Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 301 Shi Xiaozhu's Spring?

Chapter 301 Shi Xiaozhu's Spring?

What Wang Qi didn't know was that many people had seen his act of using the Qiankun gourd to take out several monster corpses.

Of course, he didn't care.

Storage props are very rare treasures in the civilization of Reya, so a young man who seems to be quiet and quiet suddenly takes out such a thing in this place where fish and dragons are mixed, naturally many people will be moved.

It's just that the trading market is hidden behind, so those who are tempted quietly wait for Wang Qi to sell his things, and then leave the market before quietly following up and preparing to make a move.

Of course, even the guardian behind the market was moved by Wang Qi's gourd after receiving the report from his subordinates, but the people he sent fell behind the three vanguards.

Wang Qi didn't pay attention to it at first, but after walking a few steps out of the market, Void Butterfly faithfully saw the three sneaky guys behind him, as well as some people hanging far behind, all clearly. The reaction was given to Wang Qi.

"Oh, greedy guys."

Wang Qi chuckled, then turned around and turned into a secluded alley.Sure enough, the eyes of the three people behind them lit up, they quickly followed, and they entered the alley together.

As soon as they turned in, they were shocked.Because Wang Qi, who was being followed by them, was standing there quietly waiting with a smile on his face.

"Very well. Although I am a phishing law enforcement officer, there is no quicker way to get information than asking people directly. Thank you for your cooperation."

The three of them didn't realize what was going on at all, they were hit hard on the back of the head, and they all fell to the ground, unconscious.

Using the Lord of the Wind to condense three wind hammers, they stunned the three after appearing out of nowhere behind their heads, and got three prisoners without any effort at all.

After Wang Qi put the three of them away, he waited patiently for a few more minutes.

After knocking out the third wave of people and putting them into the gourd, finally no one came.

With a chuckle, he patted his gourd in satisfaction, and Wang Qi turned around and left.

Just after Wang Qi disappeared for a while, a gray shadow gradually peeled off from the side wall and gradually turned into a human shape.He looked at Wang Qi's leaving direction with cold sweat on his face, unable to speak for a long time.

Regardless of the captives in the gourd, Wang Qi quickly came to the central square, and then saw Xu Wen waiting there alone, and Wu Wangxian and Shi Xiaozhu were still there.

"Hi, how's the harvest?"

Wang Qi greeted Xu Wen.

"It's okay. I walked around and learned of many unique shops in this small town. It's a pity that I don't have the coins here, otherwise I can experience more."

Xu Wen answered with a relaxed face.

"It's easy to say, I've got a sum of money, and I'll share it with everyone later, so we can have a good experience."

Hearing Wang Qi's words, Xu Wen couldn't help but give Wang Qi a thumbs up, giving Wang Qi a thumbs up.

At this moment, Fifth Wangxian and Shi Xiaozhu walked over from a street together.Fifth Wangxian had a weird smile on his face, while Shi Xiaozhu seemed a little shy and annoyed.Because beside him, there was a little girl who looked timid.

The little girl didn't look very old, probably about the same age as Shi Xiaozhu, about fourteen or fifteen years old.She has short golden shoulder-length hair without too many decorations, only two beautiful braids tied around her ears with white ribbons.She was wearing a dress similar to a magic robe, and she looked a bit like the female students Liu Xiaoxia had seen before.It's just that her head was always lowered, and she was holding onto Shi Xiaozhu's sleeve so tightly that he couldn't shake it off.

"Hey, you two are on time."

Fifth Wangxian whistled and greeted Xu Wen and Wang Qi with a smile.

"Well. What's the situation?"

Xu Wen and Wang Qi looked curiously at the girl next to Shi Xiaozhu and asked their own questions.

"Haha, Xiaozhu just saved the beauty as a hero and earned himself a wife."

Fifth Wangxian burst out laughing immediately, attracting the attention of countless passers-by.

Shi Xiaozhu immediately stomped his foot angrily, signaling him not to talk nonsense, and then hurriedly explained.

It turned out that when Shi Xiaozhu was wandering around just now, for some reason, he walked into a back alley.Then, he ran into the most common plot in all novels, games, and film and television works. Two strong men who are very attractive at first glance forced a petite girl into a corner where no one was around. While speaking unbearable words, he wanted to touch the little girl.

When Shi Xiaozhu saw this situation, the complex expression of helplessness, anxiety, shame and anger on the little girl's face immediately made his blood rush to the sky, and he rushed up without saying a word, without drawing out his sword, and swished his two feet A very strong man kicked and flew to the side, mixed together, and put on a posture that made him angry, and he couldn't get up again.

