Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 148 1nd Victory

Chapter 148 First Victory


Ivan is naturally not stupid. If he doesn't know how to handle this situation, he just admits defeat.

The lava giant took advantage of the few seconds of the stalemate between the two sides, and the spear was full of flames, and rushed up directly, and stabbed hard at the position between the giant wolf's hind legs.


A long and shrill howl was forced out of the mouth of the piranha.

No matter how miserable the opponent was, the two long spears, one left and one right, immediately began to cross and stir, pushing the giant wolf towards the piranha's mouth, while taking the opportunity to attack the piranha itself.

It's strange to say that the piranha has all its abilities in this mouth, and the giant moon-eating wolf that spent a lot of time preparing to summon the wild wolf, after being bitten by this giant mouth, can't get out of it and can't struggle out.

And with the spiritual ability it had just activated, he was not afraid of the flames of the lava giant, so at this moment the lava giant stabbed the giant wolf into its mouth with a gun, and it happily cooperated.

"Pfft." Wang Qi who was watching the battle suddenly laughed.He said to the people beside him, "Do you think this is a bit like a lava giant feeding that flower with a skewer?"

Several people were taken aback for a moment, and then laughed together, even Ivanov had a smile on his face.

"Seriously, you haven't won yet."

Ivan didn't know what they were thinking, he just let out a loud shout, and suddenly jumped off the lava giant's shoulders, a flame leaped, appearing at the tip of the giant's spear.

It was still the familiar long spear, but at this moment, when the piranha didn't take it seriously, the moment the spear pointed at it, the monstrous flames on it suddenly turned into biting cold.

"Element conversion!"

This is another spirit card ability hidden by Ivan.

He usually uses the pure flame ability, so he naturally knows that if he is targeted by the enemy, he will face the problem of failure.

At such times, his hidden trick of "element conversion" will often receive miraculous effects.

The piranha had just been immune to the damage of the fire system through the ability of speech, which was actually just what he wanted.At this moment, the flames turned into ice cold in an instant, and the piranha had no time to speak out again, and was directly stabbed firmly by this spear.

In an instant, the lava giant stabbed the back of the giant moon devouring wolf with his flaming spear, while Ivan's own spear pierced the huge face of the piranha in the freezing cold.

"The two heavens of ice and fire! Cool!"

Igor whistled.

Alexander slapped him directly on the head.

Two screams came from in front of him, showing that the damage was huge.

"Hmph, it's not over yet!"

Ivan suddenly made another flame jump, and this time he left the battle group far away, and came to the position of the flame farthest from them.

"Lava giant! Huge hug!"

The lava giant suddenly exerted force, and sent the long spear forward, firmly piercing the body of the giant wolf, and then suddenly let go of his hands, and locked the huge head of the piranha together with the back half of the wolf's body. Hold on tight.

The moment it was hugged, the magma on its body suddenly began to flow, and the speed became faster and faster, and it began to spread continuously towards the piranha and the giant wolf through its hands.

Although the piranha is still immune to flames, the wound that Ivan stabbed with the ice system just now has not disappeared in time.

Immediately, the lava, like water, flowed directly into the body of the piranha along the wound.

"big Bang!"

Ivan snapped his fingers, but this time he didn't blow it up himself.

The magma had already flowed into and entangled the two enemy lava giants, and a dazzling light erupted from their bodies, making everyone squint their eyes.

A loud bang.

When the light dissipated, the awkward battle group just now had completely disappeared.

"Hmph, I knew that you are immune to the flames, but not to the power of the explosion itself!"

Ivan said confidently.

He didn't carelessly, but quickly passed through the flames that had spread all over the field at this time, and jumped directly to the center of the explosion just now.

Such a powerful lava giant, the power of the explosion can be imagined, and the bloody moon devouring giant wolf and the giant piranha naturally have no time to make any response, not to mention that the two of them are still intimately in the "you are inside me" In such a state, after being blown up like this, he directly GG.

However, before the giant wolf was blown up and disappeared, the wild wolf in the body of the wolf devoured the moon, but desperately used its own ability to sneak into the only little shadow at that time, and escaped.

All the parts of the huge piranha on the ground have disappeared.However, it can still be seen that under the ground, there is still a part that is constantly wriggling, and it seems that it still has the ability to move.

Ivan stopped talking nonsense, and just shot the wild wolf with a stab.

The timing of his calculation was just right, the wild wolf used the shadow to escape, and at the moment of breath change, Ivan repeated his old trick.This time it didn't dodge, and was directly shot through the head of the wolf. Its body turned into ashes, and dropped a spirit card.

