Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 168 What a Bucket of Vegetable Washing Water

Chapter 168 What a Bucket of Vegetable Washing Water
"Okay, so where are you taking me now?"

Wang Qi was dragged away all the time, and asked her helplessly.

"What I want to take you to is the martial arts arena. It's naturally there to bet with others." Yan Zhiyun pointed to the front, and as far as she could see, she could see a place that looked like a stadium dome.This building is built with modern techniques, but it is not particularly in harmony with the surroundings.

"Tsk, are you going to fight again?" Wang Qi pouted. "If you want me to help, you have to tell me the whole story, otherwise I won't do anything."

"All right, all right, as long as you promise to help me, I'll tell you."

Yan Zhiyun immediately said everything.

It turned out that she and Shui Di came to play at the association today, but they met a group of young spirit card masters from foreign spirit card associations who came to exchange and study. At first, we met strangers, and there was no conflict.As a result, a blond-haired and blue-eyed boy who looked dishonest, in the language of his country, said a bad word to his companion, saying that the girl didn't look like a good figure, with two straight lines at the front and back, not even as good as a man's figure .

As we all know, it is normal for a spirit card master to speak multiple languages.Don't forget that there is something called ability card.

They didn't speak a minority language, so Shui Di and Yan Zhiyun could hear them clearly.Yan Zhiyun became angry immediately, and summoned a bucket out of thin air, which was full of vegetable washing water. She flicked it lightly, and poured cold water on the foreign boy, and hung a few pieces of water on his head Vegetable leaves.

Immediately, the group of people became unhappy, and they surrounded the two girls, and everyone started arguing with each other.

Don't look at this chick Yan Zhiyun who is always choked by Wang Qi, but she protects the water droplets alone, and she is not afraid of facing this group of people. They scold each other because you come and go, and there is a feeling of verbal war.

In the end, I don’t know who the Lingka Association passed by, persuaded the two groups, and they were unwilling to give up easily when they saw them, especially the little brother who was splashed with a bucket of water, the vegetable leaves on his head seemed to be sticky. The ones that go up cannot be removed no matter what, Yan Zhiyun just refuses to release the effect of the spirit card.He had no choice but to come up with an idea, let them fight in the martial arts arena here, whoever wins will listen to whoever wins, and the loser will not only apologize, but also take out a few spirit cards as a prize.

"Then there should be a lot of people in this fairyland, why did you go outside?"

"Nonsense, no one I know happens to be here, so naturally I have to go out and make a phone call? There are no signal towers here, so it's better to just go out and make a phone call. But speaking of it, I recently heard that 5G is going to be laid in, so then It's much more convenient."

"All right, all right, how are you going to fight?" Wang Qi asked helplessly.

"Three heads-up matches, two out of three rounds. The loser apologizes to the winner, and has to hand over three Transcendent Spirit Cards." Yan Zhiyun explained to Wang Qi as he walked.

"Don't worry, I'll take the lottery from our side. If you lose, it's not yours. Anyway, you've made a lot of money in the past few days. It's just beyond the super spirit card, not bad money."

Wang Qi couldn't laugh or cry with her expression of "I'm rich and I'm proud".

Co-author, you don't even have the consciousness that you are a spirit card stolen by a thief!
Seeing that the two of them came to the stadium, Shui Di was surrounded by the group of foreign bastards that Yan Zhiyun said, unable to walk. The vegetable leaves on one of his buddies were very obvious, as if he was playing a game. It's like adding a headgear to the character image, and it looks a little bit good.

Seeing that the group of people dared to surround the water drop, Yan Zhiyun hurriedly let go of Wang Qi's sleeve, shouted, the bucket in his hand reappeared, and a bucket of fresh vegetable washing water was directly poured over, scaring the group of people. I had to dodge quickly, only one buddy who didn't have time to jump away, was poured through, and a few vegetable leaves appeared on his head, and it was not the same as the previous one. That was green vegetables, and this one was replaced with lettuce dish.

"You woman, why are you so unreasonable! Why did you suddenly splash us with this water again!"

One of the foreigners shouted loudly.

Shui Di looked at Wang Qi helplessly and smiled, and the two took the opportunity to say hello to each other.

"Nonsense, I'm going out to find someone, and you just surround my sisters like this! This should be left outside, the police have already taken you suspicious elements away!"

The man still wanted to refute, but he thought about it carefully. Several big men surrounded a delicate and weak girl like this, and they all had smirks on their faces. They really didn't look like good people.

No, why are we not good people, we were led astray by her!
"Don't change the subject, since you have found someone, let's talk about it after a quick fight!" The man shouted angrily.

"Ah, everyone, don't be so irritable, it's not good, it's not good."

Standing aside, a man who looked quite ordinary and was wearing ordinary clothes, except for the word "ordinary" written on his face, suddenly opened his mouth and stretched out his hand to dissuade that person.

"Okay, our side is full! You pick three out, and we'll go in!"

