Chapter 156

Wang Qi pretended not to notice their surveillance, found some snacks at random, wandered around for more than an hour, and then returned to the hotel.

This group of people is just following anyway, and it is estimated that they will not do it easily in the city, so don't worry about it for now.

But tomorrow, I still have to go to the border for a walk. It's not good if I don't take the task, so let's play it by ear.

During this period of time when the avatar is in full swing, the data master's ability has been fully activated, and all the plans for the spirit card have been sorted out, so it is natural to get this matter done first.

After analyzing all the inventory on his body, if all the spirit cards are continuously fused, the conclusion given by the data master is that at least 3 mythical level spirit cards can be obtained.

But because two of the routes would consume the two spirit cards of "Non-Existent Clone" and "Lord of the Wind", the result was not much better than the original one, so Wang Qi had to give up.

The remaining route is achievable at present, and it seems that it has no effect on his resident strength. Wang Qi decided to merge directly.

The core spirit card of this fusion route is the "pen of bad luck" that Wang Qi had obtained for a long time before, but never opened once.

Speaking of the spirit card "Stroke of Misfortune", the effect is really powerful.Unfortunately, the restrictive conditions are more difficult to achieve. You need to know the target's name and related information. If you write it wrong, it's not enough. Wang Qi keeps putting him in the spare card slot, but he has no chance to play.

For example, the former enemy Ruoqing, if Wang Qi could know what two characters Ruoqing is, and some more detailed information about him, he would have used this spirit card to make him unlucky.

At this moment, since he can use this card to get a new mythical spirit card, Wang Qi has nothing to regret, so he can just use it.

The fusion route will consume a total of 7 legendary-level spirit cards and 22 transcendent-level spirit cards including "Stroke of Doom", as well as some related spirit cards of rare and common levels.

According to the sequence simulated, Wang Qi started to use the fusion.

After merging step by step again and again, finally, a new spirit card appeared in front of Wang Qi.

With a flash of brilliance, a newly released mythical spirit card appeared in this world.

"But why aren't you excited this time?"

Wang Qi complained to himself, probably because he was used to watching it.

"The Pen of the Gods Weaving Nightmares: Prop Card, mythical level. The first activation requires 10000 points of spiritual power. Effect, consume 50% of the spiritual power to summon a pen of the gods, with a custom shape. Before use, you need to prepare one by one A white paper with a length of 16.7 cm and a width of 12.8 cm. After holding the pen with your hand, start imagining the target object in your mind, and after confirmation, start writing on the paper. The writing content must be in accordance with 'so-and-so', 'when',' I made a nightmare about what was written, and wrote in the order of "signature". After writing, burn the paper, and the target will dream according to the written content. When the dream is completed, the target will get The mark of "bad luck plus body" is visible to everyone, and encounters three fatal attacks similar to the scene in the dream. Every time you dodge an attack, the effect of "bad luck plus body" will be doubled. After dodging all three times, you will get a "bad star" state, all creatures within a radius of 24 meters will enter the normal "bad luck" state, and keep the time consistent with the target. The affected creatures can be released by killing the target.'——You never know, who made it You've got bad luck'."

After seeing this effect, Wang Qi didn't know how to evaluate it.

Strong or not, really strong.

The effect is very complicated, but the description is very clear, what needs to be done, and what will be the result.

It feels like the pursuit of death in the movie, weaving a scene that allows you to face this pursuit of death for 24 hours in a row after having a nightmare.This is not over, if you can escape the pursuit, it will affect the people around you and let them kill you.

In short, if the target used to deal with it is the leader of a team, wouldn't it be invincible.

I feel that this card is used well, it can quietly kill many enemies!But it can only be used by Yin people, after all, it has to wait for people to dream, and then the effect will gradually take effect.

Hey, speaking of team leaders, isn't there a ready-made one here?
However, it seems that he hasn't provoked me yet, and the crime is not worthy of death, let's observe again.

Smiling Tiger was chatting and farting with his subordinates when he suddenly felt cold all over his body. Seeing that there was nothing around him, he frowned in surprise and wondered what was going on.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

The younger brother saw his sudden expression, so he naturally wanted to be concerned.

"I don't know, I suddenly felt cold just now, and I don't know who misses me."

The smiling tiger took a sip of wine.

"Is it because that girl didn't take good care of the boss last night?" A group of people suddenly laughed loudly.

"You said it the other way around, it's the boss who didn't take good care of that girl, which made people think about the boss, hahaha!"

Suddenly, the scene became chaotic again.

