Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 200 Peach Blossom Temple in Taohuawu

Chapter 200 Peach Blossom Temple in Taohuawu

"Boy Wang Qi, come with me to my house for a while. There is no rush in Taohuawu. It's not too late to have a cup of tea and then go in. I will ask my granddaughter to take you there."

While watching the boat approaching the shore, Mr. Deng patted his chest and said that he would repay Wang Qi for his kindness.

"But there is only one thing, you must never say that we were drinking just now. My old lady has not allowed me to drink secretly. I just broke the precept if I didn't hold back when I saw you barbecue. It's just the two of us who know you and me Just know, you have to remember."

"No problem, I will never talk nonsense." Wang Qi also patted his chest and agreed, while curiously looking at the shape of the gradually growing island in front of him.

This island really deserves to be an excellent place. Even though winter is approaching now, the island is still lush and green, and it looks luxuriant and prosperous.

It is conceivable that when the flowers bloom in the warm spring, if all the peach blossoms in the mountains and plains are in full bloom, what a beautiful scene it will be.

Under the guidance of the old man, Wang Qi let the treasure ship bypass the route of ordinary people's cruise ships, and quietly docked at a hidden pier.

After landing on the shore, Wang Qi waved his hand to put away everything.He decided to stay here for the treasure ship, and if it was summoned again, it would become another attribute. Wang Qi felt that this stable attribute was very useful, and he didn't want to change it for the time being.Anyway, this is an item summoned by the spirit card, and other people can't use it at all, so there is no need to worry.

After landing on the shore, within two steps is the Deng family's sea view villa.This is a real good house facing the sea with flowers blooming in spring. When Wang Qi was a child, he always thought that when he was rich, he would definitely buy such a sea view house, find a beautiful wife, and open the house with his family. Live happily together.

Following the old man into the house, the old man put the shopping basket in the kitchen, then asked Wang Qi to sit down, and went to pour tea for Wang Qi while shouting "Old lady!"

After a while, a kind old lady came over with a teacup and greeted Wang Qi to drink tea.

This made Wang Qi feel very fresh. Whether it was the uncle’s family, the third young master of the Wu family who was later sent to the spirit world by himself, or Xu Wen from the Xu family, all of them were different from the public, or had The field is obviously superior to others, either directly domineering, or does not pay attention to ordinary people at all.

Only the Peach Blossom Deng's family in front of me is refreshing. Both the old man and the old grandmother are just like the grandparents next door, looking very down-to-earth.

After quickly thanking the old lady, Wang Qi took the teacup and sat down embarrassedly.

"I heard what my old man said, thanks to you giving him a hand, otherwise this old guy would go so far to buy vegetables every day, I wouldn't worry about that. If you come to us today, you will treat yourself as your own home! Later you think Go to Taohuawu to play, let my granddaughter take you there, this kid stays at home playing games all day, it's time for him to be active! Stay at home for dinner at night, don't be shy!"

This enthusiasm can really catch up with my own grandma.

"You are too polite!" Wang Qi was so polite that he felt a little embarrassed.

The old man also came over after a while, and pulled over a reluctant little girl, who looked only a little old, about seven or eight years old.

"Little Cherry, be obedient. Take your elder brother to Taohuawu for a walk, and tell your uncle that grandparents asked you to take it. Don't rush to ask for money."

"Know it!"

The girl named Little Cherry reluctantly walked up to Wang Qi, "You, come with me!"

"This child, how do you talk, call him brother!" The old woman hurriedly patted him.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll just go there by myself. It's also right to pay, and you can't break the rules." Wang Qi stood up quickly, wanting to touch Little Cherry's head, but she avoided it.

"Okay, don't be dazed, go quickly, go early and come back early, and you can still catch up with dinner!" The old man said to Little Cherry.

So Little Cherry led the way, Wang Qi followed, went out from the other door of the house, and walked towards the island along a path in the woods.

In fact, the name Taohuawu can be guessed as the name suggests, it must be by the water.So not long after going out, Little Cherry led him to turn in another direction, obviously this Taohuawu should be placed by the seaside of that generation.

Wang Qi tried to tease the little girl along the way, but the little girl was still angry with the grandfather who dragged her away from the computer, so she didn't respond to Wang Qi, which made him feel a little funny.

After walking for about ten minutes, the two of them also met many other people, probably some ordinary people living on the island, who wanted to tease Little Cherry when they saw Little Cherry, but the little guy didn't shake anyone at the moment, so let People hilarious.

Finally, we arrived at a well-known scenic spot on Peach Blossom Island called Xiaotianyahaijiao. A gazebo facing the sea was built on a huge rock. The words "watching the sea and listening to the waves" were engraved on the rock, which looked very elegant.

Little Cherry has probably calmed down in the past half a day, and when she saw the place, she ran to the gazebo bouncing around.

