Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 289 Returning to the Ruins

Chapter 289 Returning to the Ruins
Released Sha Wudao and got into the gourd. Wang Qi looked at the three people and told them that they had successfully entered.

"Fortunately, you came with us, otherwise we would have returned without success."

When Shi Xiaozhu heard that he had really come in, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next, I will continue to let Sha Wudao take the gourd forward until we reach the very center of this whirlpool. Let's stay here for now."

Wang Qi suggested that the other three could do nothing, and the four of them sat together again, waiting for Sha Wudao outside to send them into the center of the maelstrom, the real return to ruins.

After Sha Wudao became the Cauldron Spirit, the memory is still there, so at this moment, it is very disturbed.

In the place of Guixu, all the spirit beasts in the East China Sea know that they cannot enter this place.Even if you can come in, you must not come in.

Because once you get in, you can't get out.

These words came from the Four Kings. Among all the spirit beasts in the sea, there is no one who does not believe in evil and wants to try it. They have always followed the teachings and stayed away from this place.

So outside of the first generation of the maelstrom, even spirit beasts are rare.This is also the reason why Xianshan Kingdom was able to establish a country here smoothly and safely at that time.

But since they have already entered, and they cannot disobey the master's order, Sha Wudao has no choice but to swim towards the mysterious center under the maelstrom tremblingly.

As it gets closer to the center, the suction of the vortex becomes stronger.Gradually, Sha Wudao felt that it was not itself moving forward, but the surrounding water, pushing him towards the center with an unstoppable feeling.

Sighing, closing his eyes, Sha Wudao just rushed straight into the center of the vortex.

And just a moment ago, the Narcissus brought Lin Zhongchen and the three of them into a shuttle made entirely of water, and also entered it.

After spinning around for a while, Sha Wudao suddenly felt that he fell to the ground with a plop.

Yes, the real ground, without a drop of water.

It hastily used its abilities, and also summoned a large cloud of clear water to surround its body, only then did it regain its normal mobility.

At this moment, Wang Qi, who saw the outside situation through the Void Butterfly attached to Sha Wudao's body, came out of the gourd with the other three.

"Thank you for your hard work, go back first."

Wang Qi nodded to Sha Wudao, then canceled its summoning and took it back into the cauldron.Because the current surrounding situation is obviously not suitable for Sha Wudao to play.

Everyone looked around, and there was only one feeling: barrenness.

Under the feet is an unknown land, which does not look like rocks or soil. It sinks slightly when you step on it, but it recovers quickly when you retract your feet, as if it has elasticity.

The sky above was neither dark nor bright, but everyone could see their surroundings clearly, and the light source did not know where it came from.

In the distant sky, a hollow cave that looks like a black eye hangs high there. A black aura is spreading around the edge of the cave, as if the eye is moving.

"Is that the center of the maelstrom we came from?"

Xu Wen frowned, he felt that the black hole looked very uncomfortable.

"It should be."

Wang Qi kept looking outside with the Void Butterfly, confirming his guess.

After testing it again, the avatar can still sense it and can be replaced at any time, which made him feel more at ease.

At this moment, his heart suddenly shook, because in his book of spirit cards, a spirit card happened
Nothing but pupil-like holes in the sky.Although the surrounding barren land is also bare, it doesn't look lonely.

Because there are floating everywhere, the blossoming light blue flames look very cold.

These flames moved slowly, with no end in sight at a glance, making the four of them feel as if they were in this blue sea of ​​flames.

Thinking of the legend about Guixu, Fifth Wangxian couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

"These...are they all souls?"

The other three were also shocked in their hearts, and the eyes they looked at the surrounding flames were a little different.

The flames spread across the entire wasteland like the sands of the Ganges River, moving in a fixed direction at a very slow speed.After watching for a long time, it seems that I am constantly retreating.

"Xiaozhu, do you feel something?"

Fifth Wangxian turned to look at Shi Xiaozhu.

Shi Xiaozhu pinched an unknown hand and did not answer.After a while, he closed his eyes again, as if sensing something.

"I feel it! The historical landmark... is over there!"

He kept his eyes open and pointed in one direction.The three of them saw that it was exactly where the flames were headed.

