Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 160 Are You Stupid

Chapter 160 Are You Stupid

That's right, I can have the incredible ability of being a clone, and it's normal for others to be invisible.There are so many strange spirit card abilities in this world, it's because my imagination is lacking.

Wang Qi secretly guessed in his heart that he agreed with the woman's statement.

"Then what is Miss Yan looking for me to cooperate with? Say yes first, there are some things I won't do."

"Don't worry, it's not too difficult, and there's no need to kill or set fire. In fact, I just want to find a helper." Seeing Wang Qi's interest, Yan Zhiyun immediately smiled even wider.

"Then let's hear it." Wang Qi made an inviting gesture.

So Yan Zhiyun explained his future intentions to Wang Qi.

After listening to Wang Qi, he realized that this was really not a secret, but this woman was so courageous that she actually set her mind on the only sect in the area, the Atuo Mishen Sect.

The temple that Wang Qi went to before was the place where the Atuo Mishen Cult enshrined their gods.When he sent the prey with him, he also failed to enter the temple to take a look at the statue. Like all outsiders, he could only enter the place where he handled business through a side door.

But what Yan Zhiyun said was not this temple, what she said was another branch.

It turned out that the followers of A Tuo Mishen Sect were a family, relying on taking in local spirit card masters, hunting spirit beasts as tributes to the gods, and using their own beliefs.

But over time, because of fighting spirit beasts all the year round, some of them saw that the spirit card masters in the temple would always sacrifice, and their thinking began to change. They felt that as long as they could offer tribute, it didn't matter how the tribute came from. Everything will do.

The country of Nipa was originally a combination of politics and religion, so hundreds of years ago, they began to use the local specialty of Nipa—diamonds—in exchange for money, and hired spirit card masters from other countries, especially the neighboring country Huabang. Work for yourself.In this way, just by spending some money that the gods don't need, countless people will flock here to fight those spirit beasts instead of them, wouldn't it be beautiful?
Most monks approve of this practice.But there are also some people who think this is disrespect to God.

In the teachings they interpreted, the tributes offered to the gods must be hunted and killed by themselves. Only in this way, A Tuo Mishen would be happy and give them more powerful power.

But such people are only a minority after all, so they broke with others, and after a conflict, they left the temple and built another hidden temple.

When they left, the leader among these people was also a strong man in the Spirit Card Master. He fought a battle with the other three strong men in the sect. Treasures, only the most honorable statue of Atomi was left for this branch of the temple.

After these three treasures were taken away by him, they were naturally used on the split one.

In fact, the so-called treasures, in the eyes of ordinary people, are just gorgeous and exquisite utensils. They are a golden sword, a golden box, and a golden monument.

But Yan Zhiyun told Wang Qi that these three treasures, as well as the statue in that temple, are actually containers.

That's right, the container used to carry the spirit cards inherited from the Atuo Mishen Sect.

Spirit cards can be stored and preserved by ordinary items, Wang Qi knows very well.

Among these treasures are the powerful spirit cards that have been continuously accumulated and passed down by generations of spirit card masters from the beginning of the establishment of the Atuo Mishen Sect.

When among the congregation, there are some believers who are very consistent with the beliefs of Atuanism, in fact, when their initial spirit cards are very suitable for the requirements of Atuanism, the inheritance spirit cards will be taken out and handed over to With the right people, let these congregants grow up quickly and protect the sect.

And after these congregants grow up, they will naturally gain new spirit cards because of their continuous swiping of domains.

If they don't die in the battle, when these congregants are dying, they will take out all their spirit cards and re-dedicate them to the Atuo Mishen Cult, and then seal them into these three treasures and let them pass on go down.

For thousands of years, although the spirit cards passed down in this way occasionally disappeared due to the death of some people in battle, more of them were accumulated in this way from generation to generation.

The largest and most honorable statue kept in the sect contained the most powerful spirit card, which generally only the leader of the sect could use from it, or put in a more powerful spirit card collected later.

The three collected treasures that were snatched by the branch represent combat, protection, and discipline respectively, but they are inheritance spirit cards for other people besides the leader.

Yan Zhiyun's thoughts were focused on these three treasures.

"So, do you want me to steal things with you? Or is it a treasure that has been passed down for thousands of years?"

Wang Qi looked at Yan Zhiyun with an idiot face.

"The door is here, so I won't give it away. Please help me close the door when you go out."

Rolling his eyes, Wang Qi pointed to the door, indicating that she could leave on her own.

"Listen to me, of course I didn't ask you to go to die with me. The main reason is that in the past few days, there just happened to be a good opportunity."

