core of team battles."

As he spoke, he looked at Ivan and Vera.

"You two must remember what I taught you before, and you must be calm and calm when fighting. Especially Vera, don't let your madness dominate your mind."

That's right, what he emphasized was Vera.

For what he said, Tian Wangqi has really seen what is violent these days.

Before that, no one would have imagined that there was a heart like a berserker in this petite and weak body.

The scene of turning into a god of war and falling to the battlefield and tearing the enemies into blood rain really has a strange beauty.

Ivan and Vera nodded silently, indicating that they heard it.

When the three parties explained the situation to the fighters, the specially selected time finally reached the moment when the domain was refreshed.

Boom, accompanied by a silence that made one's ears feel instantly deaf, an unexpected field landed directly under the feet of everyone.

"Sure enough, with so many spirit card masters gathered together, the chances of domain refreshing here have already been raised to the highest."

Wang Qi secretly thought that this was probably planned by the three parties in advance.

The Void Butterflies of the avatars have been distributed all around. Wang Qi immediately grasped the size of the domain, a medium-sized domain.

Because it was in the wild, the common ruins in the urban area did not appear at this moment, but the surrounding plants disappeared, and the sand and gravel on the ground looked gray.The sky was still gloomy and gloomy as usual, mixed with the sudden snowstorm, giving people a very depressing feeling.

The moment the monster descended in the domain, it had already appeared.

Countless black shadows filled the surroundings like a tide, reminding Wang Qi of the domain monster he saw for the first time. The scene seemed far away, and it seemed like yesterday.

The positions of the three parties were not very close, and the tide-like monsters rushed towards each of the three isolated islands.

However, in addition to the five people who participated in the battle, there were also many people watching the battle from each of the three parties.There was no need for everyone to take action, and the monsters were wiped out at will, without any hindrance to any party at all.

On the human side, Ivanov took action himself.He didn't see any movement, and suddenly many huge oil paintings appeared beside him.

From the oil painting, countless soldiers in armor rushed out against the shadow monsters on the ground. The shadow monsters would collapse at the touch of this army, and all of them would disappear in ashes.

On the other side of the spirit beast, a huge thunderbolt suddenly landed among the monsters, and all the monsters were directly centered on the landing point of the thunderbolt, and were blasted into fly ash by the thunderbolt, like a stone falling into a pond, setting off a circle. The circle ripple is general.

The weirdest thing was Ling Zhi's side.

I don't know who made the shot. After the shadow monsters pounced on them, they stopped their figures and became strangely quiet. In the blink of an eye, all the monsters pounced there were like students listening to the teacher in class. He just sat there without moving.

(End of this chapter)

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