Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 197 Brother, let's dance!

Chapter 197 Brother, let's dance!

Of course, the actual situation can't be so funny and child's play, but the fight between the two is really... not too intense.

Lin Zhongchen looked like a melee attack, and he didn't know what ability he was relying on, but he kept punching and kicking around Chairman Wu.

But the countless large and small formations beside Chairman Wu were not decorations. After Lin Zhongchen fought for a long time, none of his moves could break through three inches around him, looking very relaxed and freehand.

However, judging from the expressions on both sides, the battle between the two was not as simple as it appeared.

Since President Wu's large formation is called Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, naturally it will not just open a battlefield to cheer everyone up. This large formation naturally has its special effect.

One of the most important effects is that all attacks on him who are trapped in the formation will be transferred elsewhere.These transfers can even be returned directly to the opponent.

Lin Zhongchen has been in the Spirit Card Association for many years, and has become the vice president. He is naturally aware of this effect.He dared to come up and make a move, and he also had his own confidence.

His confidence is his powerful spatial ability.

You can transfer my attack vigor to me.However, as long as I activate the ability and transfer it back to you, don't everyone just fight to see who can transfer more and faster.

Therefore, some of the attacks were transferred by President Wu to himself, but there were also many attacks that he successfully transferred to President Wu.That is, the vigor of those who are bombarding the front of President Wu.

Both of them have already reached a very high level of spiritual power cultivation, and their spirit cards are equipped with the best spirit cards.

Whether it's the trousers that President Wu wears, the rings on his hands, the armor on his inside, the glasses on Lin Zhongchen's face, the gloves on his hands, and the wall guards on his arms, all of them are carefully selected by them. Props that have been used for a long time.

The effects of various props, at this moment, in the visible and invisible situations, are constantly competing with each other for probability and level suppression, showing another invisible battlefield.

And their own powerful spiritual power is quickly mobilized throughout the body, providing spiritual power consumption for different abilities, and exerting their functions.

It's just that the styles of the two are not too flashy, which is why they look unpretentious when they fight. Wang Qi, who can't see clearly from the outside, looks depressed and can only make up his mind.

After fighting for more than ten seconds, Lin Zhongchen withdrew his fist and retreated straight away. Chairman Wu did not move, and the two returned to a calm state again.

"As expected of the president, such small tricks are really useless." Lin Zhongchen shook his head, saying such words, but there was a gleam of excitement in his eyes. "Since I can't beat it, I can only use another method. I don't know what the president thinks about my move."

As he spoke, he jumped back suddenly, and in mid-air, a huge shadow appeared behind him and sucked him in.

"Pfft!" Wang Qi almost spat out.

The shadow that appeared was the mythical spirit card he had sold before, "Pazinite Incarnation of Summon Dance".

Unexpectedly, this spirit card was finally bought by Lin Zhongchen!And it was used by him as a trump card at this time!
Immediately, Wang Qi felt that the fate in this world is sometimes really wonderful.

Seeing this huge and deformed figure appearing behind Lin Zhongchen and swallowing it, President Wu frowned, and Yue Jingxian was startled, both of them began to recall the effect of this spirit card.

Since it was auctioned on the internal platform, everyone naturally knows its effects. This is also a shortcoming of buying spirit cards from the platform, that is, too many people know about it.

But Xinran Lin Zhongchen didn't care about this at all, because when he used this card, it was strong enough.

Skill 1: Dance with me, consumes 10% of spiritual power, all creatures within the range of Pazinit's eyes must be consistent with Pazinit's movements, and those who are inconsistent will run at a speed that reduces 10% of life per second die.

Lin Zhongchen's body merged with it, which was already ugly enough anyway, so naturally he didn't care about his appearance, so he directly used this very weird effect.

He manipulated this huge body, and began to make some shameful gestures that he would never do even in death.President Wu, who was stared at by him, suddenly felt a strange force lock onto his body, hesitated for a second and did not move, and his health dropped by 10%.

Chairman Wu was a little helpless, so he had to follow its movements.Fortunately, they are all old spirit card masters who have practiced for many years, and their coordination ability of hands and feet must be able to keep up. With this movement, the effect of blood loss is gone immediately.But he was also restricted to death.

Wang Qi spouted out to watch it outside. He usually likes to watch some video sites on the Internet. Now, based on the movements made by President Wu, he immediately recognized that it was the most popular house dance recently. Bloodbath major video sites.