Ivan didn't talk nonsense, and then a flame jumped, and the spear stabbed down suddenly, and the tip of the spear changed the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire in an instant, and pierced the underground vines fiercely.

This time, the Spirit Words did not appear, but the voice of the oak wise man who was watching from the sidelines.

"Enough, we admit defeat."

The tip of Ivan's gun stopped instantly and looked at Ivanov.Seeing him nodding, he didn't care about the wriggling vines on the ground, turned around and picked up the wolf's drop, and then walked towards his side.

"You two, we won the first battle, you have no objections, right?"

Ivanov looked at Ivan who was approaching, and his voice resounded in all directions.

"Hmph, don't be complacent. Let's start the second game."

The reindeer's voice came back coldly, but the wise man of the oak tree didn't say much, a ray of light fell into the field, and saw that the remnants of the vines began to grow continuously, and turned into a tiny piranha again.

The piranha hurriedly fled back to its own camp.At this time, a small figure slowly walked out of their camp.

On the side of the spirit beast, a small mink came out.It landed on all fours, extremely dexterous, and with just two or three breaths, it had already reached the center of the field.

Vera nodded to her teammates, everyone said cheers to her, and then she also turned and walked towards the middle.

Unexpectedly, in this second battle, all three parties sent a petite fighter.

The figure on Lingzhi's side has been seen clearly by everyone. It is a very common sunflower, but it is not as tall as ordinary sunflowers. This sunflower is only less than half a meter high, and the two thin rhizomes are like two feet. With it in action, the two larger leaves seem to be shaking hands constantly, and the huge flower disc on it has a face like a human face, which looks a bit cute and cute.

"The battle begins."

Regardless of the other two parties, Ivanov directly announced the start.But the humans won the first game, and the other two sides didn't say anything.

Her mecha equipment instantly appeared on Vera's body. She flew directly into the sky in a flash, summoned a shotgun, pointed the ground below, and began to wash the ground with shells.

But that little mink had already disappeared one step ahead.

Four thin energy blades emerged from each of the four legs, the body was covered with a layer of armor that fit, and the tail instantly became translucent.Like the wind, the little mink blew countless wind blades directly on the spot, but it hid itself in the wind and moved quickly, without being hit by any of Vera's bullets at all.

And that took root.

The two thin rhizomes were directly pierced into the soil at this moment. The extremely soft ground that was overturned by the piranha in the last battle was very easy for it to penetrate at this moment.

Then, its body began to sway, and the two leaves, which were like hands, followed the body as if dancing, and its head also swayed, making it look even more cute.

Accompanied by its mysterious dance, all the people present seemed to hear a burst of relaxing music in their ears.

Wang Qi felt that if this music was listened to in the summer afternoon, it would be very comfortable and make people drowsy.

Not only that, around the sunflowers, floating spots of light suddenly began to appear one after another. The spots of light are gentle but not dazzling. When they see it, no matter who it is, they will immediately think of a word-sunshine.

Vera's attack pouring down from the sky didn't hit the little mink at all, and she couldn't even find its shadow.But when it hit the sunflower, all the bullets changed from extremely fast to extremely quiet, quietly suspended around the sunlight, and then... danced with the sunflower.

Seeing that the bullets had no effect in the air, Vera frowned and stopped attacking.After thinking for a while, she put away the shotgun and switched to a beam gun.

Since one of you is fast and the other can stop bullets, it's better to change your attack method.

Unable to find Xiao Diao, Vera aimed directly at Sunflower, pulled the trigger, and a beam of laser light came to Sunflower in an instant.

However, it was still blocked.

In the blink of an eye, Sunflower has more and more balls of light around it. It seems that there are still gaps, but they are well arranged, and the attack lines around it are firmly sealed.

The laser beam from the beam gun directly hit a ball of light, and then nothing happened. The ball of light didn't disappear, and even got bigger.

"You can't use light attacks!" This thought flashed through Vera's mind.

Flipping his hand again, the beam gun suddenly disappeared, replaced by a weapon that Wang Qi had never seen before.

Speaking of which, the spirit card equipped by Vera is actually very simple and rough, which does not match her exquisite appearance.

Except for the mecha armor, all her ability spirit cards are matched with this set of equipment.And her prop-type spirit cards are all kinds of weapons armed with mechas.

Different weapons face different enemies. Vera believes that as long as there is enough time to change weapons, one of them must be able to defeat the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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