Chapter 162

"No can really bear it?"

Yan Zhiyun watched helplessly as Wang Qi picked up his bag and was about to leave, but she didn't dare to stop her. She was afraid that if this guy would do such a silent trick to herself and get herself into a place where she didn't know, then she would Wronged.

"If I don't leave, I'm waiting for them to continue beating the younger ones and come to the old ones? What's more, an old one has already come."

Wang Qi walked to the elevator in front, and Yan Zhiyun followed all the way, with a look of unwillingness.

"Well, think about it again, I'll give you [-]%, no, [-]%, how about it! I'm already very interesting!"

After entering the elevator, she was still trying to make the last effort.

The elevator door opened, Wang Qi glanced outside, and suddenly closed the door.

"Five to five points, I'll think about it." After pressing a high-level number, Wang Qi turned his head and said to Yan Zhiyun.

"Hmm..." Yan Zhiyun faltered a little, she always felt that she would be at a loss.

But what she didn't see was that the moment the elevator door opened just now, Wang Qi discovered that in the hotel lobby, there were actually a group of guys dressed the same as the old monk.

Did you poke a hornet's nest today?

Naturally, Wang Qi would not go out and take the initiative to send them off. Even if those people didn't know that they had already fought with the old monk and his two apprentices, and even sent the three of them to the spirit world for a trip, it was still not safe after all. .

It's better to avoid it for the time being.

Moreover, Wang Qi was a little annoyed by fighting with three people in a row. He didn't expect that he would not cause trouble, but someone would come to his door. It's really annoying.

In this case, it's not a bad idea to cooperate with this chick.

"All right, all right, I promise you, fifty-five points is fifty-five points." Yan Zhiyun looked unhappy, but after thinking for a long time, he still agreed to this condition.

"In this case, we can be regarded as companions. Which room do you live in, go to yours first." Wang Qi turned to look at her.

"Ah... this is not good, is it?" Yan Zhiyun panicked, why did she suddenly want to go to my room?
"Nonsense, the door of my room is gone, if you don't go to yours, go to my room."

"Oh, that's right..."

Finally, Yan Zhiyun brought Wang Qi to the room where she lived.

Wang Qi called the front desk in the elevator lobby, he didn't care about the check-out and compensation matters, and he didn't care if the front desk went to check it himself, and it would be fine when he went down later.

I believe those monks should leave after a while.If there is no doubt.

But Wang Qi really misunderstood, this large group of monks, including the old monk, came to this hotel today, really not looking for Wang Qi, for him alone, it is impossible.

They just happened to come here to greet someone, and then the two disciples chatted about some monks saying that Wang Qi was here, so they came here on their own initiative.

The old monk couldn't hold back his apprentice, so he followed him.But this old monk is also a weirdo, he refused to take the elevator all his life, so the two apprentices went up first and fought for a long time before he walked up the stairs slowly, and then happened to see the scene where the two apprentices took the direct express to the spirit world.

If Wang Qi went downstairs to meet the group of monks who were still waiting for someone, they would not know that this guy just sent his three companions away.

"Okay, now tell me what your plan is."

Now that Yan Zhiyun had agreed, Wang Qi naturally wanted to ask about the specific plan.

"Okay, listen to me." Yan Zhiyun happily took out a small notebook and told Wang Qi about her theft plan.

"Two days later, the celebration of the Atuo Mi Cult will be divided into three parts. Among them, the time of our action is the second part, the time when their congregation will carry this precept golden tablet to parade .”

While talking, Yan Zhiyun took a notebook and gave Wang Qi some strokes.

"Their route of action has not changed over the years. It has always been a fixed route, going from here to here and then back here."

As she spoke, she drew a simple map on the paper, on which a route was outlined.

"And this one will pass through a crossroad. At that time, many ordinary people will fill up the surrounding area, which is the best place I have chosen to do it. Then this point is where I put the real thing Change back to the place."

He circled two of the dots heavily, and Yan Zhiyun said that I will do it here.

"At that time, my plan is like this. At the first point, I will be invisible in the crowd, and when I get close to the float, I will take the opportunity to use one of my abilities to replace the real one with a fake one."

"Then, the covered real goods need your help to quickly transport them to a safe place."

"After arriving at a safe place, the two of us can share the spoils directly and quickly, and empty out the inventory in the real goods."

"My guy can last for an hour. As long as you help me return the real goods to the second point within an hour, I can exchange the real goods back."

"In this way, we can retreat calmly without anyone noticing, and no one will notice it at all. Maybe they haven't noticed it before we fly away. How about it?"