The Void Butterfly watched quietly above their heads, only flapping its wings slightly, motionless.

Wang Qi was very happy to get a new mythical level spirit card, and he had one more ability.

The size of the paper in the effect description needs to be specially prepared, but as long as you buy a notebook and cut it, it is not troublesome.

Putting away this spirit card, Wang Qi proceeded to the next fusion.

In addition to the fusion route of this mythical spirit card, the data lord also deduced the strengthening route of equipped with spirit cards, and some of them had good results after fusion, and Wang Qi can also proceed at this moment.

For example, a spirit card that has been put on hold since I got it before, "Star Attraction Dafa".

After being fused with different spirit cards, this spirit card has a new look.

"Star Gathering for Spirit Jue: Outer Strength Card, legendary level. It can be triggered automatically when attacking an enemy. Each attack can mark a star on the enemy. When the same enemy marks 10 stars, it can be detonated all at once, reducing the number of enemies. 20% of the total spiritual power (less than 10% will be deducted) will be added to your own spiritual power, and it will be deducted first when it is consumed."

The ability of this card is also very easy to use. In the future, the battery life will be stronger during battles, and you will no longer be afraid of fighting the enemy.

Then there are a few other cards, Wang Qi finally made up his mind and merged them together this time.

Whether it is the "Conqueror", the long spear fused from the original spirit card "Fingertip Strings", or the two long and short spears "Ice Roar" and "Dark Eyes", recently Wang Qi feels that he is Used less and less.Including the spirit cards that match them, the "enchanted bullet magazine" and "explosive elemental bullets" are the same.

Although the spear helped him get the first pot of gold at the beginning, but as he got more and more spirit cards, the fused spirit cards became stronger and stronger, and his fighting style was constantly changing.

From the spear summoning flow at the beginning, it gradually turned into a long spear flow, and then after having a clone, it became a summoning flow again. Later, when there were more sword skills, I simply drew my sword and charged directly when I had nothing to do. Up to now, the clone is wretched. .

Therefore, since these cards are left idle, it is better to fuse all of them with the newly obtained materials through a long fusion chain of one day to obtain a stronger new weapon.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi took out the simulated cards, put them into the card slots of the Book of Spirit Cards in order, and used the fusion ability.

After a series of fusion changes, finally, a brand-new weapon spirit card was released, and the level reached the legendary level as expected.

"Elemental tyranny: item card, legendary level. Effect, use 5000 points of spiritual power to summon a magic spear, randomly appear in one of the eight forms of earth, water, wind, fire, ice, thunder, light and darkness. No need to equip bullets, consume 10 to 100000 points Spirit power, which can launch one of the bullets corresponding to the element. When it hits the target, it explodes, causing the target to receive damage from the corresponding element. All creatures within a radius of 10 meters of the explosion receive 30% damage. And the corresponding effect is triggered according to the 30% chance of the element attribute, and the earth attribute : slowness; water attribute: poisoning; wind attribute; coma; fire attribute: burn; ice attribute: freezing; thunder attribute: paralysis; light attribute: blindness; dark attribute: corrosion, the effect lasts for 30 seconds. If the enemy uses elemental energy Shield defense, the first attack has a 100% chance of penetrating the shield, and it is summoned again to refresh. No recoil. Ballistic assist correction 200%, bullet speed +100%, knockback +100%, gunshot +50%. When the enemy With the following attributes, damage +100%: darkness, undead, Styx, abyss. When used at night, all attributes and chances are doubled, gunshots -100%, bullet concealment +100%.'——When the elements start to tyranny, Everything will come to an end.'”

On the newly born spirit card, the pattern is very beautiful.A slender spear, the material itself is a translucent crystal state, and the colors corresponding to the eight elements change in turn, each of which is dazzling.

The first time he saw this gun, Wang Qi fell in love with it instantly, and couldn't help calling it out.

This time it was summoned with the ice attribute, and the corresponding color was completely transparent.So in an instant, a spear that could only be seen in outline, like glass, appeared in Wang Qi's hand.

"Damn it! It's so handsome! This is a limited-edition out-of-print costume that can only be played by krypton gold warriors!"

Caressing the spear, looking back and forth fondly, Wang Qi was reluctant to put it down no matter what.

The appearance of this gun allowed multiple idle spirit cards to be integrated into one, which not only had a stronger effect, but also vacated a lot of equipment slots, and the options for Wang Qi's equipment card slots also greatly increased.

After playing with the spear for a while, Wang Qicai reluctantly recalled it, and then put the target on the next card.

(End of this chapter)

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