The two strong men didn't even react, and they turned into a posture that made them both blush and shy. They were suddenly confused, annoyed, and trying to break free because they were rubbing against each other desperately. It is not enough for outsiders to feel some strange pleasure.

As soon as the little girl saw that the crisis was over, her emotions exploded, and she rushed forward, hugging Shi Xiaozhu tightly, so that he couldn't break free no matter what.

Shi Xiaozhu blushed feeling the little girl's warm embrace, and spoke nonsense for a long time to comfort the little girl, who was full of shame and anger.He originally wanted to take the opportunity to sneak away, but who knew that the girl seemed to have seen Shi Xiaozhu's purpose, and insisted on holding on to his sleeve tightly.

Shi Xiaozhu also felt uncomfortable, he couldn't just cut off his sleeve with a sword and tell this girl that he had broken sleeves, it was already hard to explain clearly those feet just now, if he misunderstood again now, wouldn't his reputation be ruined for a lifetime, so he had to let it go Let her pull her and follow her everywhere.

Along the way, Shi Xiaozhu told the girl repeatedly that he was just a coincidence and had no purpose, but the girl didn't say a word, even though Shi Xiaozhu's tongue was full of flowers, she didn't waver at all, which made him very helpless.In the end, the two of them met the Fifth Wangxian, and then returned here together.


Xu Wen and Wang Qi immediately laughed together with Fifth Wangxian, Shi Xiaozhu was ashamed and annoyed, but there was nothing good to do with the three of them.The little girl didn't speak after hearing what he said, but just lowered her head.

After laughing enough for a long time, Wang Qi stopped and looked at the little girl.

"Girl, you have also heard what Xiaozhu said. Can you tell us why you keep holding on to him? He just helped you. Do you have other things to say? It’s okay to come out and listen to us, it’s not a problem to keep catching him like this.”

Hearing this, the little girl raised her head to look at the four people staring at her, and quickly lowered her head again.


"My mother said that when I came to this small town, I would meet people who bullied me, and then someone would help me. The person who helped me would be my future husband..."

Speaking of the last word husband, she seemed to be extremely shy, her ears were a little red, one hand was still tightly grasping Shi Xiaozhu's sleeve, and the other hand covered half of her cheek.


Immediately the four of them sprayed out together.

"Zhang, Zhang, husband?"

Shi Xiaozhu stuttered a bit when he spoke.

"You, aren't you too casual? How can you find someone like this?"

He was also blushing, and wanted to find out quickly.

"Cough cough."

Fifth Wangxian coughed first, then looked at the little girl.

"Little girl, I don't know what to call you? You should at least tell us your name first."

He tried his best to show a kind smile, but Wang Qi and Xu Wen felt that this smile was a bit like the famous wolf grandma.

"My name is Vivian..."

"Hmm, great name!"

Fifth Wangxian clapped his hands, watching Wang Qi and Xu Wen feel awkward.

"Well, Vivian, tell me first, where is your mother? Why do you believe what your mother said? "

"This, mother is no longer here..."

Vivienne seemed even more embarrassed, and her words were a little awkward.

"Hey, let the old man explain..."

Suddenly, an old voice came from the side.

Several people hurriedly looked together, and saw a short old man with white beard and hair, eyebrows covering his eyes so that he couldn't even see his eyes, and a beard that stretched to his chest. He was wearing a white robe, leaning on a wooden wand, standing In front of several people.

"Everyone, this is not a place to talk, why don't we sit in the tavern over there?"

The old man stretched out his hand and pointed to the side. There was a tavern with a signboard with a beer mug hanging there. It didn't look like there were too many people inside, and it was quite quiet.

"I don't know, are you?"

Wang Qi took the initiative to ask.

"I am Vivienne's guardian. It's just that I came a step late and just teleported over..."

"Grandpa Gustav..."

Seeing that Vivian really knew this miniature version of Gandalf, they looked at each other and nodded.

"It's just right, the few of us have nothing to do, so it's better to be respectful than to obey."

So the six of them moved to this tavern together, found a big table near the corner and sat down, Wang Qi volunteered to order some drinks for everyone.

Soon, the drinks were brought over. Wang Qi, Xu Wen, and Wu Wangxian were not polite. They were very greedy for this kind of drink that looked like beer, so they immediately drank it.

As soon as the wine was in the mouth, a fresh aroma lingered in his mouth, which made Wang Qi's eyes brighten, and he couldn't help but took a few more sips before putting it down.

"This wine is really good!"

