Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 188 Sad Transformation

Chapter 188 Sad Transformation

Seeing that several people agreed, the researcher nodded, then led them to the end of the hall, and pushed open the door.

The avatar clearly saw that there was a clean white room inside the door, with five beds side by side, and there were restraint belts prepared beside the beds.

The five people were asked to lie down separately, and a group of staff members who had already been waiting here bound their bodies tightly with restraint belts.

"In the next process, I need you to stay awake all the time, so I won't give anesthesia or anything like that."

The white coat said to the five people who were lying down, and then gestured to the side.

A spirit card master who had already prepared summoned his book of spirit cards at this time, and then, under the inexplicable eyes of the five people, took out five spirit cards respectively, and used a kind of ability to blur his arms , put these five spirit cards directly into the brains of the five people.

The imaginary arm passed through their heads, and there was no obstacle for the Linka to go in together, so when he let go, the Linka remained in everyone's head.

Ordinary people can't feel or see the Spirit Card, they don't feel that there is anything extra in their body, just like a wooden box for storing the Spirit Card, it just becomes a container for the Spirit Card.

After seeing that everything was settled, the Spirit Card Master stepped back a little and faced the five beds together, making their heads face him.

Then, his fingertips changed again, and five rays of light shot out from his fingertips, respectively hitting the tops of the five people's heads, reaching the spirit card.

In Wang Qi's vision of the master of data, these five rays of light are five channels for transmitting spiritual power. When they touched the spiritual cards hidden in their minds, they saw that the spiritual cards began to be activated one after another, and then It's up and running.

The spiritual power injected on it was reversely driven by the running spirit card, and began to gradually integrate into everyone's body.That scene seemed to...remind Wang Qi of the scene where he used the internal energy card for the first time, the only bit of spiritual power he had after he got the key of the spirit card.

As the spiritual power began to circulate, lines began to extend from the five spiritual cards, starting from the head, desperately downward, and gradually spreading to every corner of the body.

When all the lines of spiritual power are all over their bodies, and there is no dead corner, Wang Qixin said, is this done?It looks so easy.

However, an accident happened.

Two of the teenagers, including the one who seemed to be the oldest, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

Because after the spiritual power spread all over their bodies, it started to boil inside strangely, constantly vibrating and entangled, and even made their bodies feel the most intuitive.

"It hurts!" one of them yelled loudly.The white coat winked, and the person next to him quickly took a piece of cloth and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Persevere, persist in the past, your illness will disappear, you will be able to have a healthy body like ours, and you will be able to reunite with your loved ones!"

The white coat began to encourage them with words.

It seems that after hearing his words, some hope surged in the young man's heart. Something in an unknown place in his mind stimulated the spirit card, making the spiritual power lines extending from the spirit card all over the body slightly more stable. .

But it was only for a moment.

Maybe this spirit card was really not suitable for him. In the end, the operation of the spirit card was still too intense for him to bear.

The cloth ball in his mouth was already stained red with blood, and blood vessels began to burst in many places on his body. The person next to him had to take a transparent cover to cover him.This made Wang Qi couldn't bear to watch.

In the end, neither of the two teenagers persisted and closed their eyes forever.

Fortunately, the operating circuits in the other three people gradually became stable, forming their own circulation, without any discomfort.

Only three of the five people succeeded, with a success rate of 60%.

Seeing that it was all over, a trace of grief flashed in the eyes of the white coat.However, he still signaled to the people next to him to send the two who had died away, and then untie the remaining three who succeeded.

"I'm sorry that two of you didn't stick to the past, but at least the three of you have succeeded in the first step. Next, you should rest well, don't think too much, adjust your mood, and you need to go to the second step in three days. If When the time comes, you will also survive, and then you will become a healthy person.”

As he spoke, he signaled the people next to him to take the three teenagers away and place them in different rooms.

Wang Qi didn't want to watch it anymore.Regardless of what he felt, he really had no reason to stop this transformation.

The transformation after three days probably means that other spirit cards will be implanted.Only those spiritual cards that have been implanted and can be used normally without any rejection reaction can successfully become a half-spiritual card master.At that time, any disease on their bodies could be easily cured with any healing spirit card.

Just implanting a basic internal strength card does not make them eligible to receive treatment with the ability of the spirit card.This is the result of countless predecessors' experiments.

At least, there is still a glimmer of hope for survival if they accept the transformation. If they don't accept it, they will die 100%.This is their own choice, no one can decide for them.