After Yan Zhiyun finished talking about her plan, she looked at Wang Qi proudly, with the expression that you took advantage of it.

"In front of everyone, your ability can replace an object with a spirit card in an instant without anyone noticing?" Wang Qi didn't believe it.

"I can assure you that this is something I have tried. If you don't believe me, I will demonstrate it to you in person."

Wang Qi thought it would be better to give it a try, so he randomly took out a garbage spiritual card, found a transparent glass in the room, put it on the tea table, and looked at Yan Zhiyun.

Seeing that he was getting ready, Yan Zhiyun sat beside him without moving, suddenly a piece of burden skin appeared in his hand.One hand was in the middle of the fur-shiki on top, and the other hand went in from below.

Wang Qi stared at the cup and Lingka on the tea table while staring at Yan Zhiyun's hand.

Suddenly, Yan Zhiyun's hand moved inside, and in an instant, Wang Qi realized that the spirit card on the glass on the coffee table was gone, and there was only a glass left there.And Yan Zhiyun was holding an identical glass in the hand that proudly came out from under the bundle, and inside it was the spirit card that had disappeared from the tea table.

"It's a bit powerful, and this ability is really useful." Wang Qi picked up the identical glass on the coffee table and looked around, expressing his admiration. "However, how far do you need to be from the target to activate this ability? Also, is there a limit to the size of the target?"

"Of course it's powerful. I have to stand within 10 meters of the target with a furoshiki in my hand. As for the size, as long as the furoshiki can cover it, it can be used." Yan Zhiyun replied.

"Oh? Have you seen the golden stele of precepts? Have you mastered the size?" Wang Qi asked.

"No problem, this can be found in travel magazines. Don't forget, in the eyes of ordinary people, that thing is just a cultural relic." Yan Zhiyun took out a travel magazine and photographed it on the coffee table.

Wang Qi took the magazine, flipped through it, and found the introduction of the Golden Monument of Precepts.

Sure enough, its size is not big, only more than 50 centimeters high and 30 centimeters wide, but the thickness is quite thick, more than ten centimeters.

I don't know how to open this thing, and how to hide so many spirit cards inside.

"In that case, then I'll take care of the things after you get the things." Wang Qi said casually.

"Hey, hey, you're about to break up with me, and you have to demonstrate it too. How can you do it! Otherwise, I've been planning for so long, and I still have to do it directly. I feel like I'm at a disadvantage!"

Yan Zhiyun expressed dissatisfaction.

"That's right, then just watch."

Wang Qi was thinking just now, among his abilities, which one is the most suitable to help deliver things at this time.

The answer is, Diamond Dragon.

Let the avatar summon the diamond dragon so no one can see it, and then it opened its mouth wide, and Wang Qi directly threw the glass on the table into it.

Immediately, the glass entered the diamond dragon's mouth and disappeared immediately.

This is a small usage that I discovered before. Everything that enters the body of an invisible summoned creature will become invisible along with it.It doesn't seem to be very useful at ordinary times, but this time it comes in handy.

"Hey, it's really gone. But I can feel it, it's there!"

Although Yan Zhiyun couldn't see the cloned diamond flying dragon, she could still feel the location of the diamond flying dragon with the swallowed replica glass.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that." Wang Qi looked at Yan Zhiyun. "My summoned beast can fly, and it can reach the meeting place in an instant."

"Great, this is exactly what I needed!"

Yan Zhiyun cried out happily.Although she didn't know what kind of summoned beast it was, she was relieved and confident in the plan.

"Very well, so be it. Since the celebration is two days later, let's meet near the first location you selected in two days' time."

With that said, Wang Qi stood up, ready to leave.

"No problem, just don't let me go. I remember what you look like, and I know your name. You can't escape!"

"Ha ha."

Wang Qi rolled his eyes, turned and left her room.

Anyway, we just met by chance, after this time, no one knows if we will see each other again, and he is not interested in hooking up with this chick Yan Zhiyun, so naturally he doesn't take it to heart.

Void Butterfly's vision has seen that those monks greeted a person leading a little boy who was also dressed as a monk, and then surrounded them and left early. No one remembered where the old monk and the two apprentices went , I guess they can't take care of it for the time being.

In this case, Wang Qi went downstairs to the front desk to check out the room, paid the compensation for the door that was slapped by the old monk, and then turned and left the hotel.

No matter what, if you continue to stay here, it will be easy for those monks to turn around and find them. Naturally, it is better to change to another place to be safe.

After going out, instead of driving the car, Wang Qi walked directly into an alley with few people, and gradually disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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