Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 153 No Good Title

Chapter 153 No Good Title

If you are not in a hurry, then I have nothing to worry about.

Wang Qi's body was not going to be dispatched at first, and everything was handed over to the avatar, without even showing his face, how perfect.

After arriving at the best hotel in the area and checking in, Wang Qi decided to go out for a stroll.

The avatar handles Lei Qiwu's side, and the main body can naturally do other things.For example, the tasks of the Spirit Card Association.

The reason Ivanov gave him to enter the country for a business trip was naturally not fake.

On the internal platform of the Spirit Card Association, there happened to be such a task that needed to go to Nipa Country to provide combat assistance to the local Spirit Card Masters.

Spirit beast, another spirit beast.

As a country bordering the kingdom of spirit beasts, Nipa's own spirit card master combat power has always been fighting on the front line of fighting spirit beasts.

Countless local spirit card masters and mercenaries are constantly fighting spirit beasts in this country. It has started thousands of years ago and has never stopped.

In the customs of the Nipa people, eating and slaughtering animals is rare. The local people mainly focus on agriculture, and the amount of breeding is very small.

But impatient, Nipa people have faith.And what they like to do most when offering sacrifices to the gods they believe in is to use spirit beasts as sacrifices.

Therefore, spirit card masters with mud scarves constantly crossed the border to capture and kill spirit beasts and bring them back to their own temples, just for the illusory light of the gods.

This kind of behavior made the spirit beasts angry and hate the spirit card master of the mud handkerchief, and naturally they would start a never-ending war with the humans here.

Different from Nipa, Huabang's domestic attitude towards spirit beasts is that the enemy will not attack me, and I will not attack the enemy. Although there is a long border line that is excessively bordered by spirit beasts, most of the time it is in a state of peace, or it is like Ivano Like Husband's Northern Federation, the fight for land ownership is carried out through gambling.

Of course, for the small number of spirit beasts roaming within the territory, the Spirit Card Association still focuses on extermination. Who told you to stay in our country? We have reason to suspect that you have no good intentions and no good deeds.

In this case, most of the time, the spirit beast does not want to fight with Huabang, but rather fights with several completely hostile countries, such as Nipa is one of them.

There are quite a few Spirit Card Masters in Nipa, but fighting all the year round is still a little insufficient.So they adopted the simplest method, hiring someone to fight.

The mercenary group and the spirit card masters who received tasks from other countries' spirit card organizations are the main force here.

Wang Qi just accepted a point task that has been hanging in the Spirit Card Association for a long time. When he came here to participate in the battle against the spirit beast, he could use the corpse of the spirit beast (only after killing it outside the domain) to exchange points.

Anyway, it's a drop-in, just to give myself a reason to come, to participate casually when the time comes, and just leave after finishing my own affairs.

Wang Qi thought so.

At this time, he was standing at the gate of a famous temple in this city.

The things in the world of Link Cards are invisible to ordinary people. Seeing a strange creature floating above his head, Wang Qi came to an inconspicuous small door.

"Hello, I'm from Huabang, a task of the Spirit Card Association."

Wang Qi greeted the old man who was sitting at the small door with the same summoned animal squatting on his shoulder as the one above his head.

"Oh, people from Huabang. Go in, get a pass inside, and then you can go to the battlefield." The old man responded listlessly.

After nodding his thanks, Wang Qi entered the temple through the small door.

The architecture of the temple is a typical local classical style, full of antique charm, full of hand-carved patterns and decorations, it still looks very interesting.Wang Qi watched while walking, and soon came to a side room along the only passage.

As soon as he entered, Wang Qi found that there were quite a few people here, and it turned out to be a structure similar to a tavern.

A lot of people sat around behind the round tables inside, chatting and laughing.And a long bar is facing the door at the innermost part, which is obviously the place to do business.

As soon as Wang Qi entered, the people inside stopped communicating immediately and looked at him together.Seeing just an ordinary Huabang person, many people ignored him and continued to bow their heads and talk.

But Wang Qi also found a lot of Huabang people's faces inside, and he was looking at him with interest, but he didn't express anything else.

Wang Qi walked to the bar counter.Behind the bar was the face of a local. He looked at Wang Qi and waited for Wang Qi to speak.

"Hello, I came here after accepting the task of the Spirit Card Association. I heard that you can get a pass here."

Wang Qi directly stated his purpose.

"Let's confirm it." The man signaled Wang Qi to take out his mobile phone.