I don't want to delve into the specific details and methods of the transformation, so I decided to leave here.

I can only pray for them, and hope that more people will succeed.

He followed the white coat into the elevator, but he was going down, so the avatar didn't go out at all, and stayed in the elevator and waited.Soon someone went up to the ground, and the avatar took the opportunity to leave here.

When walking out of the hall, the avatar thought for a while, and finally turned around and summoned his own sword.

Swish, swish, he directly carved a few large characters on the pillars in the hall.

"If you let me know that one person is involuntary, you wait."

Although he didn't know why he wanted to engrave these words, whether these words would have any effect, or even have a negative effect, Wang Qi still did it.

After engraving, Wang Qi turned around and left directly.

Not long after the clone left, a security guard passed by on patrol.He didn't pay attention at first, but suddenly felt something was wrong, and then suddenly raised his head, looking at the big characters on the pillar.

He hurriedly used the walkie-talkie to report to his superiors, and after a while, several people rushed over, including Xu Tangjian.

"When... was this discovered?"

Xu Tangjian touched the notch on the pillar and asked softly.

"I have asked someone to check the surveillance, it appeared out of thin air 23 minutes ago."

A captain of the security personnel answered.

Xu Tangjian didn't speak, picked up his phone and took a picture, then turned around and left.

"Clean it up, don't wear it out."

As he walked, he told the photo and passed it on to the Patriarch who he spoke to today.

Soon, the owner's reply came.

"Thoroughly check the base and check every corner with all your abilities. But don't worry too much, the other party should have recognized what we did, and just continue to follow the principles."

Xu Tangjian put away her mobile phone and stood beside the bed silently, wondering what she was thinking.

After the avatar left the base, he let out a breath to relieve his mood, then rode a flying dragon to the sky, and directly exchanged positions with the main body.

After the main body appeared, I stopped thinking about it and took out the miracle compass.

He still remembered that there was a natural spirit card in this scenic spot, and since he had already arrived, there was no need to make another trip.Anyway, it is night now, the scenic spot has been closed, and no one will care.

According to the guidance of Miracle Compass, I obtained this natural spirit card, and found that the effect was quite rubbish. Wang Qi didn't bother to look at it, so he put it in the book of spirit cards, turned around and flew in the direction back.

As a result, not long after he turned his head, he suddenly discovered in the vision of the data master that there was a black shadow below, like a huge bat, flying towards the research institute, passing by in the air below. .

"Why doesn't this look like a good person?"

Wang Qi muttered, thought for a while, anyway, he just flew not far, so why not go and have a look.

After the big bat came near the research institute, it shrank for a while, fell to the ground and turned into a man in black.He sneakily hid in the shade of the trees next to the research institute, and when he saw the right moment, he turned into a shadow against the ground and swam towards it.

If you stand near him, you can't really see it if you don't pay attention.But Wang Qi is in the air above him at the moment, and the master of data can clearly see him.

"Is this here to make trouble?"

Wang Qi didn't go down either. There are his Void Butterflies everywhere in the research institute. If there is a need, just let Void Butterfly do it.

After this shadow entered the research institute, it seemed that it had been here before. It got in through the gap of the elevator familiarly, and then the Void Butterfly lost its vision.But after a while, the ones on the minus [-]th floor noticed that he got out of the elevator gap, and it seemed that the target was this floor.

Xu Tangjian had already returned to the office on this floor, and was writing something in front of the computer.

In front of the glass cylinder outside, some researchers are implementing some testing projects.No one noticed, the shadow swimming quietly on the ground.This also proves that his hiding ability is really good.

After walking around all the glass cylinders outside, the black shadow came directly to Xu Tangjian's door, and then got in through the gap.It seems that as long as there is a little gap, no matter how small the gap is, he can get into it.

After the black shadow entered Xu Tangjian's office, he quickly and quietly came behind him, and then suddenly and silently transformed into a human form again.

A sharp black dagger appeared in his hand and rested on Xu Tangjian's neck.

"Director Xu, hello."

Xu Tangjian was shocked, but the other party pinched the back of his neck instantly, preventing him from exerting any force.Feeling the icy breath in front of his neck made him dare not move.

"who are you?"

"Don't be nervous, Director Xu."

It seems that the black shadow does not want to be seen by him, and keeps talking to him in this posture.

"I'm here because I've heard about your name for a long time, and I want to ask you for something. For example, your latest research materials."

(End of this chapter)

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