However, the key issue is that the dancers were actually three gorgeous beauties!Every time I watch this dance, there will be countless bullet screens floating across the screen, shouting "Awei is dead!" "Mom, she teased me just now!"

The same movements, no matter whether it is the avatar summoned by Lin Zhongchen or President Wu, are all so... funny.

"It's terrible... I saw the president's embarrassment. The president won't kill me afterwards..." Yue Jingxian spent all day watching dramas at home and surfing the Internet. Naturally, just like Wang Qi, he recognized this at a glance what dance.At this moment, his strong physical fitness was all used to control himself not to laugh out loud, while secretly complaining about Lin Zhongchen's shamelessness, while worrying that President Wu would kill him to silence him.

President Wu followed suit for a while, and the old face also felt a little sorry. After thinking about it for a while, he didn't stop moving his hands, and quietly activated one of his abilities.

"Star Soul Substitute!"

Suddenly, President Wu's figure became a bit blurred, and then a shadow with a faint starlight gradually separated from his body.When the two were completely separated, there was only a silhouette, and the countless starry shadows in the body continued to dance, but President Wu himself stopped, showing no sign of suffering the effect of reducing life.

"A spirit card I've never seen before!" Lin Zhongchen was startled.I didn't expect the president to hide this method, but it's only natural to think about it.

This substitute is naturally not that simple.One of its main attributes is that when it is controlled by the enemy's control skills, using this substitute can make the main body safely escape, and then the substitute starts to burn the star soul in the body to control the enemy in turn.

In the body of Xinghun's stand-in, starlight suddenly began to shine, and then Xinghun's movements gradually became slower and slower, and became more and more rigid, as if the dancing video was suddenly stuck.Lin Zhongchen on the opposite side was in the body of the avatar, and he also found that he gradually became unable to control the avatar, and the dance could no longer continue like this.

Lin Zhongchen decided to stop dancing immediately, but he found that the avatar's movements at this moment could not be controlled by himself.

Seeing that the gigantic avatar had been synchronously controlled by Star Soul, President Wu directly activated the second skill of the avatar, Soul Destroyer.

The star dots that light up in the Star Soul Substitute are distributed in various positions inside. In fact, if you look carefully, they just represent all the meridians and acupuncture points in the body that will pass through when the spiritual power is running.Even if the internal strength cards are not of martial arts or self-cultivation, the actual operation cannot escape this category.

The star point in Xing Hun's body was already burning brightly just now, when he activates the second ability at this moment, it directly bursts out the final light, burning himself up.

Correspondingly, Lin Zhongchen felt a sudden pain in one of the acupoints in his body, the circulation of internal energy was suddenly disordered, and the spiritual power instantly ran away. The stimulation made him unable to hold back, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

President Wu's star soul substitute moved one after another, exploding the star points in his body at the fastest speed. Lin Zhongchen didn't have time to resist, and blood spurted everywhere.

Seeing that he would not be able to hold on if this continues, Lin Zhongchen hastily activated the third skill of "Dancing Pazinit Incarnation", Clone.

You can replace yourself with a double, and so can I!
Every part of the huge avatar body seemed to have turned into a ball of plasticine. An invisible big hand kept rubbing each part, then tore it into two halves, and then put them together to become Became two even weirder incarnations.

During the splicing process, although the blood was still spraying continuously, after the split was completed, the stand finally only focused on one of them, and Lin Zhongchen quickly transferred to the other body, avoiding the end of continuing to spray blood.

Both of them used seemingly similar means to defuse the other's ultimate move, which was really wonderful.

Entering a new avatar to avoid the effect of the star soul double, Lin Zhongchen quickly canceled and re-summoned the huge avatar, allowing himself to hide in it again.But this time he didn't intend to use that dancing skill to humiliate President Wu, he directly used the remaining few skills together, and then the two powerful avatars, under the huge buff that all attributes were fully improved, He rushed towards Chairman Wu again.

This time, he didn't plan to fight with the original two-person teleportation method, but used the space teleportation ability on the avatar's body.

A huge fist hit President Wu, and the moment it was about to touch him, the incarnation of the part of the fist suddenly split apart, and then teleported through space, it directly crossed the countless pattern barriers, heavy It hit President Wu's body.

President Wu was obviously unprepared for this attack, and his body flickered immediately after being hit.However, the entire battle formation is under his control, he himself did not make any displacement at all, and forcibly kept his space position in place, so he would not be sent flying out.

(End of this chapter)

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