Yan Zhiyun held the water drop with one hand, patted Wang Qi's shoulder with the other, and walked inside first.

Those few people were not to be outdone, they pushed and shoved towards the inside together.

"Ah, wait for me, wait for me, don't go so fast!" The ordinary-looking man was only behind, calling repeatedly, but no one in front heard him, so he had no choice but to chase after him.

There are many venues in the martial arts arena, and they can be rented for different periods of time. The two parties directly paid half of each venue, randomly selected a venue, and then everyone swarmed in.

"Wang Qi, how about I go to the first round and you go to the second round?" Yan Zhiyun discussed with him in a low voice.

"Okay. Can you do it? Don't just steal things, you will become a weak chicken in battle." Wang Qi glanced at her body.

"Hey, let me show you today, my Yan Zhiyun's methods!"

She directly stepped forward and stood in the center of the field, while Wang Qi and Shui Di retreated to the side.

The group of foreigners also recommended a person, who was the first guy with vegetable leaves on his head, so it can be said that the road to enemies is narrow.

The two stood still, and the ordinary-looking man walked to the center.

Together, the two handed the three agreed lottery cards to the referee, and then waited for him to give instructions.

"Ah, you must pay attention when you compete. Don't be too anxious and don't be cruel. Although the two sides are a bit discordant, our two countries are friendly family friends and have always coexisted peacefully. The friendship between the two peoples..."

"Referee, can you just say no!" Yan Zhiyun and Brother Qingcai looked at him helplessly.

"Ah, you are right. Seeing that you all speak in unison, doesn't this prove that everyone can still get along in harmony. So I said, when fighting, you must not use heavy hands. If you are merciful, you must be merciful. You can't ..."


Yan Zhiyun didn't care about him anymore, she just called out to start, then rolled up her sleeves and went straight to it.

"Ah, what do you guys... Forget it, let's start now."

Ordinary referees had no choice but to retreat by themselves. With a wave of their hands, a transparent wall rose on the outside of the arena.Then he stared at the two of them, still muttering words such as "good neighborliness and friendship" and "peaceful coexistence", and the atmosphere in the venue became a little weird.

Yan Zhiyun started with the water-splashing method she had just used, and Wang Qi guessed that she didn't want to expose her ability of invisibility.

This time, Brother Qingcai on the opposite side was prepared, but deftly dodged Yan Zhiyun's attack, and then summoned a pair of double guns in his backhand, turning his body into a suit of military equipment.

"Hey, I miss it a bit, the battlefield individual suit."

When Wang Qi saw this outfit, it was very similar to the equipment he used when he was a novice, and he immediately missed it.

This person's style is obviously a realistic hot weapon, which is similar to Wang Qi's original line, but he is more pure.

In addition to the pair of guns at the beginning, he walked with unknown steps, and kept switching various guns according to the distance, blasting out colorful bullets, turning left and right around Yanzhiyun fly.

Could it be... this is the legendary gun fighting technique?

Wang Qi suddenly felt that his eyes were wide open.

Now I still have the spirit card "Sharpshooter Senrog" that assists spear skills, but this card only buffs the state, and does not bring about different postures for shooting, such as changing guns and drawing guns.

Presumably, among this person's ability cards, there must be one or more ability cards or external skills cards that use firearms to fight.

But if these hail of bullets hit ordinary people, they would probably have become sieves long ago.But facing a Spirit Card Master, there will naturally be various ways to deal with it.

If it was Wang Qi, he would be able to resist most of the damage even with the "magic warrior costume" on his body, not to mention that he still has an "unbreakable barrier", so it is not too convenient to block these mere bullets.

But Yan Zhiyun's method made Wang Qi feel admirable.

She was actually within this square inch, completely relying on her own body skills, to completely dodge all the bullets that came out at an angle!

When I was stealing from the mud handkerchief, the avatar saw that the chick's movement was not normal when she squeezed into the crowd, but she didn't expect her movement to be so beautiful when she really showed it.

Letting Wang Qi use his own "Twelve Spirit Bat Revolutions" to imitate her like this, really can't do this level of complete avoidance between square inches. Wang Qi must have to widen the distance to avoid such dense bullets.

It is definitely not Yan Zhiyun's original intention to just hide but not fight back.

While she turned into an afterimage and kept dodging each other's bullets, she held something empty in her hands, but she didn't know what there was.Just looking at the posture, Wang Qi guessed that it should be two transparent daggers or short swords.

Yan Zhiyun is also a bold person with high skills. When she easily dodged the bullet, she didn't even retreat, but kept pulling closer to Brother Qingcai.

That brother Qingcai entered the state of gun fighting, and he was neither arrogant nor impetuous, so he maintained this state of suppressing bullets, obviously he had some plans.

The two of them dodged and pulled in one by one, and after a few seconds, they came directly to a dangerous distance.

"It's now!"*2
(End of this chapter)

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