After clicking on the QR code in the internal app of the Spirit Card Association, the man scanned it and got Wang Qi's information.

"Okay, wait a minute." He nodded, then bent down and began to search for something below.

Five seconds later, he sat up straight and handed Wang Qi a small plastic card.

"Hold it, this is the passport. From now on, you can freely enter and exit a section of the border marked on the map. Every time you bring back a complete corpse of a spirit beast, you can exchange points with me. Of course, if you can bring It’s even better if the spirit beast comes back alive, and the points that can be exchanged will be even higher.”

After simply explaining, the man lost the desire to speak, and signaled to Wang Qi that he could leave.

Nodding his head, Wang Qi didn't say much, looking at this rough-made card while preparing to leave.

Unexpectedly, before he went out, he was stopped by several people.

"This brother is very unfamiliar, is he from China?"

Wang Qi looked up and saw the faces of several Huabang people blocking the way out.One of the guys who looked like a hippie, as a spokesperson for several people, stood in the middle.

"Well, I just arrived here. What's the matter?" Wang Qi nodded indifferently.

"Don't worry too much, we'll just see you alone, come here and ask, do you want to join our team and act with us?" This guy still said with a hippie smile.

"Well, I'm not interested for the time being. I have other things to do this time, and I won't be here for long."

Wang Qi politely refused.With that said, he wanted to leave directly.

"Don't be so anxious. We all belong to the same country. It's okay to sit down and chat. You can talk about anything else. Maybe we can help you." The man still didn't give up and didn't let open the way.

Wang Qi frowned, why is this person still entangled.But he still got his temper.

"Thank you for your kindness. I don't need it. If you have nothing to do, please let me go. I'm going back to rest first."

"Hey, don't be shameless..." A guy behind that person suddenly became agitated and wanted to come up and catch Wang Qi.

His outstretched arm was directly blocked by a hippie smile, and then he took the initiative to make way for Wang Qi.

"It's okay, brother, you can go ahead and come to us again if you are interested. My name is Xiaomianhu, and I am famous here. Just ask anyone and you can find me."

Wang Qi nodded again, strayed past him, left the hall, and left without looking back.

"Brother Xiao, this guy is a bit disrespectful..." a person whispered next to him.

"It's okay, many people from China are like this. Tell everyone below, pay attention to it, and remember to send a message if he goes out alone."

Smiling Tiger shook his head slightly, made some simple arrangements, then turned around and went back into the house.

And the other people sitting in the room seemed to be accustomed to this scene, no one said a word at all, and didn't care about what happened here.

After Wang Qi left, he went back to the hotel directly.The smiling tiger just now, although he didn't know what the purpose was, he still had a sense of vigilance, and a cloned Void Butterfly had already stayed there.

However, lip reading is not as easy to use as imagined. People in different places, speaking accents, and different languages ​​have different lip shapes, which requires a lot of basic data analysis. At least Wang Qi has not yet completed this collection.Through the eyes of Void Butterfly, he could only see the general meaning of what Smiling Tiger said, which was to send someone to keep an eye on him.But this was enough to make Wang Qi vigilant.

Walking out of the temple, the old man dozed off at the door and didn't look at himself again.

After returning to the hotel, Wang Qi locked himself in the room, and then switched his perspective to the avatar.

In the short time he was out, Tao Zong and the boss of the mercenary group finally couldn't help but started to act.

Suddenly Wang Qi realized something. This mercenary boss hid his wealth here. It seems that he used to be a mudker. Maybe he also knew that smiling tiger. So they are really not good people. .

In this way, Wang Qi will not have any psychological barriers if he grabs his things.

Tao Zong had a metal figurine in his pocket, pretending to be an ordinary person, walking on the streets of the city.

He walked aimlessly, whether he went to some shops to have a look, and didn't buy anything, just like an ordinary tourist, unobtrusive.

Finally, after wandering around for a long time, when no one was paying attention, he took out a note from his pocket, glanced at it and stuffed it back, and then came to a back alley.

"right here."

Looking at an ordinary small residential building, Tao Zong took out the note again to have a look, then looked around and found no one around, so he went in directly.

Unbeknownst to him, Wang Qi's avatar had already caught up with him, not even three meters away, staring at his every move clearly.

Entering the private house, Tao Zong counted on the ground for a long time, and then vigorously buckled a floor tile. After the tile was buckled up, a wrapped key was hidden underneath.

He took out the small bag, tore the packaging, took out the key, and opened the door locked with a big lock.

(End of this chapter)

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