Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 165 Going to the Imperial Capital

Chapter 165 Going to the Imperial Capital
The incarnation of the god didn't speak much at all, and there was no fluctuation after seeing the golden tablet. The various weapons and magic weapons that appeared in the other six hands were all thrown into the air, and then they were seen turning into many clones one after another. It fell in the air, and there were quite a few people on the ground, and no one was hit several times.

Immediately, this group of people didn't even say much, and sacrificed themselves.

Only two of them suddenly had a flash of white light, and they were teleported away. Presumably, some special life-saving ability was activated.

Seeing that the enemy was finally put to death, even though two people escaped, the mission was successfully completed, and the god incarnation relaxed. He manipulated the flower platform to land, came to the ground, and bent down to pick up the golden tablet.

To be on the safe side, while returning to his normal state and his monk appearance, he directly opened the lock of the golden monument, wanting to check it in person.

"Who! Who is it!"

A burst of furious voice came, the avatar rubbed its ears, turned around and left without leaving credit or fame.

Ontology watched the battle with satisfaction, and happened to arrive at the airport.

After leisurely entering the VIP lounge, Wang Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief and found a place to sit down.

He still needs to wait a few hours for the ticket he booked, which is an afternoon ticket.So he is not in a hurry at the moment.Anyway, no one will think of him, unless there are people with the ability of Xiao Bai and her master Mu Ying, but I believe that such people are very rare, so there is no need to worry too much.

Moreover, the one who actually made the move was always Yan Zhiyun, and Wang Qi was the one who divided the spoils. If he wanted to investigate, he would definitely find the girl first.

Now that he was relieved, he began to think about another thing.

When I left Nipa this time, I booked a flight back to Huabang.But this time the destination is not Shuian City, but the Imperial Capital.

Because, before the break last night, Gongxi and Yu suddenly called him, asked him where he was, and asked him to do something.

"If you have finished your work and have no other destination, I would like to invite you to the imperial capital."

"Brother Heyu, is there anything going on in the imperial capital?"

"The General Assembly of the Spirit Card Association recently had a battle with the Salvation Society and gained a lot of good spirit cards. This time they are not planning to list them on the internal points platform, but are planning to hold an auction. I think you can If you take a look, maybe you will gain something."

"No problem, Brother Heyu. Do you need any qualifications to participate in that auction?" Wang Qi asked curiously.

"It's enough to use the points to redeem on the internal platform, and not many points are needed." The company and Yu said briefly.

"This is not the main purpose. I mainly want you to do me a favor. After I get there, I will find someone to run errands for me. I can't get away for the time being. Tianbing and Aqiu have other things here. So I can only leave it to you."

"Okay, Brother Heyu, who are you looking for, please give me the information."

"Well, the person I'm looking for is Bian, and his name is Bian Mochang."

Recalling what he said with Brother Yu, after guessing for a long time, he didn't know who this Bian Mochang was, so Wang Qi could only think silently in his heart.

It is not possible to sort out the spirit card right now. Who knows if there are other spirit card masters in the airport. It is not good if someone sees it.So Wang Qi didn't summon his own Book of Spirit Cards either.

A few hours later, the long wait was finally over, and Wang Qi boarded the plane.

As a result, not long after he sat down in the first-class seat, when the plane was about to take off, a figure suddenly sat beside him.

"Hey, what a coincidence."

Wang Qi looked up, although the person in front of him had changed into a beautiful dress, was carrying a small leather bag, and a big sunglasses covered half of his face, but Wang Qi recognized him at a glance. Hour Yan Zhiyun.


Almost spit out a mouthful of water, Wang Qi coughed a few times, turned his head away, pretending not to know him.

"Hey, don't be so stingy, I didn't know you were on this flight, it was just a coincidence." Yan Zhiyun took the initiative to talk to him while putting away her bag.

Wang Qi ignored him and looked at his tablet alone.

A young man in the seat next to her saw her take the initiative to talk to Wang Qi, probably because she thought she was a good girl, and Wang Qi ignored her at all, so he wanted to get acquainted, so he stood up and wanted to help Yan. Zhiyun put her bag.

But Yan Zhiyun said angrily, "Thank you for not using it", and directly blocked him back, put the bag away lightly by herself, then sat down and looked at Wang Qi.

"Girl, can you stop looking at me like that, I'm easily shy."

Wang Qi was stared helplessly by her, so he could only speak.

"Tsk tsk, I thought only girls were easy to be shy, but I didn't expect you, a big man, to be shy."

Yan Zhiyun stared at him with interest, and just smiled at him.

"Okay, okay, I surrender. Why is it so unlucky to meet you again." Wang Qi said helplessly with his hands on his forehead.

"Hehe, maybe this is evil fate." Yan Zhiyun replied, shaking her hand triumphantly.

"Have you read those of yours?" She waited for a while, and seeing that Wang Qi didn't speak anymore, she couldn't help but asked again.