"Since this is the case, let's take a look in that direction!"

The fifth Wangxian saw that the direction had been determined, so he made a suggestion.The other three had nothing to do, so the four of them set up Jianguang together and quickly flew in that direction.

When Wang Qi was flying, he sensed his avatar by the way, and sure enough, he could sense it, and he could exchange with the main body at any time.He felt relieved now.As long as there is a clone that can be replaced, then he dares to roam around at will.

Moreover, when they set foot on this land just now, Wang Qi felt that a spirit card in the book of spirit cards had undergone some changes. At this moment, while he was on his way, he distracted himself a little and summoned the book of spirit cards to check it out. .

After checking, he suddenly realized that it was this spirit card.

That's right, it is the domain call.

One of the effects of domain summoning reads, "When the user holding this card goes to a new world, this card will automatically record the current world, and a total of six worlds can be recorded." Before this spirit card itself had recorded two The world is the real world and the spiritual world.

At this moment, in the attribute description of this card, there is a new option, "Return to the Ruins".

The appearance of these two words undoubtedly confirmed to Wang Qi that this place is really the legendary Guixu, without adulteration.He can come and go here at any time through domain exchange in the future, without any restrictions.This also gave him full confidence in leaving here.

The exchange of domains was just a surprise, the four of them didn't talk to each other, and just flew like this for a full half a day.

After half a day, Fifth Wangxian stopped first, followed by the other three.

"Something is wrong, are we really moving forward?"

Fifth Wangxian looked around in surprise.

That's right, everything seems to have not changed at all.The sky is still the same sky, the hole that looks like a pupil, even the location that looks like it is the original location.

And on the barren land below, there is no reference at all, only endless light blue flames like an ocean.

This scene was no different from what he had seen before, so he couldn't help but doubt it.

"Xiaozhu, feel again, is the direction right?"

Wang Qi looked at Shi Xiaozhu.

"I sensed it, the direction is correct, it's still over there."

"That shouldn't be a problem. It's probably because the world is too big, and it's the same everywhere, so you can't see the way forward at all, which makes you suspicious."

Wang Qi thought for a while and said.

"That's right, but I think just in case, I'd better set up a mark on the ground at intervals, so as to determine the location."

Fifth Wangxian nodded, and then proposed.


The four stopped talking, and the Fifth Wangxian casually summoned a stack of paper-cut figurines, which were the same as those Wang Qi had seen before, only with slightly different colors.

He threw a piece of paper with Zhou, and it fell lightly on the bottom. The little paper-cut figure immediately turned into a square-faced strongman covered in green armor.

Without saying a word, the green-armored warrior cupped his hands, stood on the spot, swayed again, and suddenly turned into a towering tree with a green light all over his body.

"Let's go."

Seeing that the Wood Spirit Warrior had landed and became a striking sign, Wu Wangxian greeted him, and continued to drive the flying sword to take the lead in the direction pointed by Shi Xiaozhu.

This time as they moved forward, at intervals, when the big blue tree in sight was about to disappear, Fifth Wangxian would throw down a new one.In Wang Qi's eyes, the master of data silently calculated the distance between the two wood spirit warriors, because the field of vision here is very wide, basically an average of about 100 kilometers.

With reference objects, the direction of the four people was not wrong. After another seven or eight hours of driving, Wang Qi was shocked to find that the four people had already flown a distance of more than 6000 kilometers.

Such a long distance, plus the road I had traveled before, would take at least [-] kilometers.

However, the surrounding scenery remained unchanged.Therefore, the four stopped again.

"No, it seems that the world of Guixu is very vast. If we keep flying like this, we still don't know how far our goal is."

It was the fifth Wangxian who spoke first.

Because the four of them wanted to act in unison, he and Xu Wen, who were the fastest, had to accommodate the speed of Wang Qi and Shi Xiaozhu, so everyone's speed couldn't be increased.

"How about this, the three of you go into Wang Qi's gourd, and I will take the gourd and fly with all my strength to have a look."

He looked at Wang Qi and put forward his own ideas.

"Then I can only work hard on you."

The three of them were not hypocritical. After nodding in agreement, they got into Wang Qi's gourd together and were caught by the Fifth Wangxian.

