Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 186 The Hidden Test Base

Chapter 186 The Hidden Test Base

Seeing that the medicine took effect, the captain glanced at the flying dragon flying above his head, and asked the female team member with his eyes, but she shook her head.

"Forget it, the capture is complete, retreat."

With a wave of his hand, the man who manipulated the metal spider immediately increased his output of spiritual power again. Under his control, the metal spider began to melt and deform, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a golden monster with a strange cage on its back, more legs, There are two more large propulsion devices behind it.

"Let's go!" The captain gave the order, and the group of people left the spot immediately. The propeller behind the metal monster sprayed out burning flames, and immediately returned to the direction they came from.

Seeing this, Wang Qi thought for a while, and took back all the creatures summoned by the main body, leaving only a few cloned Void Butterflies, and followed them away.

At this time, the talents from the Spirit Card Association arrived late in a helicopter.

"There are traces of battle here!"

There were two Spirit Card Masters who came over, and one stayed on the bridge.

After landing, one of them saw some trees that had just been smashed and some traces on the ground, and said in a low voice.

"They shouldn't have gone far, go to the sky to see!"

Another person raised the plane again.But no matter how much he looked around, he still didn't see the team that had already climbed over the hill, and the female player had spread a layer of camouflage above their heads.

Looking around to no avail, the man had no choice but to let the helicopter land again, and then looked down at the drivers who were looking at them and pointing at them.

"Let's ask someone from the Propaganda Department to deal with it. Let's go back to the bridge first."

The other person shook his head, didn't care, and said to him.

The two came and went in a hurry, and disappeared just like that.

"It's a bit strange. What are the backgrounds of those people? They don't seem to be members of the Spirit Card Association."

Wang Qi stroked his chin, thinking carefully.

These people marched well and retreated, and their ages did not seem to be uniform. The captain seemed to be 50 to [-] years old, but the youngest player looked like a child.

"Forget it, there are Void Butterflies following them, and they will always know."

Wang Qi shook his head, and finally saw that the vehicle in front of him started to move slightly, and continued to walk forward.

However, the traffic flow moved a little and then stopped moving, so everyone had to stop cursing again.

Not long after, a new helicopter arrived in the sky carrying members of the Spirit Card Association.This time, it is probably the people from the Propaganda Department that the two flew away before, and they came here to deal with the drivers who saw the scene just now.

Suddenly, a few flying birds with huge ears appeared next to their plane. Waves of invisible sound waves were continuously emitted from the ears of these flying birds, flying back and forth above the traffic that was stuck on the highway.

Wang Qi didn't feel anything, but he saw that the eyes of the drivers in other cars gradually became dull, and then gradually fell into a dream.

Since he had put on a show just now, Wang Qi simply pretended to the end.He also tilted his head directly, leaning on the chair and pretending to be asleep.

After seeing that all the drivers had fallen asleep and confirmed that there were no omissions, this person picked up a microphone, and a loud voice came from the plane.

"You didn't see anything just now, you just took a nap and had a short dream. You woke up from the dream after 10 minutes and continued to do what you should do. If you just took pictures and videos with your mobile phone, you can put the The records are deleted as if nothing happened."

It turns out that this is a kind of hypnotic ability, which is very useful to face this situation.

After the Aishan incident happened in Shui'an City before, Wang Qi found that the relevant information could no longer be found on the Internet, and no one had heard of it. Presumably, they used the same method to erase people's memories Bar.

There is no need to worry about the main body, but the Void Butterfly followed the group for a long time, and finally saw their base.

That base was built on a mountain nearly a hundred kilometers away from here.Looking carefully, it was a coincidence that it was the scenic spot where Wang Qi was going to find the natural spirit card.

After turning in a fork in the scenic area, a barbed wire fence blocked ordinary footsteps, leaving only one way in and out, which was their obvious road.

And this small group of people took the mountain road, and they directly entered the huge building group hidden in a mountain depression in the scenic spot. The metal spider monster carried the strange species, and entered the passage of a huge building.

The Void Butterfly flew in directly, and saw middle-aged men in white coats and glasses with indifferent faces standing there waiting for them.

This is when lip reading finally comes in handy.

"Is the operation going well?"

"The capture went well. But when we arrived, the spirit card master's summoned creature was fighting No. 37, and it was too late to find the manipulator."

"Forget it, he probably doesn't know what it is, maybe it's just a passing spirit card master. As long as you don't bring the tail back."