The three of them praised one after another, and after exchanging a few words with each other, they looked at the old man with white beard.

"Now you can always tell me what's going on."

"Well. Actually, it's like this. Vivienne's mother is the most famous prophet in Reya, Ms. Xingyao Saint Twilight."

After Gustav also took a sip of the wine, he continued.

"Ms. Twilight has a small problem, that is, she likes to predict everything. From the world situation to the lunch at noon, she likes to use prophecy to answer, and then make arrangements in advance."

"As a result, on this day, for some reason, she had a sudden whim and wanted to prophesy her future husband to her precious daughter Vivienne."

"Unexpectedly, as soon as the prophecy came out, she and Vivian discovered that the time of the prophecy turned out to be today, in this gray forest town. If Vivian missed it, she would never find a partner again for the rest of her life."

"The impatient Ms. Twilight immediately activated the ultra-long-distance teleportation spell across several countries, and sent Vivienne directly, but she ran out of mana for a while, so she didn't follow in time."

"Then you know what happened next. Vivienne was saved by her future husband in distress, just as the prophecy said."

"This child has been used to listening to Ms. Twilight's words since she was a child, and she firmly believes in the results of her predictions, so this scene you saw happened."

"After Ms. Twilight sent Vivienne, she couldn't dare to come immediately, so she sent a letter to me, asking me to come and take care of one or two. So I came here."

"How, do you understand?"

Gustav took another sip of his wine, then looked at the four of them.

And Vivian looked up at Shi Xiaozhu's side face very shyly, then her little face blushed again, and she quickly lowered her head.

The four of them looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

After a while, Xu Wen spoke slowly.

"This, Mr. Gustav. We would like to ask, this Lady Twilight, is her prediction really accurate?"

"Hehe, young man, I don't know where you come from. But in this world, everyone, all living beings, know one thing."

"Ms. Twilight, from the day she became a prophet, every prophecy she has made has come true, and none of them are wrong."

"She is the greatest and most powerful prophecy master in this world."

Gustav's tone was flat, but there was a hint of undoubted feeling in what he said.

"Is that so..."

The four of them looked at each other and suddenly felt a little difficult.

Everyone agreed to come out to play together, but just after two steps out, a companion said that they were going back to their hometown to get married?
"Well, Xiao Zhu, what do you think, we respect your opinion."

"I... I... I'm underage! Can't get married!"

Shi Xiaozhu held back for a long time, and came out with this sentence.

"Age is not a problem. You two look about the same. You can cultivate your relationship for two years. It won't be too late to get married by then."

Gustav didn't care what Shi Xiaozhu said, and lightly dismissed his reasons.

The three of them looked at Shi Xiaozhu together, to see if he could give another reason.Even Vivian looked up at him.

"I... I don't know anymore! But I don't want to get married yet!"

Shi Xiaozhu wailed.

Suddenly, Vivienne seemed to have received a huge blow, and her face turned pale.She let go of the hand that was holding Shi Xiaozhu's cuff all the time, stood up abruptly, and ran out of the tavern suddenly.While running, everyone could see that from the corner of her eyes, there were crystal tears slipping down quietly.

"Tsk, don't be a scumbag! Hurry up and chase him back!"

Fifth Wangxian slapped Shi Xiaozhu's head with a slap, and immediately woke him up.

"But, I really don't want to marry her. This prophecy is too ridiculous! We are not from here!"

Shi Xiaozhu didn't move, he was still talking hard.

"Then chase it back first!"

Kicking Shi Xiaozhu up, he reluctantly chased him out.

 Instead of writing a testimonial separately, just write it here.

  It's finally the 100th chapter, and it's almost [-] million words.

  This is the first book I have signed to put on the shelves, and I have written such a long book.The previous few books were inexplicably blocked, so let’s not mention it.

  I would like to thank all my friends and bosses who supported me all the way and encouraged me to come here. It is your encouragement that keeps me from giving up and getting to where I am today.

  And every reader who is willing to subscribe to my book, it is you who give me the motivation to write down.Especially Mr. Tingfeng, thank you very much!

  Next, my plan is to write a part of the story in the spirit world, then return to reality to write a part, and finally write a part at the end.

  I can't say how many words to write in the end. I write a book because there is always no detailed outline, and the outline is too empty.

  But at least there is still a general framework, and many things are already expected, such as some things about the spiritual world that are being written now, even as early as the beginning of this book.

  I hope that I can continue to have more whimsical ideas in the future, and I can perfectly fill in every hole and write this book to a normal end.

  Give yourself a pep talk, come on!

(End of this chapter)

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