Of course, Wang Qi didn't forget to throw a Void Butterfly on his body.

The fifth Wangxian hung the gourd on his waist, changed his previous state immediately, and directly joined the flying sword, turning into an invisible streamer, which was at least ten times faster than when the four of them acted together before. It was as if he was flying at full strength when he was chasing the devil Liu Hengyu back then.

Wang Qi couldn't help sighing in the gourd, this is the real strength of No.1 on the ranking list.

The fifth Wangxian's flight took more than 40 hours.

He has strong spiritual power and long endurance, this kind of pure flying does not consume anything at all, so more than 40 hours is just normal for him.

Xu Wen wanted to exchange with him halfway, but he refused and never mentioned it again.

Finally, after more than 40 hours, Fifth Wangxian and Wang Qi's Void Butterfly finally saw at the same time, a different light appeared at the junction of heaven and earth in front of them.

The Fifth Wangxian immediately regained his spirits and continued to move forward.

Soon, he saw that the earth began to slope downward, and in the extreme distance, there was a beam of light reaching the sky, with no end to the top and nowhere to come from.The color of this beam of light is the same as that of countless light blue flames floating above the ground. Looking carefully from a high altitude, the direction that these clusters of flames are heading is precisely this beam of light.

As the flying got closer, the size of the beam of light became bigger and bigger in Fifth Wangxian's field of vision.Finally, when he reached a certain distance, he stopped.Because at this moment, this beam of light has already turned into a wall of light that occupies all the vision ahead in his eyes.

The three of Wang Qi came out of the gourd together. When the four of them looked at the wall of light connecting the sky and the earth, the shock in their hearts was all shown on their faces.

The countless flames on the ground, like swallows returning to their nests, rushed to the front of the beam of light and merged with the beam of light.

If you look closely, the light blue color on the beam of light is actually flowing slowly.However, the direction of this flow is impressively directly below.

"Xiaozhu, the historical landmark you are looking this light pillar?"

Fifth Wangxian looked at Shi Xiaozhu.

"I do not know either……"

Shi Xiaozhu was a little confused.

It was his task to find the historical beacon, but as he said earlier, the beacon wasn't necessarily what it was, and he couldn't say it accurately.

Moreover, when he just arrived here, he discovered that his induction...disappeared.

He frowned, closed his eyes and sensed carefully, but he didn't feel anything, as if those feelings before were like hallucinations.But Shi Xiaozhu knew that the Lord of History would never make mistakes. Since he came here by induction, the beacon must be nearby.

"No, I really can't sense it, and I don't know what's going on."

Shi Xiaozhu shook his head, what he said made the three of them a little dumbfounded.

"What now?"

Wang Qi looked at Fifth Wangxian.

" about, let's follow this beam of light and look around in one direction?"

Fifth Wangxian thought for a while, and suggested.

"That's all right, that's the only way to go."

Everyone didn't have any good suggestions, so they did as Fifth Wangxian said.

This time, instead of flying at high speed, the four of them selected the left side and started flying along the periphery of the beam of light.

While flying, he looked around, and sure enough, the blobs of light blue flames on the ground came from all directions and were thrown towards the beam of light.

This beam of light doesn't look very big from a distance, but the closer you get to it, the more it feels like it fills the entire field of vision, and there is nothing else.

"Hey, there's someone over there!"

Suddenly, Xu Wen pointed forward, and the three of them quickly looked, and suddenly found that there were also four people over there.

Taking a closer look, it was Lin Zhongchen and the four people led by Nahuixian.

They were found here, and naturally the four of them were also seen there.

Both sides were taken aback for a moment, and then stopped far away at a safe shouting distance.

Wang Qi took a closer look, and saw that the four people were faintly headed by Nahuixian, and Lin Zhongchen, Cang Shi, and Mrs. Rose were standing not far behind him.Each of the four held a ball of light in their hands, and they could faintly see a light blue flame contained in it.

 The construction site I stayed in during the past few days on May 51st did not rest. Several female colleagues in the office asked for leave and went home to bring their babies. It will be sent out at zero o'clock, and when it is finished writing on the day, it will be sent out.After [-], I will ask for a few days off, and I will try to write more manuscripts...

(End of this chapter)

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