"Please don't say these things here. I just want to rest now, thank you!" Wang Qi directly turned back without looking up.

"Cut, stingy." Yan Zhiyun looked around, stopped talking, took out his tablet and started playing.

It took a long time to go back by plane, because the distance was far enough, this trip took more than six hours.

When the plane landed, Wang Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Along the way, Yan Zhiyun always wanted to chat with him, which made him quite helpless.But fortunately, Wang Qi was cautious enough to round up various topics without revealing any information about himself.

"It's finally here. Where are you going? My friend is here to pick me up. If I drop by, I can give you a lift." Yan Zhiyun said to Wang Qi with a smile.

After thinking about it, it is not necessary to refuse people thousands of miles away, so Wang Qi directly reported his destination.

"I'm going to the Royal Capital Hotel."

"Eh? What a coincidence, I'm going to live there too!"

When Yan Zhiyun heard this, she put on a surprised expression.


Wang Qi sprayed again.

This is really... a bad fate...

No matter what, the two of them left the airport together and met Yan Zhiyun's friend, an equally young and beautiful girl who called herself Shui Di, and then she sent them to the hotel.

After getting out of the car, Wang Qi expressed his thanks. When he walked in first, he heard the two girls behind him still whispering.

"Yanyan, I don't think it's good for you to be like this. The handsome guy you just met came to have a room with him. You are too unreserved like this."

What the girl said in the water droplets immediately made Wang Qi want to spit out again, he endured it, and finally swallowed it back.

"What nonsense are you talking about! This person is one of my partners, and they just happened to come to the Imperial Capital together. I didn't know that he booked this place, otherwise I would change to another hotel."

Yan Zhiyun grabbed her arm and hit her twice with a smile, explaining something.

"Okay, okay, I understand, partner, partner. Then you go in quickly. People without cards have already entered, so you go to register quickly. Remember to come down after registration, and I will take you to eat delicious food."

Shui Di told her a few words helplessly, and asked her to quickly enter the hotel to get a room.

Wang Qi had already completed the check-in formalities. When he saw Yan Zhiyun coming in, he waved his hand, turned around and went upstairs, ignoring her to go through the formalities on his own.

After entering the room, Wang Qi breathed a sigh of relief.He guessed that the water drop must be waiting for Yan Zhiyun downstairs, so he decided not to go out for the time being.

You can also look for someone tomorrow, don't worry about it for a day and a half.Why don't you take advantage of this moment and sort out the harvest first.

The usual avatar came out, the Void Butterfly walked away, went out to find the domain to familiarize itself with the terrain, and the main body sorted out the stolen goods that came along this time.

Wang Qi had already counted the stolen goods in the Book of Spirit Cards before.Should it be said that it is the family property of a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years? This is just the accumulation of one of the treasures. Yan Zhiyun said that the sum of these three treasures is not as good as the spirit card hidden by the statue.

All the harvests this time were legendary-level spirit cards, and none of them were lower than legendary-level.But unfortunately, there is no mythical level.Wang Qi guessed that the mythical ones would be used on those monks. For example, the master who chased the rocket man at the end, the ability he used to incarnate A Tuo Mishen must be a mythical spirit card.Or, the mythical spirit card is still hidden in the statue in the temple, not in the three treasures below.

When it was taken out from the commandment golden tablet, there were 630 grids, a total of [-] two spirit cards, all of which were legendary.

The only regret is that A Tuo Mijiao probably used four treasures to collect spirit cards to distinguish the types of spirit cards. These more than 600 spirit cards are all ability cards and external skills cards, and there are no other types.

This windfall made his original purpose of going to Nipa this time, the hidden treasure of the mercenary captain, seem a little insignificant.

Moreover, these 630 legendary spirit cards are only half of the spirit cards hidden in the Golden Monument of Precepts. Wang Qi doesn't know how much the spirit cards in Yan Zhiyun's hands have harvested, but he thinks it won't be too bad.

The most important point is that these spirit cards are all accumulated over thousands of years and have been carefully selected by the monks of the Atuo Mishen Sect from generation to generation. There are more styles, but I believe that the value of each piece will not be too low.

Wang Qi took a long breath and calmed down his excited mood.

In this way, the spirit cards in Wang Qi's hands, excluding the ones he selected and used frequently, are not counted as spirit cards below the legendary level, and there are nearly 700 cards in the legendary level alone.

If all these spiritual cards were converted into money, I believe it would be an astronomical wealth.

But Wang Qi is not that stupid.

I believe that such a big event, the robbery of the clay pagoda and the golden monument, will be known to the whole world, and there will definitely be people who will be tempted to look for the stolen spirit cards.

Throwing these spirit cards directly to the trading platform will undoubtedly reveal that you have obtained information about these spirit cards, and those who are interested will definitely contact the matter of Nipa.That will bring unnecessary trouble to yourself.

For him, the best way is naturally fusion.

(End of this chapter)

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