In the eyes of ordinary people, there is only one gazebo here.But in the eyes of the Spirit Card Master, there was an illusory gate next to the gazebo, floating there vaguely, which was not very real.Wang Qixin said, probably that is the gateway to Taohuawu.

He didn't chase after Little Cherry either, but followed her leisurely.When she got there, Little Cherry had already flung herself into the arms of a young man, saying many bad things about Wang Qi.

"Hello! You are the brother Wang Qi that the old man asked Little Cherry to bring here! I am Deng Xiaolian, the third child of the Deng family. The old man just called me, you go in now, go early and come back early, tonight Let's drink two glasses together!"

"Uncle! You want to charge him! Charge him more!" Little Cherry said angrily when she saw that her uncle didn't listen to her.

"Yes, this is really embarrassing, I'd better follow the rules." Wang Qi waved his hands again and again.

"Okay, why are you being polite, the old man's guest, anyway, this is my house's property, it's not a casual thing to let anyone in, you don't have to be so polite." Deng Xiaolian waved his hand, and then opened the door next to him Tao portal.

"By the way, I still need to talk about the precautions. This Taohuawu is actually not a particularly good secret place. Everyone has only one chance to go in and find it in this life. Otherwise, my family would have moved in." Deng Xiaolian said. , paused, "After you go in, look around, and then find a small courtyard with a sign next to it, which says Peach Blossom Temple, just go in. There is a Peach Blossom Immortal inside, usually in Peach Blossom Drinking under the tree, and sometimes practicing sword. When you meet him, if he is in a good mood, he will give you something, or teach you how to do it. If he is in a bad mood, he will have nothing. Looking around, the inside is quite big, but no one has ever walked too far, because they need to come back on time. Even if they see a peach or something, it is a harvest, and then when the time comes, that is, after six hours, this portal will open If it appears in front of your eyes again, you just come out. If you miss the time, then you won’t be able to come out, so please remember.”

After briefly introducing the customs clearance process of Peach Blossom Temple, Deng Xiaolian urged Wang Qi to go in quickly. Wang Qi had no choice but to thank him repeatedly and walked in embarrassingly.

As soon as he entered Taohuawu, Wang Qi looked behind him and found that the entrance door had disappeared.Sure enough, there is a time limit, and you have to wait until six hours before you can go out.

Spread the Void Butterflies in all directions first, and then Wang Qi strolled forward in a leisurely manner.

This Taohuawu deserves to be named after peach blossoms, every two steps a peach blossom tree, regardless of the outside season, is in full bloom at this moment.Seen from the Void Butterfly's field of vision, the peach blossom trees are endless, and it is impossible to see the edge.

There is a river in the middle, meandering in the peach blossom forest, the water is slow and quiet, dotted with peach petals that are not falling, it looks beautiful.

Walking in this blooming peach blossom forest, it is not uncommon to hear birdsong, kingfishers of various colors chirping lively on the branches, smelling the fragrance of flowers overflowing from the nose, which makes people very intoxicated.

Even if you don't get any chance, just the beautiful scenery in Taohuawu is enough to visit here in this lifetime.

But it's a pity that everyone can only come here once in this life, otherwise, if there is a chance to come together with Tang Yibai in the future, it will be a holy place for dating.

Going around in the Peach Blossom Forest, Wang Qi easily found the legendary Peach Blossom Temple because of the Void Butterfly guiding the way.

This yard is surrounded by fences, and three or two cottages are connected together. In the yard, there is a peach blossom tree that is much taller than the peach blossom trees outside. Under the tree, there is a handsome man in casual clothes, carrying a wine gourd, who is wantonly Drink freely.

Wang Qi walked in, the Peach Blossom Immortal glanced at him, but ignored him.

Seeing that the Peach Blossom Fairy ignored him, Wang Qi felt a little reconciled, and walked around the huge peach blossom tree twice, but he couldn't attract his attention at all.

After thinking about it, Wang Qi simply used the trick of attracting the old man at sea again.

Directly from the gourd hanging on the waist behind him, he took out the barbecue rack that had just been used not long ago, and then took out a few large pieces of top-quality steak, took out various seasonings, and Wang Qi directly lit the fire and started to barbecue.

"Since you're drinking, how can you have no appetizers? Why don't I get you some barbecue and let you try my cooking."

As Wang Qi spoke, he began to turn the barbecue over the flames, and at the same time sprinkled a handful of seasonings casually, and the aroma immediately spread and wafted far away.

Needless to say, this trick is really useful, the Peach Blossom Immortal stopped drinking and looked this way.

Seeing that it was useful, Wang Qi worked harder, brushing different sauces on the barbecue, and sprinkled some spices on the side. Several kinds of barbecue with different aromas were kept turning over on the same grill, which was very appetizing.

(End of this chapter)

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