Yan Zhiyun sat still, trying in vain to continue persuading Wang Qi.

"Two days later, the Aduo Mishen Sect will hold their annual religious celebration every ten years. The main branch and the branch will hold corresponding ceremonies in their own temples. Among them, the branch will invite their collection The golden tablet of precepts among the three treasures will be placed in the ceremony for the congregation to admire."

"This kind of ceremony has always been open to all congregants, including the majority of ordinary people. Therefore, this is a good opportunity to get in, and there will definitely not be too many experts in front of the golden monument." Guardian, we can take the opportunity to exchange it and get the spirit card hidden inside."

The more Yan Zhiyun talked, the more excited she became, as if the golden tablet had already come into her hands, and thousands of spiritual cards accumulated for thousands of years had appeared before her eyes, her eyes sparkled, and she looked like a money fan.

"Oh, then I wish you success." Wang Qi looked indifferent, unmoved at all.

Stealing in front of everyone?Are you tired of watching too much TV?What kind of monster do you think you are?

"Of course not. As I said, I have the ability to be invisible. However, I can't transport that golden monument alone. I must have a helper to help me transport it away after I get it in my hands."

Seeing that Wang Qi was still not very interested, Yan Zhiyun became a little anxious.

"The ability that you showed today that can be invisible to others, I saw them transporting prey, so I think you are my best partner. Let's cooperate! The benefits will be [-]% then .”

"Huh?" Wang Qi frowned, "You two and eight?"

"How is it possible! Of course it's you two and eight!" Yan Zhiyun slapped the sofa and shouted.

"So you think I'm a fool? I'm going to take a risk to help you steal something, and then I can get 120% of it?" Wang Qi said, taking out his mobile phone and preparing to dial [-]. It seems that this girl is really stupid and blind for nothing. It's a pretty face.

"Hey, the share can be discussed again! So you agree?" Yan Zhiyun pressed his phone.

"Promise your size! Hurry up and stay cool, I'm not interested in making trouble with you."

Wang Qi became impatient and stood up, not going to communicate with her anymore.

"[-]%! I can give you [-]%! Just promise me!" Yan Zhiyun quickly raised three fingers, and then looked at Wang Qi expectantly, as if she had made a huge concession.

"Goodbye." Wang Qi opened the door, looked at her, and signaled her to leave quickly.

"Thirty and a half! It really can't be more! You have to know that I have worked very hard to collect this information!"

Yan Zhiyun still said unwillingly.

"If you give me [-]%, I won't go with you. I don't do such illegal things." Wang Qi said speechlessly.

Unless you mess with me.

Yan Zhiyun's face was full of resignation, but seeing Wang Qi's determination, she had no choice but to stand up angrily.

But after thinking about it, she grabbed the sticky note on the table, wrote down her phone number, and put it on the table.

"If you change your mind, remember to contact me! Don't come again when you can't miss this opportunity, don't waste this opportunity!"

Wang Qi stared at her frowning with eyes like chasing flies, watched her walk out of the room, and then closed the door.

In the sight from the Void Butterfly, the woman stood at the door for a while, and finally left with a grumbling face full of reluctance.

Instructing a Void Butterfly to follow her, Wang Qi didn't think about it.He glanced at the note, tore it up and threw it into the trash can.

"Really, I don't know what to think, do I look like the kind of person who would do this kind of thing at will?"

Wang Qi stopped thinking about it, turned around and walked into the room.

Suddenly, the door sounded.


There were a few loud slammings on the door, which seemed to indicate that the people outside were impatient.Wang Qi frowned again, walked over and opened the door.

Two locals with thick eyebrows and big eyes, dressed in national costumes, immediately turned vicious when they saw Wang Qi open the door.

"Are you the guy who helped the temple hunt offerings! Come with us!"

As they said, one of them came up and wanted to grab Wang Qi's collar.

"Fuck, who are you?" Wang Qi flashed his grasp, and a whirlwind appeared outside his body. It was the ability of the Lord of Wind, and directly blew the two of them out together.

You have to do it as soon as you come up, no matter what, call back first and then talk.

The two of them probably didn't expect Wang Qi to resist, and they flew upside down without any precautions.But they responded quickly, and they didn't fall down in a somersault, but turned over deftly and stopped directly on the ground.

"How dare you use force against us! Kill him!"

The two put their hands together at the same time, and suddenly there was an avatar outside them, which looked somewhat similar. An elephant head had six hands, and a bull head had four hands, each holding different weapons.

"Are these two crazy!"

Wang Qi had no choice but to summon an army of shadow snaketail wolves in the narrow hotel corridor.

(End of this chapter)

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