"Number 19 has been monitoring the surroundings, no one is following." (Void Butterfly: I'm here, I'm here)

"Okay, send No. 37 in. I want to see why he exploded with such a strong force that he even lost a bridge."

The white coat pushed his glasses, motioning for a few people to follow.

Soon, they entered a huge elevator. Through the eyes of Void Butterfly, Wang Qi could clearly see that the elevator was going downwards, and there were 30 floors below.

After the hand in the white coat scanned the fingerprint verification on it, he pressed the button on the -30 floor. The other people looked indifferent and didn't say anything.

The elevator was running, and there was a rumbling sound. It took a few minutes to send several people, together with the huge strange species, to the [-]th floor underground to see inside.

When the door opened, Wang Qi was surprised. The 30th underground floor turned out to be a huge underground space with a height of [-] meters.

Inside, there are countless staff members in white coats coming and going, and the rest are guards who are dressed like the eight-member team just now, patrolling around.

This is nothing, what really attracts the attention are the huge transparent glass cylinders that stand in this huge space, just like the common lenses in science fiction movies.

Each cylinder is filled with a light green liquid, filled with creatures that resemble strange species.

"Fuck, is this some kind of evil laboratory?"

Wang Qi was taken aback.

The white coat took the lead, leading several people and the firmly bound strange species, to an empty glass cylinder.

Wang Qi saw that the number "37" was marked on the nameplate under the glass cylinder.

After working on a panel, the glass cylinder gradually sank, revealing the space inside.Looking back at the young man who manipulated the metal spider, he directed the metal spider to send the strange species into it.

After placing the strange species, the metal spider disappeared immediately after he canceled the summoning, and the glass cylinder rose in due course, and the same light green liquid as the one next to it gradually began to fill in.

"Okay, your mission has been completed, I have confirmed that you can leave."

The white coat nodded to the captain.

"Okay." The captain didn't say much, turned around and left with his team members.

The white coat ignored them, turned around and looked at the strange species that had been suspended in the glass cylinder again, not knowing what he was thinking.

Wang Qi assigned a Void Butterfly to follow the team, and the rest stayed here.

The white coat was stunned for a while, then turned around and left, and called a few younger looking white coats to come over.

"All of you, get ready and implement the sixth test plan on No. 37 to find out why it has a sudden spiritual riot. The previous test process has been going smoothly. What went wrong, let's start to find out the reason."

"Yes!" Several white coats nodded, and then walked to different positions, obviously starting to prepare the "sixth test plan".

The white coat didn't worry about them, and he was obviously very relieved of these subordinates.He turned and walked to the side, and came to a place different from the elevator entrance just now. After swiping his fingerprints, a metal door opened on the wall, and he walked straight in.

Wang Qi was glad that he sent a total of more than a dozen Void Butterflies, some of them were kept outside, and a few were separated to follow him inside again.

But this time it's just an office.It can be seen that this white coat should be the person in charge here.

On one side of the huge office, there are monitors covering the entire wall, corresponding to the strange species in the glass cylinder outside.On the other side is a huge bookshelf, with many different books messily placed on it.In the middle is a huge table, which is full of various materials except for the computer monitor.

The white coat went to the desk and sat down. Voiddie followed him and saw him start typing something on the computer.

I took the time to look at the desktop, and it was full of experimental data, but Wang Qi definitely couldn't understand it, so I had to write it down temporarily.

"Conjecture about the cause of the experimental body's spiritual power runaway:..." He began typing words on the screen.

A Void Butterfly flew to the bookshelf and carefully looked at the titles of books arranged on it.

"How to Transform Ordinary People's Spiritual Adaptation"

"Some Thoughts on the Adoption of Qualifying Linka Cards"

"The Complete Record of Spiritual Transformation"

"Complete Cases of Failure of Spiritual Transformation"

"Records of Famous Transformations from Ancient Times to the Present"


Through guessing the content between the lines, as well as the information revealed by the many titles on the bookshelf, and a book that just happened to be spread out on the side, Wang Qi finally understood roughly what the purpose of this place was.
It turns out that this is a research institution supported by the family. They have been working on research on how to enable ordinary people to possess spiritual power and use the ability of the spirit card without using the spirit card key.

This research has been carried out since a long time ago, as long as thousands of years ago, even more than one family and institution were studied, and even the Linka Association was also researching.

After studying for so long, there are naturally some results.The main result is actually the security personnel patrolling everywhere outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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